
发布时间:2016-12-02 02:52


Essentials of Diagnosis


Low back pain radiating into the thigh, leg, and foot.


Parestheasia in the affected dermatome.


General Considerations


Relapse of low back pain may or may not be associated with leg pain. Patients who present with low back and leg pain frequently recall earlier episodes of postexertional pain limited to the low back. Though specific evidence is lacking, the pattern of leg pain developing secondarily has led many clinicians to attribute the initial episode of localized low back pain to early degeneration of the annulus. With annulus degeneration, the nucleus pulposus bulges into the defect, causing further concentration of stress on the damaged fibers. The annulus is richly innervated with painfibers, and further degeneratinon tends to be associated with more frequent and more intense episodes of pain. Locking and stiffness characterize the painfree periods. Degeneration continues with alteration in the collagen stucture of both the annulus and the nucleus, culminating in fibrosis and unclear fragmentation. The shock-absorbing capacity of the nucleus is diminished, and forces are transmitted in a progressively irregular fashion. Fragments of the deteriorating nuclesus are pushed out ward against or through the weakened annulus, which tends to be weakest at the lateral margin of the posterolongitudinal ligament. The protrusion begins as a posterolateral bulge that causes variable compression and irritation of neural structures.


The contents of the neurl tube bbelow the first lumbar segment consist of nerve roots only. Each nerve root emerges below its respective vertebra. The L4-5 and L5-S1 disk levels correspond to the region of maximal mechanical stress in the lumbar spine. Disk protruions at these levels are likely to involve the portion of the root above the exit at the next lower interspace. Lesions affecting the L5 and S1 nerve roots account for over 90% of disk-mediated nerve root lesions.



Clinical Findings


a. Symptoms and Signs: Sciatica, or pain radiating down the leg, is the most common presentation. Presenting complanints of the patient with established diskogenic back pain are remarkable for radicular symptoms. Prolonged compression results in nerve root inflammation and pain referred in a dermatomal distribution. The onset of leg pain is usually insidious, but pain may begin acutely when sudden disk hernia tion follow injury.


Pain is piercing and typically radiates from the thigh into the leg and foot. Activities such as coughing, sneezing, or bearing down during bowel movements increase intra-abdominal pressure, which is directly transmitted to intraspinal structures, provoking or exacerbating pain.


When nerve root compression results from annular bulging, it is often accentuated by prolonged sitting or standing and relieved at least partially by rest. Apatient usually prefers to sleep on one side in the fetal position and when stiting prefers a straight-back chair. When disk extrusion occurs, pain may be less responsive to rest.


Compression of nerve roots often produces objective sensory changes early, with paresthesia and loss of sensating detectable in the affected dermatome. With continued root compression. Motor weakness may develop. With involvement of the L4 root, the patellar tendon reflex may be diminished and slight quadriceps weakness may be observed. Sensation may be diminished over the medial calf. With involvement of the L5 5 root, weakness is frequently manifested by loos of strength in great toe dorsiflexion. Pain and numbness are present in the anteromedial leg and foot. First sacral root involvement affects the calf musles, and the Achilles reflex may be lost on the involved side. Weakness is best demonstrated by the patient's inability to rise on the toes repeatedly. Sensory findings include pain and numbness in the posterolateral leg and foot. Muscle atrophy may accompany sensory and motor changes.

神经根受压常很早即产生客观的感觉变化,在受影响的皮节区有感觉异常及感觉缺失,神经根持续受压,可发生运动肌无力,若累及腰4神根,可见膝腱反射减弱和轻度股四头肌无力,小腿肌肉感觉减退。当腰5神经根受累时,常表现为 趾背伸无力,小腿前内侧及足出现疼痛和麻木。骶1神经根受累时,影响小腿肌肉。受累侧跟腱反射消失,病人不能反复用足尖踮立,感觉症状包括小腿后外侧和足有疼痛及麻木感。伴随着感觉和运动肌的变化。可出现肌肉萎缩。

Occasionally, acute posterior midline disk prolapse at the L2-3 level may cause compression of many nerve roots in the cauda equina. This is known as acute cauda equina syndrome. This is a surgical emergency! Symptoms include intense leg pain in one or both extremities, with severe muscle weakness or paralysis. Compression of sacral roots results in acute urinary retention. Decompression of the cauda equina is undertaken after mylographic confirmation of the lesion.


b. Diagnostic Test: With less well defined signs of root compression, several tests may help to detect the presence of lumbar disk disease. The straight leg-raising test is performed by lifting the extended leg of the supine patient. The test produces tension in the lumbosacral roots and frequently reproduces sciatica in the presence of inflamed or irritated lumbosacral roots.


