
发布时间:2017-06-07 13:41



I. 看图听句子选择正确的图画

1.It’s ten to seven now.

2.The students are playing volleyball.

3.It’s a rainy day.

4.The girl is wearing a beautiful dress.

II. 听句子选择正确答语

5.Is the ball under the bed?

6.When does the film start?

7.What size is your shirt?

8.It’s a lovely day,isn’t it?

III. 听句子,补全句子中所缺的词语

9.He wants a pair of running shoes.

10.----What colour is your T-shirt? ----It’s black.

11.The man is wearing a blue suit.

12.I’m going to the Summer Palace. Would you like to go with me? IV. 听对话回答下列问题

A: Where is my coat? I can’t find it.

B: Is this yours, Tom?

A: No, it’s not mine. My coat is yellow, but this one is green. B: Oh, I know yours is in the classroom. But whose is this one? A: It’s Liu Ming’s.

B: Where is Liu Ming?

A: He is over there.

V. 听短文,判断下列各题对错,对(T),错(F)

It’s a lovely day. Boys and girls are going to climb the hills. They all wear blue school suits and take some bottles of water with them. They will go there by bike. They will leave at a quarter to eight and come back at half past eight. Mr. Lu, their teacher will go with them.


1. T: What did you listen to ? The news?

S: Yes, I listen to the news.

2. T: When did he leave? Immediately ?

S: Yes, he left immediately.

3. T: Who was sitting behind you ? A young man and a young woman? S: Yes, a young man and a young woman were sitting behind me.

4. T: Where did you go last year> To America?

S: Yes, I went to America.

5. T: Where were they waiting at the bus stop?

S: Yes, they were waiting at the bus stop.

6. T: How did he open the door? Quietly?

S: Yes , he opened the door quietly.

7. T: When did she receive a letter from her brother? Last week? S: Yes, she received a letter from her brother last week.

8. T: What did you borrow from the library this morning? A book? S: Yes, I borrowed a book from the library this morning.

9. T: Who spoilt the soup ? The cook?

S: Yes, the cook spoilt the soup.

10. T: When did the match end? At four o’clock?

S: Yes, the match ended at four o’clock.


Passage 11 Whose shirt is white?

HEACHER:_____ shirt is that? Is this______ shirt, Dave?

DAVE: No. Sir. It's not _______shirt. This is my shirt. My shirt's ______.

TEACHER: Is this shirt Tim's?

DAVE:________ it is, sir. Tim's shirt's white.


TIM: Yes, ______?

HEACHER:Is this your shirt?

TIM: Yes, sir.

HEACHER:_______ you are. Catch!

TIM: Thank you, sir.

New Word and expressions

1.Whose shirt is that?

2.catch v.①_________②catch a thief_____________③catch a bad cold_____________

3.Here you are.=_____________=________________

25 .What color is the electric cooker?

Mrs. Smith's kitchen is______.

There ____ a refrigerator in the kitchen.

The refrigerator is _______.

It is on the_______.

There is ______ electric cooker in the kitchen.

The cooker is _______

It is on the ______.

There is a table in the __________ of the room.

There is a _______ on the table.

The bottle is _________.

There is a _______ on the table, too.

The cup is________.

New Word and expressions

Mr. ________Mrs. ________ (已婚) Miss ________ (未婚) Ms. ________ (已婚或未婚都可) 如需单独使用,则用 sir 或 madam 代替。

kitchen n._______

refrigerator [rɪ'frɪdʒəreɪtə] n. ________

electric adj. 带电的,可通电的electric guitar_________

cooker n. 炉子,炊具 cook_____

middle n. 中间 in the middle of_________

cup n. 杯子 glass________

small 【反】large 物理量值得小或少,不带感情色彩 a mall factory

little 【反】big 表示小或少,但有小而可爱的感情色彩a little garden, sweetest little smile

31.Is the cat climbing the tree?

True or False

1.Sally isn’t in the garden. ________

2.Sally is sitting on the tree. ________

3.Tim is climbing the tree in the garden. ________

4.The cats are running after the dogs. ________

5.The dogs are running across the grass. ________

New Word and expressions

garden n. 花园

under prep.在…下

tree n. 树

climb v. 爬,攀登

run v. 跑

grass n. 草,草地

after prep.在之后 run after_______

across prep.横过,穿过

JEAN: Where's Sally, Jack?

JACK: She's in the garden, Jean.

JEAN: What's the doing?

JACK: She's sitting under the tree.

JEAN: Is Tim in the garden, too?

JACK: Yes, he is.He's climbing the tree.

JEAN: I beg your pardon?Who's climbing the tree?

JACK: Tim is.

JEAN: What about the dog?

JACK: The dog's in the garden, too.It's running across the grass.It's running after a cat.

37.What is Susan’s favorite color?

DAN: You're __________ hard, George. What are you doing?

GEORGE: I'm __________ a bookcase.

GEORGE: ________ me that hammer please, Dan.

DAN: Which hammer? This one?

GEORGE: No, not that one. The big one.

DAN: Here you are.

GEORGE: Thanks, Dan.

DAN: What are you __________ to do now, George?

GEORGE: I'm going to paint it.

DAN: What color are you going to pain it?

GEORGE: I'm going to paint it pink.

DAN: Pink!

GEORGE: This bookcase isn't ____ me. It's for my __________, Susan. Pink's her _______ color. New Word and expressions

hard adv. ①努力地work hard②_________hard shell③______blow hard④_____[近]difficult bookcase n. 书橱,书架

hammer n. 锤子

paint v. 上漆,涂

pink n. adj. 粉红色
