
发布时间:2017-03-18 10:32



Don't take it to heart. You'll do better next time. 别往心里去,下次你会做得更好的。

Take it easy. There must be some ways to compensate for it. 轻松一点,一定会有补偿的办法的。

Don't be so upset. Everything will be OK. 别这么发愁了,一切都会好起来的。

It's really hard for you. 真难为你了!

It won't happen again. 不会再发生了。

Just forget it. Be a man! 忘了它吧,象个男子汉!


He is a big wig. 他是一个大人物。

I can't believe I've lost the game! --- Be a good sport. 想不到那场比赛我输了。 ―― 有点风度吧! He is a hen-pecked husband. 他是个妻管严。

She is a wet blanket. 她使人扫兴。

He is a yes-man. 他是个和事佬。

怎样表示人的品质 Why did you bully him everyday? You've gone too far.

你为什么每天欺负他?你太过分了。 Why do you pick on your brother? 你为什么作弄你的弟弟?

He is all talk but no action. 他只有空谈没有行动。 He is very cheap. 他很小气。 He is generous.



He got a ticket yesterday.


You ran a red light.


You nearly ran into the bus.


It's rush hour now. Let's take a taxi.


There are traffic jams everywhere.



If I were you, I would not smoke.


What can you make a person happy, in your opinion?


What about reading loudly for half an hour everyday?


What do you think of Helen?


Would it be a good idea to tell him the truth?



I think I am going to die. --- Don't be silly.

我想我快要死了。- 别傻了。

Will you see me again? No, definitely not.


Wow! Your English is good. -No big deal.

哇!你的英语真好。- 没什么了不起的。

It's not as bad as it seems.


I'm against it.



Oh, no! Pork again? I'm fed up with it. Can't we have a decent meal?


Shopping again? Oh, I've had enough.


Why do you pinch your nose? I just can't stand the odor. It stinks.


Today is not my day. I lost my wallet.


What luck! We've run out of gas.

真倒霉! 汽油用光了。


Don't lose your heart. You are almost there.


Go for it. You are going to make it.


Come on. Just do it.


Trust yourself.


Well done, go on.



It's really hard for you to do so.


It's too bad you missed the chance.


If I were in your position, I would do the same thing.


I'm sorry to hear that.


I know your position.



You keep pushing me like that. I can't tolerate it any more.


What the hell do you want me to do? "the hell" 表示强调


How could you treat him that way?


Who do you think you are?


Don't put your nose into other's business.


It's none of your business.


What a foolish thing I've done!


How stupid I am.


Why hadn't I thought of it?


How could I miss it!


Why did I tell him these things ?



A new car? You are asking for the moon. I can't afford it.


You must be out of your mind.


Don't bite my head off.


The teacher got all over me for talking loudly in the class.


You shouldn't do this to me.



You seem to have ants in your pants.


I was on pins and needles.


I'm so nervous. It's my first time to speak before the public.


Take it easy. Take a deep breath.


I'm so nervous. I can hardly breathe.


I don't dare to go into the president's office. My legs are trembling.



Don't take it to heart. You'll do better next time.


Take it easy. There must be some ways to compensate for it.


Don't be so upset. Everything will be OK.


It's really hard for you.


It won't happen again.



Why don't you ask him? He's a computer expert. It's second nature to him.


It's beyond me.


I'm not cut out for this.


I have a good command of English.


I'm lost when it comes to using the computer.



My hands are full now. Sorry I can't help you.


Can you lend me money? No way.


She invited me, but I turned her down.


I can't do that.


You want me to help you cheat in the exam. It's impossible.



Lesson One

Greetings 打招呼

Good morning, Mrs. Brown.


Hi. 自然的表达方式

Hello. 自然的表达方式

Morning. Good morning的缩略形式

Good morning.早上好(中午12点以前)

Good afternoon. 下午好(1点到5点)

Good evening.晚上好(晚间6点至8点)

Good night.晚上相互道别的时候

What's up, buddy?哥们儿,怎么样?

collectivism 集体主义,中国式,比较大众话,“吃了吗?”“您哪儿去?”

individualism 个人主义,西方式,很少过问别人的privacy私事

Hey, what's up? 最近还好吗?并不期望一个很完整的答案

Hey, what's new?同上


Hi. 打招呼

Hey. 引起别人注意

How are you doing?您好吗?

