人教版初三上册英语Unit 14同步练习试题及答案

发布时间:2017-06-16 10:45

在我们的学习生活中,对于英语的学习,通过试题的练习是我们的重要学习方式,我们应该认真地对待每一份试卷!下面是由小编为你整理的人教版初三上册英语Unit 14同步练习试题,希望能够帮助到你!

人教版初三上册英语Unit 14同步练习试题

Ⅰ. 单项选择。

( ) 1. (天津中考) Yunnan is beautiful and I'm ________ visiting it again.

A. keeping clear of B. suffering from

C. running away from D. looking forward to

( ) 2. The car driver was responsible ________ the traffic accident.

A. to B. about C. in D. for

( ) 3. Time________,and good friendships may be lost.

A. goes by B. go lost C. go out D. go down

( ) 4. —Why was Mary so happy?

—She scored three goals ________ during the basketball competition just now.

A. in a row B. in time C. in fact D. in need

( ) 5. However,________ that,the city is always open to all kinds of cultures.

A. because B. because of C. though D. even if

( ) 6. My sister wants a new dress. She ________it to the party.

A. wears B. has worn C. wore D. is going to wear

( ) 7. —I don't know how to operate the machine.

—Don't worry. Let's read the ________ first.

A. instructions B. answers C. descriptions D. methods

( ) 8. All the students were reading________ when the teacher came into the classroom.

A. texts B. homework C. degrees D. surveys

( ) 9. Jane is interested in music. She often plays the ________ in her free time.

A. keyboard B. survey C. instruction D. task

( ) 10. Mother felt ________ the people. They helped her find her little son.

A. thankful to B. thankful for C. thank for D. thank to

Ⅱ. 完形填空。

Graduation is a very special time. With hard work,a student can successfully get his or

her college 11 .You've reached the right place if you want to 12 him or her. The

following are some excellent congratulation messages at the graduation ceremony.

◆Congratulations! I wish you all the best as you're going to face some more difficult

13 in your life. I'm sure that you can 14 any difficulties. In the future,you'll meet

many new friends. If someone helps you,please don't forget to be 15 to him or her!

◆You did well! You're such a(n) 16 friend and help me a lot. I want you to know

that I'm proud of you.

◆I have no doubt that the knowledge you have gained in school will be very important

for your new life. On this special day,I'd like to give you some tips. They're not 17 ,but I

hope you can follow them. First,don't be afraid to ask questions. You should be 18 for

knowledge. Second,believe in yourself and be responsible for your 19 .Good luck!

◆If you're wondering why the last four years went so fast,you will see how quickly the

rest of life goes 20 .Enjoy this moment because you won't get it back.

( ) 11. A. result B. degree C. seat D. grade

( ) 12. A. encourage B. advise C. congratulate D. accept

( ) 13. A. tasks B. ideas C. messages D. methods

( ) 14 .A. have B. understand C. overcome D. create

( ) 15. A. thankful B. cruel C. similar D. glad

( ) 16. A. poor B. caring C. interesting D. serious

( ) 17. A. instructions B. examples C. conversations D. experiences

( ) 18. A. ready B. thirsty C. careful D. nervous

( ) 19. A. changes B. ways C. purposes D. decisions

( ) 20. A. out B. in C. by D. away

人教版初三上册英语Unit 14同步练习试题答案

Ⅰ. 1-5 DDAAB 6-10 DAAAA

Ⅱ. 11-15 BCACA 16-20 BABDC

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