
发布时间:2016-12-02 01:31


Appearances to Avoid: The purveyor of significant, needed organization knowledge needs to take care that he is not seen as a road block, a naysayer, or a negative employee who focuses on what doesn’t work, didn’t work, and won’t work. You’ll want to avoid being viewed as an employee who is not open to new ideas. You need to stay away from the appearance of territoriality or unwillingness to share information.


Contributions that add measurably to the bottom line via cost savings, process improvements, increased sales, and new customers are noticed and will help in keeping your job. It’s not enough to make the improvement, your boss must know you made the improvement. Measurable contributions count. 更多信息请访问:http://www.24en.com/


Start by setting goals with your boss, agree on measurements, and determine when he or she wants feedback. Make the improvements, document the starting point and your progress, share the results with your boss and interested others. Make sure your measurements are accurate and that the leadership group sees your documentation. If your company offers recognition for extraordinary contributions, ask your boss to nominate you.



Kristy Chamberlain, a Baton Rouge, LA Human Resources manager, says, “Be visible. Volunteer for extra assignments that will make the boss and the boss's boss know your name. Design a brochure, take minutes in the executive meeting, polish a report - work diligently and be noticed.”

巴路易斯安那州的巴吞鲁日人力资源经理Kristy Chamberlain说:“让别人看得见自己的努力。自愿做额外的任务可以让你的上司或你上司的上司知道你的存在。制作一个小册子,用来在常务会议上作会议记录,完善你的报告,勤劳的工作可以让别人注意到你。

Jay Himes, an executive director in Lynchburg, VA adds, "Make sure you are providing value. Always ask,'What are your accomplishments today? How could you have used your time better?"

弗吉尼亚州林奇堡的常务董事Jay Himes补充说:“确保你在创造价值。经常自问自己今天的成就是什么?你可以怎样更好的利用时间?”
