
发布时间:2017-04-13 11:29




endless yearning ii

li bai

"the sun has set, and a mist is in the flowers;

and the moon grows very white and people sad and sleepless.

a zhao harp has just been laid mute on its phoenix holder,

and a shu lute begins to sound its mandarin-duck strings....

since nobody can bear to you the burden of my song,

would that it might follow the spring wind to yanran mountain.

i think of you far away, beyond the blue sky,

and my eyes that once were sparkling

are now a well of tears.

...oh, if ever you should doubt this aching of my heart,

here in my bright mirror come back and look at me!"



日色已尽花含烟, 月明欲素愁不眠。

赵瑟初停凤凰柱, 蜀琴欲奏鸳鸯弦。

此曲有意无人传, 愿随春风寄燕然。

忆君迢迢隔青天, 昔日横波目,


不信妾肠断, 归来看取明镜前。


a song of fair women

du fu

on the third day of the third-month in the freshening weather

many beauties take the air by the changan waterfront,

receptive, aloof, sweet-mannered, sincere,

with soft fine skin and well-balanced bone.

their embroidered silk robes in the spring sun are gleaming --

with a mass of golden peacocks and silver unicorns.

and hanging far down from their temples

are blue leaves of delicate kingfisher feathers.

and following behind them

is a pearl-laden train, rhythmic with bearers.

some of them are kindred to the royal house --

the titled princesses guo and qin.

red camel-humps are brought them from jade broilers,

and sweet fish is ordered them on crystal trays.

though their food-sticks of unicorn-horn are lifted languidly

and the finely wrought phoenix carving-knife is very little used,

fleet horses from the yellow gate, stirring no dust,

bring precious dishes constantly from the imperial kitchen.

...while a solemn sound of flutes and drums invokes gods and spirits,

guests and courtiers gather, all of high rank;

and finally, riding slow, a dignified horseman

dismounts at the pavilion on an embroidered rug.

in a snow of flying willow-cotton whitening the duckweed,

bluebirds find their way with vermilion handkerchiefs --

but power can be as hot as flame and burn people's fingers.

be wary of the premier, watch for his frown.



三月三日天气新, 长安水边多丽人。

态浓意远淑且真, 肌理细腻骨肉匀。

绣罗衣裳照暮春, 蹙金孔雀银麒麟。

头上何所有? 翠微盍叶垂鬓唇。

背后何所见? 珠压腰衱稳称身。

就中云幕椒房亲, 赐名大国虢与秦。

紫驼之峰出翠釜, 水精之盘行素鳞。

犀箸餍饫久未下, 鸾刀缕切空纷纶。

黄门飞鞚不动尘, 御厨络绎送八珍。

箫鼓哀吟感鬼神, 宾从杂遝实要津。

后来鞍马何逡巡? 当轩下马入锦茵。

杨花雪落覆白苹, 青鸟飞去衔红巾。

炙手可热势绝伦, 慎莫近前丞相嗔。


an old war-song

li qi

through the bright day up the mountain, we scan the sky for a war-torch;

at yellow dusk we water our horses in the boundaryriver;

and when the throb of watch-drums hangs in the sandy wind,

we hear the guitar of the chinese princess telling her endless woe....

three thousand miles without a town, nothing but camps,

till the heavy sky joins the wide desert in snow.

with their plaintive calls, barbarian wildgeese fly from night to night,

and children of the tartars have many tears to shed;

but we hear that the jade pass is still under siege,

and soon we stake our lives upon our light warchariots.

each year we bury in the desert bones unnumbered,

yet we only watch for grape-vines coming into china.



白日登山望烽火, 黄昏饮马傍交河。

行人刁斗风沙暗, 公主琵琶幽怨多。

野云万里无城郭, 雨雪纷纷连大漠。

胡雁哀鸣夜夜飞, 胡儿眼泪双双落。

闻道玉门犹被遮, 应将性命逐轻车。

年年战骨埋荒外, 空见葡萄入汉家。
