It is interesting to do...
1. The exercises can be fun and a good warm-up for the latter part of the programme.
2. I would be a dolphin because dolphins are intelligent creatures, and they have lots of fun.
我会做海豚,因为海豚是聪明的动物, 而且很有趣.
3. It's fun to cook once in a while, but not every day.
偶尔做饭很有趣, 但天天做就不行了.
4. Hmm, that's an interesting hobby. What do you do with them?
嗯, 这个爱好很有趣. 那你拿这些车做什么呢?
5. On Wednesday, it was a sampler. She says the stripling's fun.
星期三, 要做样本拼布. 她说弯曲压线技巧很有趣.
6. It was an interesting thing to do in a new city.
7. Really , It'sounds interesting, and what do children always do in this day?
听起来很有趣, 那孩子们在那天都做些什么 呢 ?
8. Leonard: No, but I think it would a blast and makea good story.
里欧纳: 没有耶, 但我想那样做应该会很有趣,而且是好的新闻题材.
9. It will be interesting to see what GB does at the closing ceremony.