How is everything going?一切顺利吗?


事情 +going,表示事情进行如何

How are your family doing?你的家人怎么样,家人要用复数are

How is your husband doing?你先生怎么样?

How is your study going?学习进展怎么样

How is your work going?工作顺利吗?

How do you do?非常正式的说法,在美国已经很少用了,非常正式或头一次见面时用

I am doing well, thank you. And you?我很好,谢谢。你呢?

Not bad, thanks.还可以,谢谢。

I’m doing well.我很好

I’m well.

I’m fine. 听不错的

Well, can’t be better.好的不能再好了

Well, it’s OK. 还可以吧

Well, not bad.同上

Oh, just soso.一般般了

Oh, not good.不好

Really bad.很糟糕

How is your husband?你先生好吗?

Allen was sick last week, but now he feels better.Allen上周病了,但现在他好多了。

A: Good morning, Mrs Brown. How are you doing?

B: I'm doing well. Thank you. And you?

A: I am fine too, thank you. How is your husband?

B: Allen was sick last week, but now he feels better. Allen上周生病了,但是现在好多了

Please give my regards to him.请代我问候他。

regared = treat v. 对待

Don’t treat / regard yourself as a kid.别把我当成小孩子

We regard him as our boss.

regard n.敬意

I have regard for sb.对某人有敬意

We have regard for David.

BR= Best regards. email中很常用,信末尾出现

Please say hello to him. 请代我问候他

remember sb to sb

Please remember me to him. 代我问候他

Jenny, I haven’t seen you in ages. You look great today! Jenny,好久不见。你今天看起来好极了!

Thanks, John. It’s really been a long time. 谢谢,John。确实好久没见了。

John: Jenny, I haven’t seen you in ages. You look

great today!

Jenny: ThanksJohn.It’s really been a long time. How

is everything going?

John: Well, not bad, thanks.

Jenny: What’s going on with your study?

John: I’m working very hard on my English now.

Jenny, I haven’t seen you in ages. You look great today! Jenny,好久不见。你今天看起来好极了!

Thanks, John. It’s really been a long time. 谢谢,John。确实好久没见了。

You look great today.西方语言的优良传统,见面先夸奖对方以帮助对方树立confident信心

You look pretty today.你今天看起来很漂亮

I haven’t seen you for / in ages.好久没见了

Well, it’s (really) been long.是啊,确实是好久了

Long time no see.中式的英文,已经被西方采用

What’s going on with your study? 学习进展如何?

What’s going on with this project?这个项目进展如何?

I am working hard on my English now. 我正努力学英文呢。

I am working hard on my homework. 我正在努力地干家务活

I worked hard on my paper and I got A.我正在努力地写论文并且我得了a级

Well, I am working on it / my Enlgish.我正在努力的学呢

work on sb = try to persuade sb 想要劝服某人

Will you help me to work on him? 你可以帮我劝劝他吗?

He wants to go aborad. 他想出国

But we really don’t want him to go 但是我们真的不想让他去.

Let’s drop it. 不要劝了

Stop working on me.你别在我身上费工夫了

Not much. How about you? 没什么。你呢?

What’s up?

What’s new?

Well, nothing up.没什么事儿

Not much.没什么

Lesson Two

What is your name? 怎么称呼您

What is your name? 怎么称呼你?

My name is Claire.自我介绍,我叫claire。

May I have your name, Miss? 小姐,告诉我您的名字好吗?

Hi, may I have your name, please? 很礼貌的搭讪方式,你好,请问我可以知道你的名字吗?

Could you please tell me your name? 同上

Will it be convenient for you if I have your name?很委婉的方式,告诉我你的名字方便吗?

What's your name?正常的问

Your name?体现严肃性

We must have met before. 我们一定见过面吧,不管怎么地先混个脸熟

Is it your name Claire? 你是叫claire吗?

No, my name is Sarah. 不,我叫sarah,(你看看,知道叫什么了吧)

Hi, Sarah, nice to meet you.你好sarah,很高兴认识你

It is my family name. In China, we put our surname first. 是我的姓。中国人先说姓再说名。

姓 surname last name(因为英文的姓是放在最后的) family name

名 first name given name 中名middle name

Her name is Susan N. Armstrong. N is the abbreviation of her middle name.

