breslin ( sylvester history ) is the most powerful escape master, who successfully escaped 14 of the most rigorous prison sentences in 8 years. His real identity is an expert in the national security department's prison anguan, every success, on his behalf he can identify the prison's anguan loophole, and then strengthen the improvement. This is the last mission of lei's retirement, to challenge the legendary Super " grave ", but when he was in prison, he found that it was not only a deep die, but he decided to give up his mandate and to show his identity. Ray found that he was really betrayed and wanted to go out, seemingly to cooperate with the unfathomable laoyou " church " ( Arnold Schwarzenegger, Arnold Arnold ), and the threat of brute force ( James James Caviezel Jim Carrey ). How to keep the rare light of human nature in foul atomsphere prison and escape prison became the greatest challenge of two …
布雷斯林(西尔维斯特·史泰龙 Sylvester Stallone 饰)是最强的越狱高手,曾在8年内成功逃出14座安全防卫工程最严密的重刑监狱。他的真正身份是美国国家安全局的监狱安管专家,每一次越狱成功,就代表他能找出该个监狱的安管漏洞,进而强化改善。
这回是雷退休前的最后一次任务,要挑战传说中最滴水不漏的超级监狱“坟墓”,然而当他入狱后,却发现这不但是个深埋海底不见天日的死狱,就连他决定放弃任务,想表明身份出狱时,典狱长竟更变本加厉地折磨他。雷发现他真的被出卖了,想要逃出去,似乎只有找狱中最莫测高深的牢友“教堂”(阿诺·施瓦辛格 Arnold Schwarzenegger 饰)来合作,两人不但要面
无情看守员霍布斯(詹姆斯·卡维泽 Jim Caviezel 饰),还要面对野蛮警卫(维尼·琼斯 Vinnie Jones 饰)的威胁。如何在乌烟瘴气的监狱中保持稀有的人性之光,并逃出监狱成为两人的最大挑战……
2013年11月4日 中国