
发布时间:2016-12-01 22:49



disadvantage, handicap, harm, hindrance


The situation put us at a serious disadvantage.


If you don't speak good English, you'll be at a big disadvantage when you try to get a job.


The system puts the firm at a disadvantage because of its overmuch manpower.


My lack of practical experience was a disadvantage.


The other candidate's main disadvantage is her age.


A transaction between two parties ought not to operate to the disadvantage of a third.


This, it appears, can be a disadvantage.





It was for the benefit of your company that we did that.


Applications for unemployment benefits dropped last month.


A benefit performance will be held tonight.


The unemployed are entitled to receive other unemployment insurance benefits during the period of receiving unemployment insurance compensation.


It was achieved with the benefit of modern technology.


The new hospital will benefit the entire community.


A large number of students will benefit from the new teaching method.


In any case, we could halve the benefit. 在任何情况下我们都将利益均分。

The new railway will benefit the district. 新铁路将使这地区得益。

The new hospital will benefit the entire community. 新医院将有益于整个社区。

I enjoyed the great benefit of his instructions concerning the matter. 在这一问题上他的指教使我受益匪浅。

It is not his fault. He did it for your benefit. 这不是他的过错。他是为了你的利益才这样做的。

But in order for both of us benefit... 但是为了我们共同的利益.......

Do they get any benefit from this game? 他们能从游戏中得到什么利益吗?

Another benefit is that your muscles are working together as they do in the realworld, rather than alone. 另一个好处是你的肌肉就像在现实生活中那样一起进行了运动,而不是单独运动。

But if it's time for you to surgically enhance yourself for his benefit, then he shoulddo the same for you. 但是如果是时候你为了他的利益而去手术隆胸,那么他也应该为你做相同的事情。

We give them the benefit of the doubt. 我们给它们不确定的好处。

But what about the case for the Islamic center as an actual cultural benefit to therest of us because of what it offers, not just what its presence says? 但是对我们其他人来说,这个伊斯兰中心作为一种文化存在能否使我们受益,取决于它能够提供什么,而不是它的存在本身。

Now, for the benefit of any male readers, let me explain something. 现在,为了让我的男性读者受益,让我稍加解释。

What is the expected cost to deliver the business benefit? 达到这个商业利益所预期的成本是多少?

Once you find and apply a pattern, your solution will not only benefit from theknowledge gained in the past, but this pattern might also open a door to relatedpatterns. 一旦你找到并使用一个模式,你的解决方案将不仅受益于从过去获得的知识,而且这个模式还为相关的模式打开了一扇门。

The benefit to confusing your body in this manner is that not only will you burncalories during your dance activity, but you will continue to burn calories longafter you stop. 以这样的方式“迷惑”身体的好处就是你身体里的卡路里不仅仅在跳舞时在燃烧,而且在你停止条后很长一段时间内还会继续在燃烧。

What is the business benefit of the project? 这个项目的商业利益是什么?

They told us it was for our benefit. 当时他们告诉我们,这是为了我们的利益。

One great benefit of handling errors this way is that all of the errors are printed at once. 以这种方式处理错误的一个最大的好处是所有这些错误都会立刻打印。

A big benefit of this alternate architecture is that script is parsed only once persession. 这种新架构的一个最大好处就是,在每个会话中脚本仅解析一次。

Both of us must benefit. 我们双方都应该受益。
