A: Where is the luggage claim area?
B: You can get to Baggage Claim by going down the escalator and following the signs.
A: Don’t I have to clear Customs before I go get my bags?
B: After you have picked up your bags, you will be directed to Customs.
A: Do I need to have this Declarations form filled out before I get there?
B: Do not get in the Customs and Immigration line until you have your passport out with your completed Declarations form.
A: My brother won’t be staying in the U.S. but is continuing on to Mexico.
B: Passengers continuing on should check in with the attendant on the left who will direct them to where they can connect with their next flight.
A: Is there a restroom we can use in this area?
B: Of course, right over there on your left.
A: I have never arrived at this airport before and need to know where to go next.
B: Go to the end of the walkway, down the stairs, and to the right.
A: Do we need to clear Customs before we go get our bags?
B: You will clear Customs and Immigration when you have picked up your luggage.
A: What do I need to have out when I pass through Customs?
B: Make sure that your passport is out and that your Declarations form is complete.
A: My seatmate here is traveling through to Canada, and I told her that she probably doesn’t have to clear Customs.
B: People who are not entering the United States should go to the left and follow the directions given to them. Their bags are already routed through to their final destination.
A: Can we use the restrooms before we clear Customs?
B: Yes, there is one right over there especially for this area.
A: Here's my ticket, passport and the entry card.
B: Thank you. Have you got anything to declare?
A: Yes. Just this coconut.
B:Where did you get it?
A:I picked it at a friend's farm.
B: I'm sorry. No fresh fruits, vegetables, or meats may be brought in.
A: Darn it! wanted to give It to a friend here. Well,1 guess you can just be the friend.
B: Thanks anyway, ma'am, but we'll have to destory it.We don't want to risk infestation。