
发布时间:2016-12-02 01:22



The art of living is to know when to hold fast andwhen to let go.For life is a paradox: it enjoins us tocling to its many gifts even while it ordains theireventual relinquishment. The rabbis of old put itthisway: “A man comes to this world with his fistclenched, but when he dies, his hand is open.”Surelywe ought to hold fast to life, for it is wondrous, andfull of a beauty that breaks through every pore ofGod’s own earth. We know that this is so, but all too often we recognize this truth only in ourbackward glance when we remember what was and then suddenly realize that it is no more.Weremember a beauty that faded, a love that waned. But we remember with far greater pain thatwe did not see that beauty when it flowered,that we failed to respond with love when it wastendered.

A recent experience re-taught me this truth. I was hospitalized following a severe heart attackand had been in intensive care for several days. It was not a pleasant place.One morning, I hadto have some additional tests. The required machines were located in a building at theopposite end of the hospital, so I had to be wheeled across the courtyard on a gurney.As weemerged from our unit, the sunlight hit me.That’s all there was to my experience. Just the lightof the sun. And yet how beautiful it was—how warming, how sparking, how brilliant! I lookedto see whether anyone else relished the sun’s golden glow, but everyone was hurrying to andfro,most with eyes fixed on the ground. Then I remembered how often I, too, had beenindifferent to the grandeur of each day, too preoccupied with petty and sometimes evenmean concerns to respond from that experience is really as commonplace as was theexperience itself:life’s gifts are precious,but we are too heedless of them.


Here then is the first pole of life’s paradoxical demands on us: never too busy for the wonderand the awe of life. Be reverent before each dawning day. Embrace each hour. Seize eachgolden minute.Hold fast to life, but not so fast that you cannot let go. This is the second side oflife’s coin, the opposite pole ofits paradox: We must accept our losses, and learn how to letgo.This is not an easy lesson to learn, especially when we are young and think that the world isours to command, that whatever we desire with the fullforce of our passionate being can,naywill be ours. But then life moves along to confront with realities,and slowly but surely thistruth dawns upon us.At every stage of life we sustain losses,and grow in the process.

We begin our independent lives only when we emerge from the womb and lose its protectiveshelter. We entera progression of schools, then we leave our mothers and fathers and ourchildhood homes. We get married and have children and then have to let them go. Weconfront the death of our parents and our spouses. We face the gradual or not so gradualwaning of our strength. And ultimately, as the parable of the open and closed hand suggests,we must confront the inevitability of our own demise, losing ourselves as it were, allthat wewere or dreamed to be.




我们只有脱离母体、失去庇护所时才开始独立生活。我们进入各级学校,然后离开父母。我们结婚生子,然后再放飞子女。我们面对父母和配偶的离世。我们逐渐或很快变得衰弱。最终,如同张开和握紧的手的寓言,我们必须面对不可避免的死亡,失去原来的自 我,失去我们原有的或梦想的一切。


The lack of opportunity is ever the excuse of aweak, vacillating mind. Opportunities! Every life isfull of them. Every lesson in school or college is anopportunity. Every examination is a chance in life.Every businesstransaction is an opportunity-anopportunity to be polite, an opportunity to bemanly, an opprtunity to behonest, an opprtunity tomake friends. Every proof of confidence in you is agreat opportunity. Every responsibility thrust upon your strength and your honor is priceless.Existence is the privilege of effort,andwhen that privilege is met like a man, opportunities tosucceed along the line of your aptitude will come faster than you can use them.

Young men and women, why do you stand here all the day idle? Was the land all occupiedbefore you were born?Has the earth ceased to yield its increase? Are the seats all taken? Thepositions all filled? the chances all gone? are the resources of your country fully developed? Arethe secrets of nature all mastered? Isthere no way in which you can utilize these passingmoments to improve yourself or benefit another? Don't wait for your opportunity. Make it,make it as Napoleon made his in a hundred "impossible" situations. Make it, as all leaders ofmen , in war and in peace, have made their chaces of success. Make it, as every man must, whowould accomplish anything worth the effort. Glolden opportunities are nothing to laziness,butindustry makes the commmonest chances golden.


年轻人啊,为何你们整日裹足不前而虚掷光阴?难道在你们出生之前,每一寸土地都已被他人所占据?难道地球已不再繁衍生息?难道所有的席位都已另有归属?所有的职位都已人满为患? 所有的机会都一去不返?难道你国内的资源都已开发殆尽?难道大自然的奥秘都已了如指掌?难道你无法抓住转瞬即逝的时机来改善自我或者造福他人?切末株守机会.去创造它,正如拿破仑在无数次"绝"境中创造自己逢生的机会一样.去创造它,正如战争或和平年代的领袖们创造他们取得胜利的机会那样.去创造它,人人必须如此,任何人都能获得应有的回报.对于懒惰来讲,天赐良机也会化为乌有;对于勤奋而言,即使是微不足道的机会,也会变得金光闪闪!











