养成习惯 form a habit
养成习惯 develop a habit
养成习惯 fall into a habit
养成习惯 to form a habit of
养成习惯 fall into the habit
没有养成习惯 not habituated to ; unfamiliar with
养成习惯的活动 habit-forming activity
开始养成习惯 Start a habit
没有养成习惯;对……不熟悉。 not habituated to; unfamiliar with.
养成坏习惯 get into a bad habit ; acquire a bad habit
养成的习惯 in the habit of
已养成的习惯 established habits
1. You are young, sir, but take the advice of a man who is regular habits.
先生, 你还年轻, 可是请您听取一个养成习惯的人的意见吧.
2. We first our habits, and then our habits make us.
我们先养成习惯, 然后被习惯左右.
3. We first make our habit, and then our habit makes us.
我们养成习惯, 习惯支配我们.
4. If only you practise, you can form any habits.
只要常做, 就会养成习惯.
5. We first our habits, and then our habits do us.
咱们先养成习惯, 然后习惯又左右咱们.
6. Once you have an exercise habit, it becomes automatic.
一旦养成习惯, 体育锻炼就成为一件自然而然的事情.
7. The behavior a habit. used to forming quality. quality determines destiny.
行为养成习惯. 习惯形成品质. 品质决定命运.
8. We first make our habits, and then our habits make us.
我们先养成习惯, 然后习惯又左右我们.
9. Get into the habit of taking yourself and your problems less seriously.
10. We first our habit, and then our habit makes us.
我们先养成习惯, 然后习惯支配我们.
11. Let diaries, therefore, be brought in use.
12. We form habits and habits form character.
13. Whenever you get online, make it a habit to go straight to the lesson.
无论什么时候上网, 你就可以养成习惯直接进入课堂.
14. Get into the habit of taking a lively and friendly interest in everything.
15. She makes it a rule to keep her room and tidy after coming back from school.
要养成习惯,这样你就永远都不会要等一下才能添加上待办事宜 -那样的话也许就事与愿违了!
Make a habit of this, so you never have to wait until later to add a todo item – that defeats thepurpose!
In the initial stages of habit-building, doing the new thing is the challenge that keeps peoplefrom actualizing their new goal.
Although the average was 66 days, there was marked variation in how long habits took to form, anywhere from 18 days up to 254 days in the habits examined in this study.
For some people, just one cup of coffee a day can become habitual.
Make it a habit of trading contact information with everyone you meet, then touching base every so often.
Work below your capacity for the first few weeks to build the habit. Otherwise you might scareyourself off after a brutal workout.
You'll also find that a pet store's staff is not likely to have any training in dealing with behaviorissues so the puppies continue to do the wrong things, which become habit.
In those cases, turn them into habits — focus exclusively on turning the goal into a habit, untilthe habit is ingrained.
Once you have an exercise habit, it becomes automatic.