
发布时间:2017-02-16 08:31




L: Do you like cooking, Julia?

J: I really enjoy it, especially when it ends up tasting good!

L: How often do you usually cook?

J: I usually make a few salads for lunch throughout the week and I make dinner about 6 times a week.

L: That's a lot of cooking. You must save a lot of money by eating at home so much.

J: I do. If you cook at home, you can eat healthy food cheaply.

L: What kind of dishes do you usually make?

J: I almost always make either a beef roast or a chicken roast with asparagus, parsnips, peas, carrots and potatoes on Sunday.

L: Do you make a lot of traditional British food?

J: Aside from the Sunday roast, we usually eat bangers and mash, toad in a hole, or fish'n chips once a week.

L: How about spicy food?

J: My family loves spicy food. We often eat Chinese, Thai, Indian, or Mexican food when we're in the mood for spice.

L: What's your favourite dish to make?

J: Iabsolutely love making mousakka, which is a Greek dish with eggplant. But it takes a lot of time, so I don't often make it.


C: Would you like a cup of mint tea?

M: That would be nice, thanks. Could I have a lemon in it as well?

C: Sure.

M: Do you need any help in the kitchen?

C: I could use a little help with the sauce. Do you mind?

M: Not at all. What do you need me to do?

C: Well, after you wash your hands, you could add the mustard to the milk in the saucepan.

M: Do I need to stir it?

C: Yes, milk should always be stirred when it's being heated. If it's not, it could burn or congeal.

M: How long should I stir the milk and the mustard?

C: Just bring it to a simmer.

M: Do I need to add any other seasoning to it?

C: You can sprinkle it with some pepper and salt if you want.

M: What should I do when it starts simmering.

C: You can add some soy sauce, vinegar, red chilli powder, and some sesame seeds.

M: What are we going to eat this sauce with?

C: It's going to go over some noodles.

M: I'll just grate a bit of cheese on it, too.

C: If you think it'll taste good, go head...


J: Morgan, can I ask you a question?

M: Sure, what is it?

J: I was just wondering if many Chinese people take their leftover food home from a restaurant.

M: In most cities in China, doggie bags are quite uncommon.

J: What happens to all the leftover food?

M: It usually goes to the dump.

J: That seems like an awful waste! Why don't people order fewer dishes so that they don't have to throw so much away at the end of the meal?

M: Ordering a lot of food at restaurants is just a tradition in China. You know, in the past, people could not afford to eat out like they can today.

J: I guess that makes sense. I just think it would make more sense to take the leftovers home.

M: Well, if you want, you can take the leftovers home.

J: No, that's OK. You konw what they say: When in Rome...

M: I was impressed that you tried the pig's feet. I heard that may foreigners don't like to eat them.

J: Many people in my generation don't eat pig's feet, but my parents grew up eating them, so I think they're OK.

M: Did you like them? You could take the last one home with you.

J: That's OK. I'll try anything once, but sometimes, once is enough!


S: Come on, have a drink with us!

J: Well, ok. I guess it is happy hour. What are you guys drinking?

S: I'm having a whisky coke, Gavin is having a Long Island Iced Tea, and Olivia is having an Irish coffee.

J: That's quite a mix. Can I see the wine list?

S: Don't you like to drink cocktails?

J: I can't drink vodka because it goes straight to my head.

S: How about whiskey?

J; Whiskey doesn't sit with me too well, either. Trust me, red wine is the best choice for me.

S: How many glasses of red wine do you need to drink to get drunk?

J: I don't know. I haven't been drunk in a long time.

S: You're such a sensible drinker.

J: How many cocktails does it take to get you drunk?

S: I don't know. I'm so drunk already that I've forgotten how may I've had!

J: you're going to have a big hangover tomorrow, aren't you?

S: Probably. But I know how to cure a hangover, so it's OK.

J: How do you do that?

S: I just need to take an aspirin with a glass of water tonight, go to sleep, wake up, have a few cups of coffee, and then I'm sorted.

J: How are you getting home tonight?

S: I'll call a cab. I never drink alcohol if I have to drive.

J: That's the most sensible thing you've said so far!

S: Maybe we're a lot more like each other than I'd thought!






