
发布时间:2016-11-12 04:24


Application for Employment(求职信)

一般求职信写四段,1) Source of information 2) Personal information 3) Reason for changes 4) Requests

(1) Opening Sentences

My friend... has informed me that you are looking for a... and has suggested that I should apply you for the appointment.

Having read your ad, I wish to be considered as...for this position.

I would like you consider my application for the position of ... which you advertised in....

In reply to/With reference to your advertisement appearing in...of ...I would like to apply for the position of ...in your company.

I beg to offer myself for the situation as a ...in your company.

I see from your advertisement in ...that you are looking for a....

I recently heard from...that there is a vacancy in your ...department.

...has told me that some time in May there will be a vacancy/an opening for...in your office.


(2)Education/work experience

I attended...school for...years.

In 19...I graduated from...

I enrolled for a year's course at...

I studied.... I have trained as a....

I have a degree in ....from the University of...

I attended classes in...

I have had...yours' experience in...

I speak fluent English.

My proficiency in English means that I would be able to handle all the English correspondence on my own.

(3) Reason for the changes

I would like the opportunity to work on my own initiative/with children.

My reason for applying for the post is that I would like to have more responsibility.

My reason for looking for a change is the better opportunities offered by a large company like yours.

My present employer is closing down his business.

As my family is moving to ...I am looking for employment there.

(4)Closing sentences

Please refer to the enclosed personal data sheet/curriculum vita

for further particulars.

For information about my character/work record please contact....

I hope I may be granted an interview, when I can explain my qualification in more detail.

I am enclosing my personnel record sheet for your kind consideration and references.

The details of my education and experience are given on the enclosed sheet. I hope that the information I have provided in this letter and the enclosures are sufficient for your purpose.
