
发布时间:2017-03-14 23:21



In order to make the journey easier, 21st Century has compiled the following tips and advice on how to book tickets.


Train tickets


According to China Railway, more than 257.8 million passengers are expected to travel by rail during this year’s chunyun. Most of them are college students on their winter vacation and migrant workers returning home for the Chinese New Year celebrations. But students have a huge advantage in this competition to get home because they can book train tickets long before workers do.


Plane tickets


Apart from the train, students can also go home by air. There are some cheap flight tickets available for them. China Southern Airlines, for example, offers a special discount for full-time students. As long as they register online and provide a valid student card, they can buy flight tickets that are up to 55 percent cheaper than the original price. Since discount flight tickets can be as cheap as train tickets, the airline company recommends students book at least 20 days before the travel date.


Tips on booking


1. Book tickets for a trip that’s longer than the one you are actually on.


2. Divide your trip into two parts. For example, if tickets between Hohhot and Yinchuan are sold out, book tickets from Hohhot to Wuyuan and then from Wuyuan to Yinchuan.

2. 分段购票。举个例子,如果呼和浩特到银川的车票已售完,那么你就可以先买从呼和浩特到婺源的票,再订一张从婺源到银川的车票。

3. Book a connection ticket if non-stop tickets are not available. To get a student discount, tell the staff that they are joint trip tickets.

3. 如果直达列车票售罄了,那就改买联程车票吧。告诉售票员,你是分段购买的全程票,这样才能享受到学生优惠。

4. Seize the last opportunity. There may be some leftover or returned tickets available a few days before the departure date. Check online at 12 pm (noon), 1 pm, and from 6-8 pm.

4. “最后一搏”。在发车前几天可能还会有余票或是退票。中午12点、下午1点以及晚上6—8点这三个时段,记得上网查询余票信息。
