
发布时间:2017-06-12 14:31



t seems a farm boy accidentally overturned hiswagon load of corn. The farmer who lived nearbyheard the noise.


"Hey Willis!!" the farmer yelled, "Forget your troubles. Come in with us. Then I'll help you getthe wagon up."


"That's mighty nice of you, " Willis answered, "but I don't think Pa would like me to." "Aw, comeon," the farmer insisted. "Well okay," the boy finally agreed, and added, "but Pa won't like it."


After a hearty dinner, Willis thanked his host and said, "I feel a lot better now, but I know Pa isgoing to be real upset." "Don't be foolish," the neighbor said with a smile, "by the way, where ishe?" "Under the wagon."



The phone rang in the obituary department of thelocal newspaper. "How much does it cost to have anobituaryprinted"? asked the woman.


"It's five dollars a word, ma'am," the clerk replied politely. "Fine," said the woman after amoment."Got a pencil?" "Yes ma'am." "Got some paper?""Yes ma'am."


"Okay, write this down: 'Cohen dead'." "That's all?" asked the clerk disbelievingly. "That's it." "I'm sorry ma'am, I should have told you - there's a five word minimum."


"Yes, you should've," snapped the woman. Now let me think a minute... okay, got a pencil?" "Yes ma'am.""Got some paper?" "Yes, ma'am." "Okay, here goes: 'Cohen dead. Cadillac forSale.'"



The neighbor dropped in on a friendand found hersitting at the kitchen table,staring blankly at a half-empty cup of coffee,her three kids squabbling loudlyin the other room.


"What's wrong ?" she asked.The friend told her that she had "morning sickness".


Surprised the neighbor said,"I didn't even know you were pregnant."


"I'm not." the harried young woman replied."I'm just sick of mornings."

