
发布时间:2017-03-01 13:49






组成句子的各个部分叫作句子的成分。句子的成分有主语、谓语、表语、宾语(直接宾语和间接宾语)、宾语补足语、定语和状语。其中主语和谓语是句子的主体,表语、宾语和宾语 补足语是谓语的组成部分,其他成分如定语和状语是句子的次要部分。

1 主语 表示所说的“是什么”或“是谁”,通常用名词、代词、不定式或相当于名词的词、短语或从句担任。主语要放在句首。

To say is one thing, and to do is another. 说是一回事,做是另一回事。(不定式作主语) What you said hurt me badly. 你所说的话深深地刺伤了我。(从句作主语)

2 谓语 起着说明主语的动作、特征或状态的作用,必须用动词表示。谓语和主语在人称和数两方面要一致,通常在主语之后。谓语通常有三个表现形式:


He studies hard. 他学习很努力。 The performance has already begun.演出已经开始。


They are picking apples. 他们正在摘苹果。 He made us laugh heavily.他使我们大笑不止。

(3)连系动词和表语作谓语 Her mother is an inspector. 她的母亲是一位检查官。

It is getting dark. 天色渐渐地黑了下来。

He is feeling well. 他现在感觉身体很好。

句子成分巧划分 :主在前,谓在中,宾语、状语后面冲。短语定语主宾后,形、代定语主宾前。间宾直宾紧相依,直、间之间to、for连,宾补位于宾语后,地状常在时状前。

3 表语 用于说明主语的性质、特征、身份或状态,可以由名词、形容词、副词、介词和不定式 以及相当于名词或形容词的词或短语来担任,表语要放在连系动词之后。

Her job is to wash all the sheets and the clothes. 她的工作是洗这些床单和衣服。(不定式作表语) Teaching is learning. 教学相长。(动名词作表语)

4 宾语 是及物动词所示动作的对象或介词的对象,由名词、代词、不定式或相当于名词的词、 短语及从句都可以担任作宾语。宾语要放在谓语动词(及物动词)或介词之后。

Do you enjoy living here? 你愿意住在这里吗? (动名词作宾语)

I want only one. 我只要一个。(数词作宾语)

I don't think you are right. 我认为你不对。(从句作宾语)

注意:①某些及物动词之后要求有双宾语(即直接宾语和间接宾语), 直接宾语指物,间接宾语指人。这一类动词有:bring, give, pass, tell, hand, show, s end, read, leave, teach, find, buy, make, do, get, order, play, sing, pay等。

She showed me a few magazines. 她拿出了一些杂志给我看。

I promised her a wonderful present on her birthday .我答应在她生日那天给她一件奇妙的礼物。

②在需要的情况下,间接宾语也可以位于直接宾语之后,但此时间接宾语之前需要加介词。 She made me a sweater. (She made a sweater for me.) 她给我织了一件毛衣。

He left her three children. (He left three children to her) 他给她留下三个孩子。


The couple named the baby Mary.(名词作宾 补) 这对夫妻给孩子取名叫玛丽。

He made her unhappy. 他使她很不高兴。(形容词作宾补)

“Let me out!” The boy cried. “让我出去!”那男孩喊道。(副词作宾补)

She saw a man in front of the gate. 她看见门外有一个男人。(介词短语作宾补)

She often helps me do the housework. 她经常帮助我做家务。(不定式作宾补)

I kept you waiting for half an hour. 我让你等了半个小时。(动名词作宾补)

5 状语

状语用于修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子。通常表示行为发生的时间、地点、目的、方 式、程度等。状语一般由副词、介词短语、分词和分词短语、不定式或相当于副词的词或短 语来担当。其位置一般放在句末,但也可放在句首或句中。

She drove fast.(副词作状语) 她把车开得飞快。

There is a shelter under the post office.


To liberate our country, they devoted their lives.


Seeing his old mother, the man went towards her and threw himself on his knees.


It was blowing hard when she was on her way home yesterday.


6 定语

定语用于修饰名词或代词。可以担任定语的有形容词、代词、名词、数词、名词所有格、副 词、不定式、分词和分词短语、介词短语及从句等等。定语的位置很灵活,凡有名词和代词 的地方都可以有定语。

The man outside the teacher's office is his father.办公室外面的那人是他的父亲。(介词短语作定语) I'll have a lot of clothes to wash this Saturday. 这个星期六我要洗好多衣服。(不定式作定语) Will you say something about your travelling experience? (动名词作定语)

The woman who is singing on the stage is her aunt.(从句作定语)正在台上演唱的那女人是她姑姑。





The new term begins. 新学期开始了。


The girl is learning to play the piano. 这个女孩在学弹钢琴。


The rice got burned。 饭焖煳了。


He bought her a watch. 他给她买了一块表。

5. 主语+谓语(及物动词)+宾语+宾语补语

We all believed you honest. 我们都认为你是诚实的。


并列句是由两个或多个简单句连接而成的。其中的各个简单句并列平行,同等重要,相互之 间没有从属关系,能够独立成句。它们之间要用连词连接。并列句可分为四种:

1.表示相同关系 用连词或逗号、分号连接构成并列句。常用连词有:and, not only...but also..., neither...nor...

