复活节的儿童童谣 关于复活节的儿童童谣

发布时间:2017-06-14 10:31


复活节的儿童童谣 关于复活节的儿童童谣


Easter Bunny

Easter Bunny 复活节的小兔子

Looking kind of funny 抱着满篮子的彩蛋

With your basket of eggs 看起来真是滑稽

Children singing 孩子在唱

"What’s the bunny bringing “复活节的这天

For me on Easter Day?" 小兔子会给我们送来什么?”


On this Easter Day

Mom is cooking 妈妈在做饭

While we‘re out there looking 我们在四处寻找

For the eggs hidden away 那些被偷偷藏起来的彩蛋

After church we 礼拜回来

Gathered ’round with family 全家人坐在一起

On this Easter Day 在这个复活节


Two thousand years ago

Two thousand years ago 两千年前

Jesus died for our sins 耶稣背负着我们的罪而死去

Remember his resurrection 牢记他的复生

And the joy it brings 还有他带来的一切欢乐


Easter colours

Flowers blooming 花儿们在绽放

Springtime‘s looming 春日的时光被编织

Everything is coming alive 万物都是这样一起复活

Easter colours 复活节的颜色?

Yellow, blue and others 黄色蓝色还有其他的很多!

Tell us Spring has arrived 春天到了!他们这样告诉我们。


On this Easter holiday

Children are playing 孩子们在玩耍

And everybody’s saying 所有人都说

“So good to see you today!” “今天真高兴见到你!”

We‘re all together 我们都相聚一起

The merrier the better 越快乐越好

On this Easter holiday 在这个复活节假日

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