
发布时间:2017-06-18 20:21



Air conditioning and refrigeration


空调制冷剂 air-conditioner refrigerant

常规空调制冷方案 routine air conditioner refrigeration scheme

空调制冷装置 air-conditioning refrigeration plant

空调制冷机组 refrigerating unit of air conditioning system ;

空调制冷行业 air-condition refrigeration

中央空调制冷机 central air-condition refrigerator

燃气在空调制冷 gas-fired air conditioning


1. Development of simulation of refrigeration and Air - conditioning system.

空调制冷系统的仿真技术进展“, ”

2. With the development of modem refrigeration air conditioning technology, marine air conditioning has been all - sided applied.

随着现代空调制冷技术的迅猛发展, 船用空调已得到了全面应用.

3. The new Carrier Green Intelligent Energy Saving ( IES ) Multi - System is the Best Multi Split in Singapore.

慧聪暖通空调制冷网新航母绿色智能节能 ( 评价处 ) 多系统是最好的多斯普利特在新加坡举行.

4. Challenge technology mountain peak, Leading Special Refrigeration air conditioning Technology!

挑战技术巅峰, 引领特种制冷空调技术!

5. Our factory is specializing in doing the accessories of air - conditional.

我厂是生产各种制冷配件的专业厂,是中国制冷 空调 工业协会成员.

6. A 5 - pound microclimate - conditioning system that provides 100 watts of heating or cooling.

重约2.3千克的 小气候 空调系统,能为加热或制冷提供100瓦的功率.

7. Shell and tube condenser is widely used in refrigeration and air - conditioning applications.


8. Oil Separator, air compressors, refrigeration and air - conditioning, ice accessories.

分油机 、 空压机 、 制冷空调 、 冰机配件.

9. Air - conditioning refrigeration room in the basement and use centrifugal chiller plants.


10. Modeling and Simulation of Refrigeration and Air - conditioning System.


11. Villa's heating and refrigeration adopted household central air - conditioning .

别墅采暖与制冷采用户式可调式中央 空调.

12. New Technologies in Refrigeration and Air - conditioning Engineering .

制冷及 空调装置 中的新技术“, ”

13. Kedesun is an agent that provides air conditioning, industry refrigeration, liquid control products.

本公司专业代理制冷空调 、 工业冷冻 、 流体控制的相关产品.

14. Montreal Protocol and Tokyo Protocol have great effects on the ongoing refrigerant substitution process.


15. CO 2 is one of the most potential natural working substances in the refrigeration and air - conditioning trade.

CO2是制冷 空调 业中最有潜力的自然工质之一.
