
发布时间:2017-05-11 15:26



There is a naughty boy in a village. He likes telling lies. One day he wants to make fun of the farmers. So he shouts, “Wolf! Wolf! Wolf is coming!” The kind farmers are working in the field. They hear the shout, and hurry to help the boy. But when get there, the boy says: “There isn’t a wolf. I’m joking. The farers are angry and go back to their field. After a while the biy shouts again, “Wolf! Wolf! Wolf is coming!” And the farmers come and are cheated again. The boy laughs and laughs. They say, “You tell lies. We will not believe you.”

Later a wolf really comes. The boy is very scared. “Wolf! Wolf! Wolf is coming!” the boy shouts and shouts. “Help! Help!” But no one comes. And wolf eats the naughty boy.


村子里有个淘气的小男孩,他喜欢撒谎。一天,他想捉弄村名,就大喊:“狼来了!狼来了!” 善良的村民们正在地里干活,听到喊声,赶快去救他。俄式他们到了那里,男孩说:“没有狼。我跟你们开完先的。”村民很生气,回到田里。不一会,那孩子大喊:狼来了!狼来了!”村民来了,却再次被欺骗。男孩开心地大笑,村民们说:“你说谎。我们再也不会相信你了。”

后来狼真的来了。男孩十分害怕。 “狼来了!狼来了!”他大声呼喊,“救命啊!救命!”但是没人来。结果这个淘气的男孩被狼吃了。



In the past, there is a baby sheep, sheep every day, go to the mountains.

One day, he felt very bored, wanted to make fun of you had a fun idea. He is farming toward the foot of the mountain farmers shout: "Wolf! Wolf! Help ah!" The farmer who heard the cry quickly ran up the hill holding a hoe and sickle, they ran shouting: "Do not be afraid, children, we'll help you fight the wolf! "

Farmers rushed breathlessly to see the mountains, not even the shadow of the wolf! Sheep baby laughed: "Interesting, you fools!" Farmers angrily away.

The next day, sheep baby old tricks, good farmers and rushed to help him fight wolves, they still did not see the shadow of the wolf.

Sheep doll smile bending beneath: "Ha ha! You also fooled! Ha ha!"

Again and again and talk to the sheep doll lying very angry, never again to believe him any more.

A few days later, the wolf really came, suddenly broke into a sheep. Sheep doll very frightened, Pinmingdexiang farmers shout: "Wolf! Wolf! Quick help! The wolf really came!"

Farmer who heard his cries, that he was lying, we do not sell it to him, no one to help him, the result of many sheep, baby sheep are killed by wolves.











The wolf is coming 狼来了

Long long ago ,there was a child in the forest .His name is Dongdong, Dongdong had many sheep .He looked after them everyday.

One day , Dongdong sad :“It’s boring……OK !I have a good idea .”

He climbed up to the hill.

“Help ! Help ! The wolf is coming.”!

The farmers heard him: “Oh, dear ! The wolf is coming! Let’s go and help him.”

They ran to Dongdong .

“Dongdong ! Dongdong !where is the wolf?”

“Ha Ha Ha There is no wolf at all!”

There is no wolf at all

“ How can you tell such a lie !”

They were very angry.

The next day .He called again

“Help! Help! The wolf is coming.”!

The farmers were very angry.

“We will never believe you!”

“Wawu wawu”

Suddenly a big wolf jumped out .

Help ! Help !

But nobody answered.


You are a bad boy! Nobody will help you !Ha !Ha !Ha !”

“But Mr wolf, we should be good friends.”

“Good friends? You and I ?way?”

“Bad guys should make friends with bad guys .Then we can protect ourselves .”

The wolf thought for a while.

“Maybe……you are right.”

The wolf turned back .“Wawu wawu!”

Dong dong picked up a stick and hit the wolf .

The wolf passed out .“You are a clever boy .Never lie again .or you can only make friend with wolves .remember!” It’s my fault .I apologize .Sorry!”


第二天,他又叫了一次。“狼来了,救命啊!”又一次,农民叔叔非常非常地生气。“我们永远也不会再相信你了!”狼叫了“啊呜 啊呜!”突然,一只大灰狼跳了出来。“啊!救命啊!救命啊!”但是没有答应。狼叫“啊呜 啊呜!”“你是一个坏孩子,没有人会来帮你的。哈哈哈!’“但是,狼先生,我们应该是好朋友啊!”“好朋友?你和我?为什么?”“坏家伙就应该和坏家伙交朋友嘛!这样我才可以保护自己啊!”

大灰狼想了一会。“恩,也许你说的对!”狼转过了身。狼叫“啊呜 啊呜!”