她叫Susan N. Armstrong。“N”是她中间名字的缩写。

Abbreviation 缩略 Abbreviate 缩写、删节

abbreviate sth. = make sth. shorter

Middlen name can be abbreviated中间的名字是可以缩写的.

This story is abbreciated.这个故事被删节了

Are you from the PRC?你是从中国来吗

PRC = People’s Republic of China中华人民共和国

UN is the abbreviation of the United Nations.UN是联合国的缩写

USA美国 UK英国

Is Li your first name? “李”是你的名吗?

My name is Claire Li.

Clare is my first name and Li is my last name.clare是我的名,li是我的姓

My name is Alexander Smith. Just call me Alex. 我叫Alexander Smith。叫我Alex就可以了。

Just call my Enlgish name.叫我的英文名字好了

Just call me Claire.叫我claire好了

How do you spell your first name? 您的名字怎么拼?


Will you spell your name?当你不知道对方名字怎么写的时候:你可以拼写你的名字吗?

My first name is spelled G-A-R-Y. 我的名字的拼写是“G-A-R-Y”。

My name is spelled C-L-A-I-R-E.

Will you spell your surname?

My surname is spelled R-I-C-E.

How do you pronounce your last name? 怎么读您的姓儿?

pronounce 发音 pronunciation 读音

It is pronounced “/g1ri/”. 读作“/g1ri/”。

My last name is Rice.

My last name is pronounced Rice.

You must be Mr. John Kennedy. Your name precedes you. 您一定就是John Kennedy先生。久闻大名。

Your name precedes you. 久闻大名。

He preceded me to the rail way station. 他比我先到火车站。

Party was preceded by a speech. 酒会前先有一个演讲。

In the preceding classes, we have learned ... 在前几节课我们学习了……

Lesson Three

Introduction 介绍一下

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Danny’s birthday party.先生们女士们,晚上好。欢迎参加Danny的生日晚会。

You are welcome to ... = Welcome to ...

Welcome home. 欢迎回家

Welcome aboard. 欢迎加入到我们的队伍

Welcome to the New Oriental School. 欢迎来到新东方学校

We welcome your suggestions. 我们欢迎你们提意见

It’s a welcome ceremony. 这是一个欢迎的仪式

Nice having you here. 真高兴您能来。

Good morning.

Good evening.


Nice meeting you.

It is nice to see you here.

It is happy to see you here.

It is pleased to meet you here.

Nice to meet you.

Hope you have a good time! 希望您过得愉快。

Hope you have fun.希望你过得愉快

Tony, I want you to meet an old friend of mine. Here is David Roy. David, Tony Park.

Tony,我想让你见见我的老朋友。这位是David Roy。David,这位是Tony Park。

Tom, come here. I want you to meet an old friend of mine, Clare. tom过来,我想让你认识我的老朋友clare。介绍的时候,一般是先介绍女性或年长的人。

Mrs. Anderson, please allow me to introduce Mr. Smith, our manager.


introduce sb. to sb.

I want to introduce Alice to you. 我想把alice介绍给你

introduce sth. 引进某物

We would introduce the advanced techonology from aboard. 我们应该引进国外的先进技术


Mr. Anderson, please allow me to introduce Mr. White. Anderson先生,请允许我介绍white先生给你。常用在正式的场合。

The pleasure is mine, Mr. Smith. 我很荣幸,Smith太太。

Nice to talk to you.

Nice to meet you.

The pleasure is mine.

Let me introduce myself. I am Susan McDonald. 让我自我介绍一下。我叫Susan McDonald。

Well, let me make a self-introduction. 让我做个自我介绍吧

I'd like to make a self-introduction. 我想做个自我介绍

Excuse me, but have we met somewhere before? 打扰一下,我们以前见过面吗?

Have we met somewhere before? 我们以前见过面吧

Excuse me, are you reading the book ...? 打扰一下,你是在读…书吗?

Excuse me, what time is it?

Excuse me, is this seat taken? 这个位置有人坐吗?

Sorry, I don’t think we have. 不好意思,我想没有。

Might be. 可能吧

Sorry, I don’t think I know you. 对不起,我想我没见过你

Sorry, I don’t think we met before. 同上

Hi, it’s you again! Is this a coincidence or what? 嗨,又是你!真巧。

Hi, it’s you! 是你啊

Hi, is that you? 是你吗?

