
发布时间:2017-05-06 13:58



Mrs. Green: Excuse me, but could you tell me the way to the museum?

Policeman: Certainly. Just go up this street and turn left at the second crossing. The third building from the corner is the museum. You can’t miss it.

Mrs. Green: Oh, let me see. Go down this street, turn left at the second crossing. and the museum is the third building from the corner. Am I right?

Policeman: Yes, that’s right.

Mrs. Green: Thank you very much. Bye-bye.

Policeman: You are welcome. Bye-bye.


Mark: Excuse me, sir. I m new here. where is the cinema? policeman: Oh, It s to the east of the bookstore. Mark: How can I get there?

policeman: You can go by bus.

Mark: Which bus can I take?

policeman: You can take the NO.302 bus.

Mark: Can I go by bike?

policeman: Sure. If you like. It not far.

Mark: Thank you very mush.

policeman: You re welcome.

Mark: Good-bye.

policeman: Bye.


Mark: Excuse me, sir. I'm new here. where is the cinema? policeman: Oh, It's to the east of the bookstore. Mark: How can I get there?

policeman: You can go by bus.

Mark: Which bus can I take?

policeman: You can take the NO.302 bus.

Mark: Can I go by bike?

policeman: Sure. If you like. It' not far.

Mark: Thank you very mush.

policeman: You're welcome.

Mark: Good-bye.

policeman: Bye.


A: Excuse me, sir, do you know how to go to the SiChuan museum? 打扰一下,先生,你知道怎么样去四川博物馆吗?

B: Oh, of course. Do you want to walk ?


A:Yeah,I would rather walk.


B: Go straight down the street, turn left at the third block, and go straight ahead for about 100 meters. The museum will be on the right side of the street.


A: Thank you so much!


B: You're welcome!


A: Bye!


B: Bye!



Getting information and directions

One day, Bill has to go to New York. It is his first time there, and he doesn’t know his way around the city. He has a meeting at 10 o’clock, and he wants to be there on time. The meeting is in the Peters Building on 34th Street, but Bill doesn’t know the way. At that time Bill meets two men and he asks them for directions.

“Excuse me!” he says, “Can you tell me how to get to the Peters Building on 34th Street?”

“Sure,” answers one of the men. “You can get there in five minutes.

Go to the next corner and turn left. Walk three blocks and there you


But the other man says, “Don’t listen to him. There’s a better way. Get on the bus here at this corner. It stops right near the Peters Building.”

Then the first man says, “Oh, that’s on East 34th Street, not West 34th. It’s quite a distance from here. You must take the subway.”

But the second man tells Bill, “No, don’t go by subway. Take the crosstown bus.”

Bill looks at his watch. It is almost ten o’clock.

“Thanks a lot,” he says, “I think I should take a taxi.”

He gets into the taxi and leaves. But the two men are still arguing and pointing in different directions. Next time he needs to ask directions, he should ask a policeman!


1. Excuse me, can you tell me the way to„„?

2. Excuse me, would you like to tell me the way to„„?

3. Where is „„?

4. How can I get to „„?

5. Do you know the way to „„?

6. I wonder where „„ is.

7. I wonder the way to„„.


How far is the bus stop from here? 汽车站离这儿有多远?

How can I get there? 我怎么去那里?

Which bus shall I take? 我应该坐哪一路车?


1. Take along with this street, and „„is on you left.

2. Go down this way, and turn left at the first crossing, and you’ll find „„is right there, on your left.

3. „„is behind (near, next to, on the left of)„„

4. You can just take NO.111 bus, and get off at the second station. And you’ll see it.

5. Look! „„is in front of us far away, right there!


1.当别人为你指路时,你应该用Thank you very much./Thanks a lot. 等来表示感谢。

2.当你请求别人帮助,但对方由于某种原因无法帮助你而表示歉意时,你应该礼貌地回一声: Thank you all the same.(仍然要谢谢你。)
