
发布时间:2017-01-13 16:19




A. 听对话回答问题。本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。

( )1. What does Miss Jones teach?

( )2. What sport does Ricky like to watch?

( )3. How will Frank go from Beijing to Guangzhou?

( )4.What time did the man say they should meet?

( )5. Where will they go for a walk tomorrow?

A. On the beach. B. In the park. C. In the countryside.

( )6. What will happen if the man keeps singing loudly?

A. He will get tired. B. He will lose his voice. C. He will catch a cold.

( )7. Why does Amy want to buy the scarf?

A. She thinks it is beautiful. B. It will be warm in winte r. C. It is very cheap.

( )8. What is the woman looking for?

A. A bookshop called Sunshine. B. A block of flats called Sunnyside.

C. A shopping mall called Sunlight.

( )9. What has the man done man y times before?

A. He has swum across the river. B. He has jumped over the gate.

C. He has climbed the tr ee.

( )10. How is Millie feeling?

A. Maybe she feels nervous. B. Maybe she feels ill. C. Maybe she feels sleepy.

B. 听对话和短文答题。你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。


( )11. From where can they see a long way?

A. The bathroom. B. The balcony. C. The kitchen.

( )12. What does the man think of climbing the stairs?

A. It is great fun. B. It is boring. C. It helps to keep fit.


New York City

Things they have done They have seen the Statue of Liberty, the United Nations building and 13 .

Things they will do They will see a famous 14 tonight.

They will 15 on the last day..

( )13. A. Times Square B. Central Park C. Wall Street

( )14. A. show B. film C. match

( )15. A. go shopping B. visit a friend C. rest at the hotel


( )16. Why is Eddie’s father in hospital?

A. He was hit by a motorcycle. B. He was hurt in a bus accident.

C. A car hit him while he was walking.

( )17. What do the doctors say about his leg?

A. It is not too serious. B. It is very serious. C. It doesn’t need an operation at all.

( )18. How long should Eddie’s father stay in hospital?

A. For one week only. B. For one month. C. For at least two weeks.

( )19. What do Eddie and his mother bring him every day?

A. Fruit and a newspaper. B. Food and paper C. Snacks and magazines.

( )20. What should Eddie’s father not do?

A. Feel sorry for himself. B. Follow the doctor’s treatment.

C. Take his medicine.


( )1. ---Look, the old man who is playing ________ guitar is ______ university teacher.

---Oh, how nice the music is!

A. the ; an B. /; an C. the; a D. / ; a

( )2. ---Are you going to take part in the speech competition?

---_____ . It’s too good a chance to miss.

A. No problem B. Thanks a lot C. Never mind D. That’s for sure

( )3. _________ fantastic time they had playing hide-and-seek in the park!

A. How B. What C. How a D. What a

( )4. I wanted to buy a copy of The Youth, but there was _______ left in the bookshop. _______has just bought the last one.

A. no one; Everybody B. none; Somebody

C. anyone; Somebody D. something; Nobody

( )5.---Do you mind my opening the window to let the fresh air in?

---__________. I also would like to breathe in some fresh air.

A. Never mind B. You’d better not C. That’s all right D. Not at all

( )6. - --We’d better invite Jim and Jack to the party tonight.

---Yes, _____? I’ll give them a call right now.

A. why B. why not C. what for D. how

( )7. He was brave enough _________ for the school volleyball team and succeeded.

A. try out B. to try on C. to try out D. to try

( )8.---Peter,is there anything else you want to know about China?

---Yes,I am still wondering __________ .

A. how is Chinese paper cut made

B. how was the Great Wall built in ancient times

C. why the Chinese people like to play the dragon dance

D. that the Chinese people eat rice dumplings at Dragon Boat Festival

( ) 9. —She didn’t make ______ great progress,did she?

_______,although she did her best.

A. so; No B. so; Yes C. such; No D. such;Yes

( ) 10.He devoted his lifetime _____ it possible for women _____ better education.

A. to make;to receive B. to make;to receiving

C. to making; to receive D. to making; receive

( ) 11. - Let's go on a picnic if it_______ next Saturday.

- But nobody knows if it_______ on that day.

A. is fine; will rain B. will be fine; rains C. will be fine; will rain D. is fine; rains

( ) 12. The thing that_____ is not whether you fail or not, but whether you try or not.