Hi, you are Susan.

I haven’t seen you in ages. What a small world! 我们好久不见了,世界真小啊!

What a coincidence! 多巧啊

You are Susan! What a pleasant surprise! 你是Susan!真巧啊!

How is your husband? 你丈夫怎么样?

How are your family? 你家里人还好吗?

I am afraid I have to leave now. 恐怕我现在得走了。

I am afraid I have to go now. 恐怕我现在得走了


Bye-bye. Good-bye. See you. See you later. See you tomorrow. So long. 以后再见 Until then. 不见不散

Take care. 保重

I hope to see you again. 希望以后能见到你

Let’s keep in touch. 保持联系

Call me. 打电话给我

Do you have my number? 有我的电话号码吗?

Good luck. 好运

Have a nice day. 祝你今天愉快

Have a nice dinner. 祝你吃得高兴

Please give my regards to sb. 请给我带个好

Lesson Four

Identifying Objects 这是什么

What is this? 这是什么?

What 什么

Whose 谁的

Where 哪里

What's that? 那是什么

What are these? 这些是什么

What are those? 那些是什么

It’s a cocktail. 这是鸡尾酒。

It’s a notebook computer. 这是个笔记本电脑

It's a laptop computer. 笔记本电脑的又一个名称

desktop computer 台式机

It’ s a mixed alcoholic drink. 就是一种混合而成的酒。

What’s the notebook computer? 什么是笔记本呢?进一步详细描述…

Note book is a kind of computer. 笔记本是电脑的一种。泛泛的解答

Squirrel is an animal. 松鼠是一种动物

Swallow is a bird. 燕子是一种鸟

What’s mango? 芒果是什么

Mango is a kind of fruit. 芒果是一种水果

What’s coke? 可乐是什么

It’s a kind of drink. 是一种饮料

It's a kind of soda. 是一种苏打水

What's cocktail? 什么是鸡尾酒

It's a mixed of alcoholic drink. 它是一种混合而成的酒精饮料

Pardon? 什么?

I’m a programmer. 我是程序员


I beg your pardon. 如果没听清别人的话,常用pardon请对方解释。注意不要重复多次。

I work with computer and I made computer programs. 我用电脑工作来做程序

And people call me programmer. 所以人们叫我程序员

What did you buy yesterday? 你昨天买了什么 Well, I bought an cardigan. 我买了cardigan

Pardon? Cardigan? 什么?cardigan

Well, it’s a kind of sweater that opens at the front. 它是毛衫的一种,前面是开的。就是开衫

What is it? It’s a CD. What is the CD?

It is a kind of Cassette Disc that can store a lot of data information. 它是一种能存储很多数据信息的卡代碟机

Oh, this is a storing device. Something like that. 应该是吧

What is Jiaozi? 饺子是什么

It’s a kind of food eaten by Chinese people during the Spring Festival. 是一种中国人在春节的时候吃的食物

It's a kind of pastry. 是一种面点

It's a kind of staple food. 是一种主食

Whose notebook is that? 那是谁的笔记本?

Whose notebook is it? 这是谁的笔记本

It is not mine. It may belong to Jessie. 不是我的。可能是Jessie的吧。

Sorry, I don’t know. 对不起,我不知道

It’s not mine. 不是我的。Mine名词性物主代词,相当于my notebook.

Yours 你(们)的 his 他的 hers 她的 theirs 他们的

Whose overcoat is it? It’s mine. It's ours. It's his.

Whose DV is this?

It belongs to me.它是属于我的 belongings 财产

All these fixed assets belong to a HongKong investor. 所有的这些房子都是香港的投资商的

His music belongs to the pop music. 他的音乐属于流行音乐范围

It’s my belonging. 这是我的东西

Up to now nobody has claimed the suitcase.到现在还没人认领这个行李箱。

Up to now 到现在为止

claim sth = say sth. 声称

I won’t claim credit for it. 功劳不在我,credit 名声

claim that 声称…

He claimed that he is a headmaster. 他声称自己是个校长

He claimed that he is a reporter. 记者

He claimes that the wallet belongs to him. 他说这个钱包是他的

The big fire claimed many lives. 大火吞噬了很多人的生命

Will you claim the watch? 你想认领这块表吗?

