
发布时间:2017-06-17 09:45



Bo Le was a famous expert in the physiognomy of horses in ancient China. His book On the Physiognomy of Horses was a classic piece of work on that subject. Bo Le had a son who wanted to learn his father's special skill and knowledge. He read the book On the Physiognomy of Horses over and over again. Whenever he went out, he would carry the book with him, and as soon as he saw a horse, he would take out the book, and compare the horse with the drawings of various horses in the book one by one.


One day, he finally found a horse which looked similar to the drawing in the book. He led it home to his xiaogushi8.com father, but it turned out to be an inferior horse of fiery temperament, and not a good steed which could gallop 1, 000 li a day. Bo Le said to his son: "If you look for a steed with the aid of drawings, how can you find a really fine one?"



Tom was very proud of his dog Blackie. Whenever he got the chance, he would ask his dog to please his friends with some tricks.


One day Tom went to visit his friend Jack who was sick at home with a bad cold.“How are you feeling?” asked Tom.“Worse than xiaogushi8.com yesterday, answered Jack,“I have a terrible cough, and there is not a drop of medicine in the house.“Don't worry, Jack. I'll send Blackie to the drugstore for some medicine. He'll be back in a minute before you know it.”Tom put a five dollar note in Blackie's mouth and the dog ran down the street. “And keep the change,” Tom shouted after him.


“oh, Tom doesn't be silly. You know that dog won't be back with any medicine,” said Jack. “oh, yes he will.” answered Tom. Half an xiaogushi8.com hour later, however, Blackie had not returned. Tom was feeling worried and felt angry at his friend's little smile. dog's mouth.


“Something has happened to him, I’m sure,” said Tom. “”He obeyed me as a rule.”

Just then Jack saw Blackie at a distance. He hurried to open the door and let him in.

Jack was shocked to see a bottle of medicine in the dog’s mouth.


“Good boy,” said Tom, “But what took you so long?” Blackie ran to the window, barking and wagging his tail. Tom looked out of the door and saw a bone outside.



One day, Mr. Dongguo drove a donkey carrying a sack of books to the State of Zhongshan to seek an official post. Suddenly, a wounded wolf scurried to him and begged: "Sir, I am being pursued by a hunter. I was shot by an arrow and almost lost my life. I beg you to hide me in your sack, and I'll reward you well in the future."


Mr. Dongguo said: "By doing this I'll offend prominent officials, and face disaster. But I'll surely try to save you. This is something I ought to do." At this moment, the wolf curled up its limbs. Mr. Dongguo tied it up with rope, put it into his sack, and drove the donkey to the roadside to let the hunter pass by.


A moment later, the hunter came up and found the wolf missing. He asked Mr. Dongguo: "Have you seen a wolf? Where did it run off to?" Mr. Dongguo said: "I haven't seen any wolf. This road leads to many byroads. The wolf may have escaped from one of them."

不一会儿,猎人追了上来,发现狼不见了,就问东郭先生: “你看见一只狼没有?它往哪里跑了?” 东郭先生说:“我没有看见狼。这条路岔道多,狼也许从岔道上逃走了。”

The hunter could do nothing but believe this to be true. So he turned around and left. When the wolf heard the xiaogushi8.com hoofbeats fade in the distance, it said in the sack: "Sir, please let me out of the sack, untie the rope, pull out the arrow on my limb, and let me escape." "Please, sir, now I am so starved. Please let me devour you."


The kindhearted Mr. Dongguo, bewitched by its sweet words, released the wolf. But unexpectedly, the wolf howled at him: Whereupon the wolf bared its teeth, brandished its claws, and pounced upon him. Mr. Dongguo fought the wolf bare-handed and kept on shouting: "You ungrateful wolf! You ungrateful wolf!"
