
发布时间:2017-03-20 21:05




根据《补充说明》,本题“共10小题,每小题1.5分。每题在一句话中留出空白,要求考生根据括号内的汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子。本节测试的重点为英语语言知识的综合运用。” 再看2007年高考题:

31. They sat together around the table, with ________(门关着). ( shut )

32. I haven’t the slightest idea ________(他正在说什么). ( talk )

33. The fact ________(他失败了数次)makes him very upset. ( he, fail )

34. Last night, John was answering the letters that ______(寄给他的)during the past two weeks. ( arrive )

35. He believes that children ________(应允许……学习)at their own pace. ( allow )

36. She has an excellent _______(对名字的记忆力), which helps her quite a lot in her work. (memory)

37. ______(他是否出过国) doesn’t make much difference. ( he, abroad )

38. The factory’s output of cars this year is _______(大约是去年的三倍) . ( as, great )

39. Not only _______(要帮助) the disabled to find jobs, but also medical treatment will be provided for those who need it. ( give )

40. It is possible that the King of Stonehenge was linked to the stones: he ___(可能参与) in planning the monument, or in helping transport and pull up the stones. ( hand )


31.the door shut 或doors shut 或the doors shut

32. (of) what he’s talking about

33. that he has failed (for) several times

34. had arrived for him

35. should (ought to /must) be allowed to learn(study)

36. memory for names

37. Whether he has been abroad or not

38. about three times as great as that of last year

39. will help be given to

40. may (might/could) have had a hand


研读本高考题不难看出,该题型重在考查在理解具体语境的前提下综合运用语法基础知识来解决实际问题的能力。10题中有5题涉及到词的搭配(34题、35题、36题、39题和40题),有9题承载着语法考查的目的,如:非谓语动词(with的复合结构)有1题(31题)、时态5题(32题、33题、34题、37题和 39题)、被动语态2题(35题和39题)、情态动词2题(35题和40题)、形容词的比较状语从句1题(38题)、名词性从句3题(32题、33题和37题)、代词that的指代用法(38题)、倒装用法1题 (39题)。综上所述,该题型有四个方面的特点:①从语用平面(主题)讲:该题通过英语句子和汉语提示提供完整的语言环境,主题鲜明。②从句法平面讲:该题重在在理解具体语境的前提下,通过翻译填空形式考查语法知识的综合运用。具有较强的基础性。③从语义平面(上下文的逻辑关系)讲,该题由于已提供完整的语言环境,故空白前后的逻辑关系非常明确。另外,该题属于翻译填空题。按理:主观性较强,答案不唯一,不好操作。但为确保答案的唯一性,该题型所提供的单词可以是一个以上并且翻译时不能改变所提供单词的词性。通过1-2个单词的补充与限制,该题的可操作性加强。



1. 根据括号内英、汉信息提示,形成初步解题思路。

如:31. 门关着 (the) door(s) is/was shut

32. 他正在说什么 what is/was he talking about? 或what he is/was talking about

33. 他失败了数次he has failed for several times

34. 寄给他的 (something) that arrived for him

35. 应允许……学习should/ought to/must allow sb. to learn/study或sb. should/ought to/must be allowed to learn/study

36. 对名字的记忆力has/have a memory for names

37. 他是否出过国whether/if he has been abroad (or not)

38. 大约是去年的三倍is/are about three times as great as that of last year

39. 要帮助will give help或will help be given或help will be given

40. 可能参与may/might/could have had a hand in或may/could have a hand in




如:32.主句I haven’t the slightest idea显示为一般现在时,所以该从句应为现在进行时is talking about

33.主句动词makes说明该从句为现在成时has failed

34.主句句意John was answering the letters说明该从句为过去完成时(something) that had arrived for him

37.主句动词doesn’t make说明该从句为现在完成时whether/if he has been abroad (or not)

39.not only…but also连接并列分句时,分句时态一般一致。but also分句用will,所以not only分句也用will


如:35.该题空前有主语children,所以该空填被动语态be allowed to learn

39.该题空前无主语,空后是人the disabled,所以该题须用help作主语,用被动表达will help be given或help will be given


如:40.根据句意,该空动作应表示对过去情况的推测语气,所以要用情态动词+不定式的完成式may/might/could have had a hand in

又如: I _________(应该)him about the matter, but I was too busy and forgot it . ( tell )

该题根据but分句句意,可以看出事实上(当时)我并没有告诉他,故应为虚拟语气should have told


如:31.该题空前有with, with前又有逗号,所以该题考查with复合结构的用法,“门”与“关”是被动关系,故用过去分词形式shut表被动。

再如: When she heard her mother’s steps on the stairs, she pretended________ (在写) her composition. (write)

本题空前有谓语动词pretended, 根据常用句型pretend to do 或pretend that-clause,故可用不定式的进行式 to be writing


如:32.根据句意或句型结构have no idea (of ),该空应为同位语从句或介词of的宾语从句,疑问词what提前,后面用陈述句句序,即:what he is talking about

33.该题主语为the fact,其后应为同位语从句,该空没有疑问句意,所以不用任何疑问词而用连接词that连接主从句,即:that he has failed for several times

37.根据句子结构,该空应为主语从句,位于句首,所以用whether而不用if 表示“是否”,即: whether he has been abroad or not

再如: (政府将怎样处理这些旧房子)is still unknown. (do )

本题要求用所给单词do表示“处理”,一般用do with,而与do with搭配的疑问词是what而不是how,故用what而不用how表示“怎样”,即:What the government will do with the old houses


如:39. not only…but also连接并列分句,not only位于句首时,该分句用部分倒装will help be given



如:32.talk后须加上about, 表谈论

34.空前有定语从句主语that及其先行词the letters,故只需填had arrived for him

36.空前有has an excellent, 所以只需memory for names

38.空前有is, 所以不要is

39.空后只有宾语the disabled, 没有to, 所以要带上to

40.空后有介词in, 故去掉介词in


如: All the students ____(渴望)admission to a key university. (desperate )

本题主语是复数,故谓语动词也用复数are, 答案为are desperate for

又如:E-mail, as well as phone calls, _________(正起重要作用)daily communication. ( play )

根据句子结构,该题主语为单数,故谓语动词也应为单数。即:is playing an important part in


