
发布时间:2017-03-16 10:21

名词解释:科学幻想小说(英语:Science Fiction)简称科幻小说(英语:Sci-Fi),主要描写想象的科学或技术对社会或个人的影响的虚构性文学作品。科幻小说是西方近代文学的一种新体裁。它的情节不可能发生在人们已知的世界上,但它的基础是有关人类或宇宙起源的某种设想,有关科技领域(包括假设性的科技领域)的某种虚构出来的新发现。在当代的西方世界,科幻小说是最受人欢迎的通俗读物之一,其影响和销售量,仅次于惊险小说和侦探小说。你知道“科幻小说”英语怎么说吗?

The English version of a best-seller by China's most popular science fiction writer is expected to hit shelves in the United States in October.


The Chinese sci-fi novel is Liu Cixin's Three Body. In the novel, the entire solar system is flattened into a two-dimensional image in an apocalyptic battle between earthlings and aliens.

The masterpiece by Liu has been hailed for its extraordinary artistic vision. In the past, the science fiction genre represented a literary minority in China, as highly imaginative works were once thought of as nonsense.





文中的sci-fi novel就是“科幻小说”的意思,其中sci-fi是science fiction(科学幻想)的简称,这里作形容词,解释为“科幻的”。很多人常常认为science fiction是“科幻小说”的意思,其实这里的fiction解释为“虚构、幻想”,而非以文字呈现的小说作品。科幻作品包括sci-fi novel(科幻小说)、sci-fi film(科幻电影)、sci-fi game(科幻游戏)等不同的类别。

此外,文中第三段的hail一词,我们通常熟悉的释义是“冰雹”,在此处用作动词,解释为“欢呼;欢迎”,例如:The whole city went out to hail the victorious troops.(居民们倾城而出,欢迎胜利归来的部队。)
