
发布时间:2017-05-27 04:00






Study in Canada

Choose to study in Canada, and you’ll have the opportunity to encounter vastly different cultural and natural experiences – from the ski slopes of British Columbia to the prairie province of Manitoba, with cities such as Toronto, Montréal, Vancouver and Quebec famously friendly, tolerant and multicultural.

Occupying the northern half of the North American continent, Canada is known for its natural beauty – few nations in the world can boast anything close to its wealth of forests, lakes and mountains – and for its multicultural diversity. The country has official bilingual status, with English and French used concurrently in government and official documents.

It’s also known for its sparse population (despite being the world’s second-largest country, it has a population smaller than that of just one US state, California) and for its harsh winters. In some parts of Canada, snow covers the ground for almost half the year – but you’re unlikely to find any Canadian universities in those regions!




加拿大稀疏的人口(尽管加拿大是世界上第二大的国家,但是它的人口甚至少于美国的加利福尼亚州一个州的人口) 和严酷的寒冬是广为人知的。在加拿大的有些地区,几乎有半年的时间大雪都是覆盖着地面的——但是你几乎不可能在这些区域中找到任何加拿大的大学,所以也不要担心啦。

Top universities in Canada

Canada has a well-established position among the world’s leading study destinations. The most popular Canadian provinces for international students are Ontario, British Columbia and Quebec, which between them are home to many of the top universities in Canada.

For those looking to study at an elite university in one of the world’s most developed nations, applying to study in Canada can be an attractive option. A total of 26 universities in Canada feature in the QS World University Rankings® 2016-2017, of which three are in the world’s top 50, with 10 more making the world’s top 300 – a feat matched only by a handful of other nations.

The two highest Canadian entries are McGill University (30th) and the University of Toronto (32nd), located in Montréal and Toronto respectively, the two largest cities in Canada. Also ranked within the global top 200 are the University of British Columbia, the University of Alberta, Université de Montréal,McMaster University, the University of Waterloo, the University of Calgary and Western University.





Applying to universities in Canada

When you’ve chosen a shortlist of universities to apply to, the next stage is to get in touch with each university’s international office, which will guide you through the application procedure. You will need to apply directly to each institution, as there is no centralized application system.

The process for applying to universities in Canada is generally straightforward. Most Canadian higher education institutions require the completion of a high school diploma and, in some provinces, the completion of 40 hours of community service/volunteer work (this may not be expected of international students – check with the institution). International students may also be asked to provide proof of language proficiency, either in English or French.

For some university programs, and for almost all international students, you will be required to provide an essay, a statement of intent or personal statement of experience. Other documents required may include: letters of reference, examples of extracurricular involvement, evidence of community service, athletic participation, and details of awards and scholarships won.

In order to study in Canada, you will need to obtain a Canadian study permit, which serves as a Canadian student visa for the duration of your stay. You do not need a Canadian study permit if your course or program lasts six months or less. To find out more, read our guide to getting a Canadian student visa.



加拿大大学的申请过程一般来说是非常简单易懂的。大多数加拿大的高等教育机构需要申请者获得完整的高中文凭,在加拿大的某些省份,学生还需要完成40小时的社区服务/志愿者工作 (国际学生可能不受这一项规定的约束——具体情况你需要向你所申请的大学了解清楚)。国际学生还可能被要求提供语言熟练程度的证明,无论是英语的还是法语的。

对于一些大学课程来说,几乎所有的国际学生都将被要求提供一篇论文、目的声明或者个人经验的声明。其他所需的文件可能包括︰推荐信、 课外参与的例子、社区服务的证据、参与的体育活动,以及你所获得的奖项及奖学金的详情。


Higher education in Canada

Undergraduate degrees in Canada can take either three or four years to complete, depending on the university. Postgraduate degrees last between one and three years to complete, depending on the type of degree. Different types of higher education providers in Canada include: community colleges; technical, applied arts or applied science schools (which grant certificates, diplomas, associate’s degrees and bachelor’s degrees); or universities (which carry out research and provide both undergraduate and postgraduate degrees).

As universities in Canada are managed by provincial governments, you’ll find there will be slight differences in how education is carried out. Quebec in particular is markedly different to the rest of Canada, with different term times and length of study. For instance, students finish secondary school a year early and must take a mandatory pre-university ‘General and Vocational College’ (CEGEP) course, essentially eliminating the freshman year of university. Check with your chosen institutions for specific details.