The straight leg-raising test can also be performed on the leg without symptoms. The test is positive if it produces sciatica in the symoptomatic leg. Many clinicians believe that a positive test is strong evidence of disk herniation.


Laseque's test is performed with the patient lying supine. The hip and knee are flexed 90 degrees. The knee is then slowly extended, producing sciatic stretch as in the straight leg-raising maneuver.


c. X-Ray Findings: X-ray examination may reveal degenerative changes, such as disk space narrowing and osteophytosis, or results may be entirely normal.


Differential Diagnosis


Whether nerve root signs are present or not, the main differential concern with back pain is spinal tumor. The most common extradural tumors in adults are metastatic, most often from carcinoma of the breast in women and the prostate in men. Lung, thyroid, and uterine tumors are less common sources of metastases. Multiple myeloma also frequently involves the spine and often causes pain by weakening of bony structures, causing pathologic fractures. Intradural spinal tumors are less common than metastases in adults and include neurofibromas, meningiomas, and ependymomas. Diagnosis of these slow-growing tumors is often quite difficult, as symptoms may mimic diskogenic pain and may appear to improve with conservative measures. Metastatic tumors of bone are often detected on routine x-ray studies.


The history may suggest the possibility of spinal tumor. A history of primary tumors elsewhere should immediately raise this suspicion. The complaint of pain that is more severe at night than during the day is also strongly suggestive of spinal tumor. The reasons for this phenomenon are unclear but may be related to nocturnal increase in cerebrospinal fluid pressure. Persistent bilateral leg pain with no history of back pain also suggests spinal tumor. Myelography with contrast media or CT scan with metrizamide is essential to detect intradural and intramedullary tumors.




Management of acute lumbar disk disease is controversial, If symptoms are produced by bulgin rather than extrusion of the herniated disk, conservative measures, such as bed rest, analgesics, and anti-inflammatory medication, often result in complete resolution of symptoms.


If pain becomes intractable or if neurologic symptoms progress or fail to respond despite con servative measures, intraiskal injection of the enzyme chymopapain, an extract of the papaya plant, may diminish symptoms by proteolytic degradation of collagen within the nucleus pulposus. Results with this technique, known as chemonucleolysis, compare favorably with surgical diskectomy for relief of pain. Patients treated with chymopapain recover more quickly and experience more rapid relief of pain. Patients treated with chymopapain recover more quickly and experience more rapid relief from pain. The presence of a free disk fragment in the spinal canal is not an absolute contraindication to the use of chymopapain, but srgical diskectomy (laminectomy) may be necessary if the fragment is a major source of the patient's pain. Preinjection or preoperative evaluation should include CT scan ormyelography showing a protruding disk that corresponds to the patient’s pain distribution or neurologic deficit.


Following the chymopapain injection, the patient may experience increased back pain for several days to several weeks but may have immediate relief of leg pain.


Complications of chemonucleolysis include diskitis and sensitivity reactions, including an 0.5% incidence of anaphylaxis. Chemonucleolysis is contraindicated in patients who are allergic to papaya or who have previously been injected with chymopapain.

化学核溶解法的并发症有椎间盘炎及过敏反应,包括 0.5%的过敏休克的发生率。对番木瓜过敏的病人,或以前曾经注射过木瓜凝乳蛋白酶的人,化学核溶解法是禁忌证。

Complications of laminectomy for disk removal include recurrence of pain due to reherniation of residual disk fragments or scar formation involving the nerve roots; damage of nerve roots, resulting in neurologic deficit; tear of the dura, with resulting dural leak of cerebrospinal fluid; and penetration of the anterior annulus during diskectomy, with damage of the great vessels lying anterior to the spine. Hemorrhage in this situation may be catastrophic owing to difficulty in detection and control