Where is your umbrella? 你的雨伞在哪儿?

Where is it? 它在哪?

Where is he?

Where is your raincoat? 你的雨衣在哪

Where are your rainboots? 你的雨鞋在哪

It’s behind the door. 在门后。

It’s behind the cabinet. 在柜子后面

He always hides behind his father. 他总是藏在他爸爸的后面

in front of sb. / sth. 在前面

Where is the basketball? 篮球在哪呢 It’s in front of the box.在盒子前面

It’s on the left hand of ... 在..左边 It's on the right hand of ....在…右边

It’s above. 在上边 It’s over. 上边(在头顶) It’s on my head.

It’s beneath. 在下边 It’s below. 在下边

The boat is bellow the bridge. 船在桥下边

I looked for my wallet everywhere but I couldn’t find it. 我到处找我的钱包,但找不到它。

Sorry, I couldn’t find it. 对不起,我找不到

look for 寻找 find 找到 discover 发现

I looked for my wallet but I couldn’t find it. 我已经寻找过我的钱包,但是我找不到

You must have left it in your office. 你一定是把它落在办公室了。

I left my umbrella in the taxi. 我把我的伞忘在出租车上了

I left my suitcase in the office. 把手提箱忘在办公室了

Ok, I’ll leave it. 我会留下它

I’ll leave it with you. 那就麻烦您了

You must have done sth. 你一定….,表示对过去事情的推测,肯定

Are you lying? You must have hit the bars. 你是不是在撒谎,你一定是去酒吧了

Please look for it in the hotel lost-and-found office. 请到酒店失物招领处找找。

My camera is gone. 我的照相机找不到了

Is it possible you put it on your bed? 是不是把它放在床上了

No, I looked for it everywhere, but I couldn't find it. 没有啊,我找了所有的地方,但是我找不到

Ok, let’s go check at the lost-and-found office. 好吧,我们去失物招领处

Do you remember where you misplaced it? 你还记得不小心放哪儿了吗?

Misplace 错放

Can you describe your blouse? 能描述一下你的衬衣吗?

Can you describe your camera?

Lesson Five

Describing Objects 描述物体

What color is your phone book? 你的电话簿是什么颜色的?

red 红色 orange 橙色 yellow 黄色 green 绿色 blue 蓝色

purple 紫色 pink 粉色 grey 灰色 black 黑色 white 白色 sand 土黄色

what color is it? 它是什么颜色的?

The book has a red cover. 这本书的书皮是红色的。

My book has a red cover. 我的书皮是红色的

covern. 皮 book cover 书皮 cover girl 封面女郎

This is the cover story. 这就是头条新闻

coverv. 覆盖

In the morning we covered 10000 meters. 我们一上午走了1万米

I’ll cover it. 我来付帐

take cover 以…为掩护

You can’t take cover under a tree when it’s storming. 在暴风雨中你不能在树下躲避

What kind of computer do you have? 你的电脑是什么样的?

What brand is your car? 你的车是什么牌子的?

It's a BMW. 宝马

I bought a Toyota. 我买了一辆丰田

What kind is it? 哪个型号的

What’s the model? 哪个型号的

What size automobile do you want? 您想要多大的汽车?

What size car is it? 这个车是多大的?

I want a small one. 我想要个小的

What table shape do you take? 您想要什么样的桌子?

angle三角形 round圆形 square 正方形 rectangular 长方形 oval 椭圆形

What shape do you want? 你要哪个形状的?

What material shirt do you take? 你想要什么质地的衬衣?

What material shirt do you wear?

It’s cotton. 棉的

What style do you want? 你买什么风格的?

How much does your laptop weigh? 你的手提电脑有多重?

How much is it? = What is the price of it? 多少钱?

How big is this apartment? 这套公寓有多大?

It’s about 120 square meters.有120平米。

How big is the living-room? 客厅有多大?

How big is the apartment?公寓有多大

Well, it’s about 60 square meters. 大约60平吧

How big is it? = What’s the coverage (of this apartment)? 面积多大?

What is the width of the bookcase? 这个书架有多宽?

wardrobe 衣柜

How wide is it? = What’s the width of it? 多宽?

How long is it? = What's the length of it? 多长?

How high is it? = What's the height of it? 多高?

What’s the lengh of the Great Wall?

