
发布时间:2017-03-15 06:51

摘要:带薪假期 一年一次的放假期间支付工资的员工福利。根据级别和职位时间长短有所不同。大家快来看看商务雇佣合同中条款的解释,在签合同时也不会迷糊。


1、Flex time An arrangement where employees can choose which hours they work, subject to company approval.

1、弹性工作时间 在公司同意的情况下,员工可以自由安排工作时间的工作制。

2、Overtime Any work done outside of normal working hours. Usually compensated at 1.5 times the regular salary (time and a half). Some companies pay at twice the regular salary (double time).

2、加班 在正常工作时间外做的工作。通常以高出正常工资1.5倍的加班费予以补偿。有些公司支付两倍(双薪)。

3、Shift work Staffing arrangement at companies that must operate around the clock. Typically 2 (12-hour) or 3 (8-hour) daily shifts.

3、换班/倒班 在必须24小时工作的公司中的员工工作安排。典型的是两班倒(12小时)或三班倒(8小时)。

4、Piece work Work that is compensated for by each unit (piece) completed.

4、计件工作 以完成的件数计算工资。

5、Salary / Wage Salary is a fixed weekly/monthly income. Wage is an hourly income.

4、计件工作 以完成的件数计算工资。

6、Paid vacation A yearly allowance of getting paid for time off. Varies according to seniority and position.

6、带薪假期 一年一次的放假期间支付工资的员工福利。根据级别和职位时间长短有所不同。


7、Sick days A benefit whereby employees get paid when they can’t work due to illness.

7、病假 因生病而不能上班照常支付工资的员工福利。

8、Personal days Unpaid time off due to personal reasons.

8、私假 因个人原因请假没有工资。

9、Statutory holidays Government-mandated legal days off.

9、法定假日 政府规定的放假日。

10、Probation Period of time for a company to evaluate employees before hiring them aspermanent staff.

10、试用期 在成为正式员工前,公司测试员工的阶段。

11、Medical plan A medical insurance policy paid by the company as an employee benefit.Coverage varies between companies.

11、医疗计划 作为员工福利的一部分,由公司为员工支付的医疗保险计划。覆盖范围因公司而异。

12、Pension plan/401K A fund built with regular contributions by employees and employer to give an employee a regular income (reduced, based on age and length of service) on retirement.

12、退休金计划 由雇主和雇员共同出资建立的基金,给退休员工定期收入(根据年龄和服务年限,收入标准不同)。

13、Insurance Any plan whereby employees are covered when they can’t work. It can be medical, dental, disability, life, etc.

13、保险 当员工不能工作时享受的保险计划。可以是医疗保险、牙科保险、残疾保险、寿险等。

14、Leave of absence Unpaid time off, on a long-term basis, requested by an employee and

approved by the company.

14、休假 根据员工要求,公司批准的长期的无薪假期。

15、Maternity leave Unpaid time off before and after childbirth. Length of time varies. At some companies, the husband can get this also!

16、Day care A company service to help parents take care of young children while they work. May or may not be funded (partially or completely) by the company.

15、产假 在小孩出生前后的无薪假期。时间不定。在一些公司丈夫也可以得到产假。

16、日托 公司提供的帮助父母在他们工作时照顾年幼孩子的服务。可能由公司出部分或全部资金