A. minds B. cares C. matters D. considers

( ) 13. Tomorrow is my_______ birthday, I promise to take on more challenges in my_______.

A. thirty; thirties B. thirtieth; thirties C. thirties; thirtieth D. thirtieth; thirty

( )14 - How can you manage to do all these things without a rest?

-I prefer_______ a cup of coffee_______ me energetic.

A. to have; to making B. having; to making

C. to have; to make D. to having; to make

( )15. He had to _________in hospital ________he was better.

A. not remain ; until B. be remain ; till

C. be remained ; until D. remain ; till

( )16.To _______surprise, a large number of people from Syria come to their country.

A. Germans’ B. German’s C Germen’s D. Germens’

( )17 Anne’s father had his daughter’s diary ________after Anne died _______illness.

A. publish ; from B. was published ; of

C. publishing ; from D. published ; of

( )18. I know him well_______ we have been friends since we were born.

A. so B. but C. because. D. and


Driving a car at a high speed along a highway seems to be fun. You only need to 1 the bright traffic signs beside the highway and it will take you where you wish to go.

But to a London taxi driver, driving is not an easy job. A taxi driver needs to have not only good driving skills but also a good 2 of the city of London, from the 3 street to the most popular restaurant around. He has to be at the service(服务) of all kinds of passengers(乘客) at all times.

A London taxi driver said the following about his job.

During the night it is 4 for him to stop two or three times for some food.He said, “I never 5 when I’m working, otherwise, I’d lose my license (驾驶执照).”

He usually goes home between two and three o’clock in the morning.

There are times he has to stay 6 and try to make more runs. He said, “That’s the worst thing about working for yourself. If you don’t make money, no one is going to 7 it to you. ” London taxi drivers not only “take” but also “give”. Every summer hundreds of poor 8 from London go for a day at the sea ― by taxi! Their rides are 9 by the taxi drivers. At the sea, they are met by the mayor (市长) , and a lunch party is also held for the taxi drivers and the children. After a happy day’s running around the 10 and visiting the market there, the children go home again by taxi, free of charge of course! ( )1. A. catch B. meet C. follow D. throw

( )2. A. taste B. knowledge C. dream D. teacher

( )3. A. noisiest B. coldest C. dirtiest D. loneliest

( )4. A. usual B. strange C. dangerous D. impossible

( )5. A. speak B. sing C. run D. d rink

( )6. A. shorter B. longer C. earlier D. hig her

( )7. A. give B. lend C. send D. return

( )8. A. elderly B. farmers C. patients D. children

( )9. A. paid B. borrowed C. sent D. spent

( )10. A. buildings B. mountains C. beaches D. roads



Jane Austen(1775-1817),an English novelist, started writing young and completed six novels in her life. Today Austen’s books are more popular than ever. In the last 10 years, five of her six novels have been made into Hollywood films, while her books continue to be best-sellers.

Richard Jenkyns, a professor of English at Oxford University, says that her novels are about marriage, friendships and the family, which are still with us today. “The stories are timeless,”Jenkyns said.

Pride and Prejudi ce(偏见)(1813) is Austen’s most famous work. It is a love story about Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy. At first, these two dislike each other. Elizabeth is pretty ,smart and lively. She is proud because Darcy doesn’t know about her family. Mr. Darcy is handsome, rich and has a better family background. So, he is proud as well. At the same time, Darcy holds a prejudice against the Bennet family. He has no nderstanding of why the family, especially its mother and daughte rs should try so hard to find wealthy and powerful husbands. He thinks they are vulgar. Anyway, Elizabeth and Darcy finally fall in love and become a romantic couple but their families don’t want them to.

In Pride and Prejudice, some of the main things that Jane Austen wants to teach people are as follows. Opposites can attract each other. Lovers should not ony make each other feel relaxed or comfortable, but also educate and improve each other.

Austen is often called the greatest romanti writer,so it is surprising she remained unmarried. ‘Maybe she was too romantic, waiting for the perfect man,” Jenkyns says.

( )1. From Paragraph 1and Paragraph 2,we can know .

A. Jane Austen passed away in her fifties

B. Austen’s works remain popular today

C. all of Austen’s works have been made into Hollywood films.

D. Austen’s works are mostly about war and the family.

( )2. Which of the following sentences is True?