Susan not only runs fast, but also jumps high. 苏姗不但跑得快,而且跳得高。

I could neither swim nor skate. 我既不会游泳,也不会滑冰。

2.表示转折关系 常用连词有:but, still, yet, while等。

It was late at night, but he went on doing his homework.夜已深了,但是他还在继续做作业。

She was busy cooking while they were watching TV.她忙着做饭,而他们却在看电视。

The film is not perfect, still, it's good.这部影片虽然不是无可挑剔,但还是好的。

3.表示选择关系 常用连词为:or, either...or...。

The teacher wanted to see either his father or mother.老师要见一下他的父亲或是母亲。

Either this road or that on e can lead you to that hospital.这条路或那条路都通往那家医院。

Hurry up,or you'll miss the train.

4.表示因果关系 常用连词有for和so。

We hurried to the railway station, for there was little time for the train to leave.


The teacher asked Susan to go, so she went( did).老师让苏姗到她那去,因此她就去了。




巩固练习 同义句转换

1.There is only a chair in the room.(同义句转换)

There is _________ _________a chair in the room..

2. Mrs.Smith is busy. She is doing her housework now.

Mrs.Smith is_________ _________ her housework now.

3.The teacher said,“Don’t cheat in exams,children!”

The teacher told the children _________ _________ cheat in exams.

4.Nick was so tired that he couldn’t walk any further. 全品中考网

Nick was _____________________________ any further.

5.We can’t finish the project on time unless you support us.

The project can’t be finished on time ______________________________.

6.Shall we watch the exciting ping-pong match together?

______________________________watch the exciting ping-pong match together?

7.My cousin usually walks to school every morning. (改为同义句)

My cousin usually goes to school _________ _________ every morning. (对划线部分提问)

__________ _________is your friend?

9. “Are you going to visit Zi Gong next Week?”Father asked me.(改为间接引语)

Father asked me __________I________going to visit Zi Gong next week. (对划线部分提问)

___________ _________you use to stay on family holidays?

11.James spent ten years making this amazing film(保持句意基本不变)

__________ _________James ten years to make this amazing film.

12.Chris has gone to South Africa to enjoy the 2010 World Cup.

Karen has gone to South Africa to enjoy the 2010 World Cup, too. (合并为一句)

_________Chris _________Karen have gone to South Africa to enjoy the 2010 World Cup.

13.Visitors love this city because it has historical sights and delicious food.(改为简单句)

Visitors love this city__________ _________its historical sights and delicious food.

14. (对划线部分提问)

___________________from Fukang to Unmnqi by bus? (对划线部分提问)

_______________this new computer __________________?


1)We found him a good pupil. We found _______ ______ _______ a good pupil.

2)The room is so small that my family can't live in it.

The room isn't ______ _______ ____ my family ___ live in.

The room is ______ small ________ my family _______ live in.

3)His grandfather died ten years ago. It ____ ten years ___ his grandfather ______ .

4)I'm not sure what I should do next. I'm not sure _____ ___ ____ next.

5)Hurry up, or you'll miss the train. ___ you ___ hurry up, you'll miss the train.


1) Yesterday everyone of us went to the farm except Lucy.

________ Lucy _______ go to the farm with us yesterday.

2)Sam is friendly to his classmates and his classmates are friendly to him.

Sam _______ ______ well with his classmates.

3)Lily was born ten minutes earlier than I was. I am ten minutes _______ than Lily.

4)English is spoken by the largest number of people in the world.

English _____ the largest number of ________ in the world.

5)It's your turn to do it. It's _____ ____ you to do it.

6) It rained heavily last night. There ______ _____ _____ last night.

7) The building is beautiful and there are many tall trees around it.

The building _____ many tall trees all _______ is beautiful.

8) I spent two hours reading the book yesterday.

_____ ______ me two hours ______ _____ the book yesterday.

9) He bought the book two weeks ago. He _____ _____ the book ____ two weeks.

10) You're very kind to help me with my maths.

___ __ very kind ___ you ___ help me with my maths.

11) My grandfather died ten years ago.

My grandfather ______ ______ ______ ______ ten years ago.

12) I think it is different from Chinese names. I don't think it is _____ _____ as Chinese names.

13) They planted millions of trees to save the farmland.

They planted millions of trees _____ _____ the farmland _____ ____ saved.

15)The man thinks the same as I. The man ______ ______ me.
