
发布时间:2017-03-17 10:28




circle turn whirl ring



The child dances around the room.


Knut then walked in circles until he fell into the water.


The child dances around the room.




What makes people dizzy when they spin?


He threw himself around the stage like a whirling dervish.


A taxi cruises to pick up passengers.


China needs to stop giving us the runaround and deliver real change.


Kitties like to chase their tails by running in circles.


Frank ran circles around the other boys on the basketball team.

1. He threw himself around the stage like a whirling dervish. 他在台上转圈,如同跳旋转舞蹈的托钵僧一样。

2. " The washing machine won't operate - you must have broken it. “ 洗衣机不转圈 —— 一定是把它弄坏了.

3. The skater spun round and round on the ice. 滑冰者在冰上快速转圈.

4. He looked around at the others, nodded, and took another bite of griddlecake. 转圈看了大家一眼, 点了点头, 又咬了一截饼.

5. As a youngster, Joe sometimes liked to be whirled by another boy until hewas staggering. 乔在年青时代有时喜欢叫别的男孩拉着他转圈,直到他快要摔倒.

6. To learn ; I'm not hungry, close your eyes, round, happy birthday, ouch. 我不饿, 闭上的眼睛, 转圈, 诞辰欢愉, 哎呦.

7. His laps around the dining room table are made at dizzying speed. 它绕着餐桌转圈撒欢儿的速度让人看得直眼晕.

8. I take hersintosmy and spin her and kiss her. 我把她抱起来,一边转圈一边亲吻她.

9. First, do more running a circular motion, Rush, swimming and other sports. 多做跑步、转圈 、 疾走 、 游泳等体育活动.

10. The approach is turning in circles run, hunter remote shooting. 采用的方法就是转圈跑, 猎人远程射击.

11. The snake went round and roundand could find neither beginning nor end. 蛇围着它转圈,找不到哪是头,哪是尾.

12. There is always this that at some point things will turn around. 我们总是在这个问题上转圈.

13. Kitties like to chase their tails by running in circles. 小猫喜欢追着尾巴转圈.

14. They danced round in circle until they were dizzy. 他们在圈子里转圈地跳舞,直到他们头昏眼花.

15. And you mean you can pirouette and all that sort of thing? 你是说你会转圈什么的?

16. For a foreigner, the practice of surrounding toasts here can beembarrassing. 在外国人看来, 这里转圈敬酒的习俗颇令人尴尬.

17. The hurt little bear turned fearfully , and fretfully in the wooden cage. 受伤的小熊在木笼里既害怕又烦躁地来回转圈.

18. Jonathan had stood waiting in grass for Marc to come around. 乔纳森在草地上等待着,马克在旋转木马上转圈.

19. Or round in circles, added Spook. “或者在转圈.”斯布克加了一句.

20. He wheeled round and ran. 他转圈然后跑开了.