The cabinet is four meters long. 这个柜子有四米长。

The wardrobe is 2 meters long.

I’d like a small one, but my husband prefers a big one.我想要部小车,但我先生喜欢大车。

prefer A to B 相比B更喜欢A

I prefer kiwifruit to the apples. 相比苹果来说我更喜欢猕猴桃

prefer to do A rather than do B

I prefer to walk rather than take a bus. 相比坐公共汽车我更喜欢走

Will you measure this door? 量量这扇门好吗?

Measure v. 测量

Noboday can measure the depth of this lake. 没人能测出这个湖有多深

Can you measure the importance of the return of HongKong to the embrace of the motherland? 你能够估量出香港回归的重要性吗?

You can’t measure a student by his score. 你不能仅仅通过成绩来判断好坏

Will you measure this door? 量量这扇门好吗?

measure tape 卷尺

measure n.

take the measure of sb. 摸请某人的老底

reticent 沉默寡言的

measurement n. 度量衡

the metric system of measurement 公制度量法

measurable adj. 可衡量的

epidemic disease流行性疾病

We find the loss is measurable. 我们发现损失可以估量

half measure 折中

What’s the half measure? 有什么折中办法吗?

Lesson Six

Identifying People 你是谁

Who are you?你是谁?

Who 谁

What 什么

Whose 谁的

Where 哪里

How 怎么

Who’s who. 美国的年度名人

I am Sally, a new secretary with your firm. 我是你公司的新秘书Sally。

My name is Claire. I am Claire.

I’m a friend of your son. 我是你儿子的朋友

I’m a classmate of your daughter. 我是你女儿的同学

I am a new secretary. 我是这里新来的秘书

Who are you? 强调这个人本身

What are you? 强调社会地位

Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁啊

What do you think you are? 你把自己当成什么了?

general secretary 总书记

Secretary of State 国务卿

Secretary of Department of National Defence 国防部长

Secretary General 联合国秘书长

You are the English teacher, aren’t you? 您是英语老师,对吗?

You are the boss, aren’t you?

Are you Mr. Green, the office manager? 你是办公室主任Green先生吗?

secretary 秘书 office manager 办公室主任

director 主管 the president 总裁

CEO = Chief Executive Officer 首席执行官

chairman of the board 董事会主席

the staff 员工 accountant 会计 teller 出纳 salesman 销售员

the market researchers 市场研究员

Are you the partner of this firm? 你是这个公司的合伙人吗?

He might be spokesman of today’s press conference. 他可能是今天新闻发布会的发言人。

He might be the spokesman of the Foreign Ministry. 他可能是外交部的发言人

host 主持人

hostess 女主持人

announcer 播音员

broadcaster 播音员

anchormanss 大腕播音员

MC = Master of Ceremonies司仪

Where do you come from? 你是哪儿的人?

Hometown 家乡

I am from Shanghai. How about you? 我是上海人,你呢?

I am from South Korea. 我来自韩国

I am from France. 法国

I am from Canada. 加拿大

Our new English teacher comes from Great Britain. 我们的新英语老师来自英国

Toronto is Michelle’s home town. 多伦多是Michelle的故乡。

Hebei province is my hometown. 我的家乡是河北省

What do you do for a living? 您干什么工作?

What are you? 你是干什么的

What do you do (for a living)? 你在哪谋生?

What’s your job? 你的工作是什么

Wha't your occupation? 你的工作是什么

I work for the government. 我为政府工作。

I’m a teacher with the goverment. 我是政府的老师

I work for a foreign enterprise. 我在外企工作

I’m working in a state owned enterprise. 我在国企工作

Who cares?管它呢。

gossip 闲谈

care 在乎 I care for you. 我在乎你

care for sth. 喜欢 Would you care for a cup of tea? 要不要喝杯茶呢?

I don’t care for tea. 我不喜欢喝茶。

I don’t care. 我不在乎。

care about = worry about 担心

I care about my father’s health. 我很担心父亲的健康

Careless 粗心 careful 小心carefree 无忧无虑

Lesson Seven

Appearance 外貌

What does Cindy look like? Cindy长得什么样儿?


look v. 看n. 长相、样子

What does she look like? 她长得什么样子?