A. Elizabeth and Darcy fall in love at first sight.

B. Elizabeth has a bette r family background than Darcy.

C.Darcy has a first good impression of Elizabeth’s family.

D. Elizabeth and Darcy become a romantic couple in the end.

( )3. What does the underlined word”vulgar” in Paragraph 3 mean?

A.粗俗的 B.鲁莽的 C.吝啬的 D.伪善的

( )4. From what Jenkyns says,we can learn __________.

A. opposites can attract each other

B. lovers should improve each other.

C. Austen’s works go beyond her times

D.Austen married a perfect man at last


Is your TV connected to the Internet? What about your chair,or your fridge? Probably they are not. But in the future, most things in your home may be connected, thanks to the so-called “Internet of things”.

The Internet of things may be coming sooner than you think. Earlier this year, Aamsung CEO spent a lot of time talking abput the Internet things. He said that five years from now,every Samsung product will be part of the Internet of things,no matter whether it’s a remote control or a washing machine.

So, how do household(家用的) objects that are part of the Internet of things work? Well,think of a common chair. When connected to the Internet, the chair warms up when it knows the user has just walked into the room and is feeling cold.

An Internet-con nected camera could help people feel safer in their homes. It can know people’s faces and has an infrared sensr(红外传感器),so even if it’s dark it can see wh en someone passes by and send you a message on your smartphone to let you know who’s there. If the person is someone you don’t know,it can tell you that ,too.

But according to MIT Technology Roview, whether companies are connecting dog food bowls or security systems to the Internet, there may be some problems. For example, many early connected-home objects don’t have much built-in security, which means they could be hacked(被黑客攻击). Morever, it could be difficult to get these new machines to work together especially when they are made by different companies. To fight this ,many companies have joined the Open Interconnect Consortium, which had 45 menbers by late 2014.

So, picture this: you enter your home.The temperature changes to make you feel comfortable. Your favorite music starts playing for you. Do you think that this would be a good thing? I t may happen sooner than you think.

( )5. What does the article mainly talk about?

A. Advantages of living with the Internte B.Disadvantages of living with the Internte

C. The coming ” Internet of things” D.The imposslble ” Internet of things”

( )6. Which of the following can support the idea “how will household objects connected to the Internet work?”

A. A warm chair connected to the Internte

B. Dog food bowls connected to the Internte

C. A remote comtrol made by the Samsung Company

D. An Internet-connected camera with an infrared sensor.

( )7. Paragraph 5 is mainly about _________

A. the possible problems of” the Internte of things”

B. the problems with early connecten-home objects

C. how to get different new machines working together

D. how to solve the ” the Internte of things” problems

( )8. Which of the following words best describes the writer’s tone(语气) in the article?

A. Doubtful B. Hopeful C. Humorous D. Worried


A habit is any action that we have performed so often th at it becomes something that we do almost without thinking. Some of them are thought to be bad habits. People spend countless hours and dollars each year trying to get rid of these bad habits but often fail. Why? Change is hard work and there is no shortcut to achieve it. However, there is still some advice for you to follow.

First, look at why you do it. In other words, what’s the result of doing this thing? If your bad habit is shouting at people when you are unhappy or under pressure, what do you get from it? It may make you feel a little better for the moment. Or maybe you have a bad habit of leaving your homework undone. The result could be that you get more time to spend on the Internet!

Next, take a look on the other hand. What are you losing because of your habit? Shouting at other people is a bad habit because it makes people around you feel bad and unhappy. Leaving your homework undone is a bad habit because you may be punished by your teacher. Having more Internet time means that you are losing the chance to learn the things that you need to learn. When you think that way, you’ll find that it’s not wise to keep your bad habit! Now it is time to make a decision. What will you choose? I’m sure you will choose to do what you think is more important.

( )9. From the first paragraph we know that __________.

A. a habit is a terrible thing that we can never change

B. people take countless hours and dollars to get rid of habits

C. none of the people who try to break bad habits are successful

D. though it is difficult, we can still do something about our bad habits

( )10. The underlined sentence “there is no shortcut to achieve it” means that ________.

A. it is not easy to get rid of bad habits

B. there is a long way and a short way

C. something dangerous may happen

D. we must cut it in a short time.

( )11. The main purpose of this passage is to __________.

A. introduce and describe B. complain(埋怨)and disagree

C. explain(解释) and advise D. discuss and argue(争论)
