建材英文怎么说 建材英语怎么说

发布时间:2017-06-17 17:53



jiàn cái

building materials


1. The building materials industry is an our country importance of material industry.


2. Nonferrous metals , materials industry to continue to maintain a high investment growth.

有色 、 建材行业投资继续保持较高增速.

3. Township enterprises have farm machinery, building materials such as plants.

乡镇企业有农机 、 建材等厂.

4. Township enterprises in commerce, transportation, construction, building materials and catering services.

乡镇企业以商贸 、 运输 、 建筑 、 建材和饮食服务业为主.

5. History of industry of building materials ofof Fang Shan area is long.


6. Township enterprises have building materials, chemical industry, fruit processing plant.

乡镇企业有建材 、 化工 、 果品加工等厂.

7. B. S . in Building Material, Polymer, Chemistry engineer, Material Science is preferred.

建材, 高分子材料, 化学工程, 材料专业学士学位.

8. Product has been in Zhejiang Province to promote new materials products certificate.


9. Long service in: home appliances, gifts, building materials, IT, industry.

长年服务于: 家电 、 礼品 、 建材 、 IT 、 行业.

10. Shanghai Building Materials Supermarket Bailei Beijing - Shanghai more astute consumers who?


11. Building Material, Iron and Steel, Timber Timber Products and Plank, Plywood.

采购产品建材, 铁和钢, 木材,木材产品和厚木板, 夹板.

12. Study accordingly and develop green building materials already extremely urgent.


13. Silastic waterproofing paint organic production sales, retail building materials.

有机硅橡胶防水涂料的生产销售, 建材零售.

14. Building materials for the Chinese Association of recommended products.


15. Tiejingfen processing, metallurgy furnace charge, civil building materials distribution.

铁精粉加工 、 冶金炉料 、 民用建材的经销.

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