She has big blue eyes and blonde hair. 她长着蓝蓝的大眼睛、头发黄黄的。

The eyes are the window to your heart. 眼睛是心灵的窗口

blonde 金发碧眼的

black 黑色 dark 深色 hazel 褐色的

emerald eyes 淡绿色眼睛,最吸引人的眼睛。

liquid eyes 水汪汪的眼睛

expressive eyes 会说话的眼睛

She has big blue eyes and blonde hair. 她长着蓝蓝的大眼睛、头发黄黄的。

black hair 黑色的头发 light yellow hair 淡黄色头发

fair hair 淡黄色头发 golden hair 金色头发

brunette hair 栗红色头发 grey hair 灰白头发

long hair 长发 short hair 短发

pony tail 马尾辫

Claire wears a pony tail. Claire梳着马尾辫

straight hair 直发 curly hair 卷发 wavy hair 波浪发

She has big blue eyes and blonde hair. 她长着蓝蓝的大眼睛、头发黄黄的。

high bridged nose 高鼻梁的鼻子

flat nose 扁鼻子 snub nose 蒜头鼻

sexual mouth 性感的嘴 sexy mouth lips 嘴唇

forehead 前额 cheek 面颊 cheekbone 颧骨

high cheekbones 高颧骨 jaw 下巴

What sort of build is Philip?


build sth. v. 建设某物

We built a shelter in two days. 我们两天之内就建立了小棚子

built up one’s business 建立事业

He built up his business from nothing. 他白手起家

building 建筑

high-rise building 高层建筑

build-shape- figure 身材

What sort of build is he? 他身材如何

He is a big guy. 他是个大块头。

Will is tall and quite lanky. Will高高瘦瘦的。

He is tall and lanky. 他高高瘦瘦的

He is stout. 他是个矮胖子

He is chubby. 他是个小胖墩

She has small build. 她身材很小巧

She is slim. 她很苗条

crooked nose 鹰勾皮子, big eyes, thick eyebrows 浓眉毛

She takes after her mother. 她长得像她妈妈。

take after 继承

I take after my mother. 我长得象我妈妈

Roy looks exactly like his father. Roy长得很像她父亲。

He looks exactly like ... 他十分像…

They could be twins. 他们就是双胞胎啊

look-alike contest 模仿秀

He has his father's blue eyes and his mother's round face. 他蓝蓝的眼睛随父亲,圆圆的脸庞随母亲。

He has Andy Liu’s crooked nose. 他长着刘德华的鹰勾鼻

He has his build. 他长着他的身材

You have your mother’s eyes. 你的眼睛真像你妈妈

Tracy is a typical Brooks with her high cheekbones. Tracy颧骨高高的,一看就是Brook家的人。

ears 耳朵 mouth 嘴 nose 鼻子 eyes 眼睛eyebrows 眉毛

cheek 面颊 forehead前额 jaw 下巴 lips 嘴唇

From her appearance, I would guess she is Asian. 从外表看,我猜她是亚洲人。

She is European. 她是欧洲人

She is African. 她是非洲人

From her appearance, I would guess she is Japanese. 从她外表看,我猜她是日本人

From her appearance, I would guess she is Italian. 意大利人

Asian American 亚裔美国人

Chinese American 美籍华人

ABC = American Born Chinese 美籍华人

She is African American. 非洲裔美国人

She is Asian American.

She is Hispanic American. 西班牙裔美国人

Ray is popular with parents because he is very polite. Ray彬彬有礼,家长们都很喜欢。

Our teacher is popular with us. 我们的老师很受我们欢迎

Jay Zhou is popular with youngster. 周杰伦很受年轻人欢迎

graceful 优雅的

Tom is a quiet man but his wife is extremely talkative. Tom话不多,但他太太嘴特别碎。

She can talk your ears off. 她太能说了(受不了)

She can talk my ears off.

shy 害羞 cheerful 开朗 easy-going 随和 stubborn 死心眼

optimistic 乐观 pessimistic 悲观 sensitive 多愁善感

conservative 保守 liberal 开明 open minded 开明

My brother has a good personality. 我哥哥性格很好。

How do you like him? 他怎么样?

He has a good personality. 他性格很好

He has a strong personality. 他太有性格

You have no personality. 你没个性

Jim always wears a brown overcoat these days. 这些天Jim总是穿一件棕色的大衣。

I wear a blouse today. 我今天穿了一个衬衫

I wear a necklace today. 我戴了一条项链

I wear a watch today. 我戴了块表

I wear a pony tail. 我梳着马尾辫

He wears a beard. 他留着胡子

Claire is wearing a smile. Claire在笑呢

Never judge a person by his looks. 千万不要以貌取人。

Beauty is but skin-deep. 美丽只是一张皮。

Lesson Eight

Age 年龄

Can I ask how old you are? 我能问问您多大了吗?

How old are you? 你多大了

Can I ask how old you are? 我能问你多大了吗?

May I ask how old you are? 我可以问你多大了吗?委婉的方式

May I have your age? 我可以知道你的年龄吗?

May I have your name? 我可以知道你的名字吗?

Would you mind telling me your age? 你介意告诉我你的年龄吗?更加委婉的方式

What’s your age? 年龄,有询问的意思

What age are you? 你多大了,很生硬

I just turned twenty-three. 我刚满二十三。

I’m over 20. 我20岁出头

I just turned twenty-one. 我刚满21岁,turn转变

turn green 便绿

I was thirty on my last birthday. 我三十岁出头了。

I was twenty on my last birthday. 我20岁出头了

I’d say you are about twenty. 我说你快二十了。

I’d say = I would say 我说

about = around 大概

I’m about twenty. 我快20岁了

I’m not quite twenty. 我还不到20岁

I’m barely twenty. 我差一点20岁

My birthday won’t be until next week. 下个星期才是我生日

Twenty’s birthday is around the corner. 20岁的生日很快就会来临了

I’m twenty. 我20岁

I’m twenty years old. 我20 岁

Joanna is in her sixties, but she is ageing well.


Well, I’m in my twenties. 我20多岁了,虚一些的回答

My father is in his fifties. 我父亲50多岁

My mother is in her fifties. 我妈妈50多岁

My grandmother is in her eighties.

Guess how old I am. 你猜我多大了。

I’d say you are in your twenties. 你20多岁吧

I’d rather not tell you my age.我可不想谈我的年龄。

I’d rather do sth. 我更想做某事

I'd rather go for a walk. 我更想去散步

I'd rather be office clerk. 我更想成为办公室文员

I’d rather not do sth. 我不想做某事

I’d rather do A than do B = prefer A to B 和B想比我更想做A

I’d rather browse the Internet than watch TV. 我想上网而不想看电视

I’d do A rather than do B

You look younger than your age. 您看起来比实际年龄年轻。

We are living in the information age. 我们现在生活在信息时代

You’re more experienced than your age. 你比你的同龄人更有经验

That singer looks mature for his age. 那个歌星看上去比同龄人成熟。

You look young for your age. 对于你的年龄段来说你很年轻,绝对的赞美

You look mature for your age. 你更成熟,mature成熟

physical age 实际年龄

mental age 心理年龄

She is going to be eighteen, but she still acts like a kid. 她都快十八岁了,举止却像个孩子。

Hi, Dina, you should be your age. 你应该做你年龄段做的事

Hi, Dina, you should behave your age.

Hi, Dina, you should act your age.

You don’t look your age.

You look mature for your age.

You look younger than your age.

You should be your age.

I am two years older than she is. 我比她大两岁。

I’m two years older than you are. 我比你大两岁

I’ll no longer be his age. 我再也不可能象他那么大了

When I was your age, I used to be number one in the class. 我像你这么大的时候,经常在班里排第一名

We are of the same age. 我们是同龄人

We are of an age. 我们一样大

the aging problem 老龄化问题

My mother retired at the age of 55. 我妈妈五十五岁退休。

I entered school at the age of five. 我5岁的时候上的学

Grandfather is getting on in years. 爷爷一年比一年老了。

My grandfather is getting on in years. 我爷爷一年比一年老了

He is getting on in years. 他越来越老了

Joanna is in her sixties, but she is ageing well.


He is aging well. 他保养的很好

She is aging well.

The baby boomers are all grown-ups now. 婴儿潮出生的人们现在都成年了。

Generation 一代

baby boomer generation 婴儿潮年代(us)

generation X 60年代出生(us)

generation Y 75年之后出生(us)

I am too old to learn computer. 我岁数太大了,学不了电脑了。

Old dogs can not learn new tricks. 人岁数太大学不了新东西了

It’s never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老
