
发布时间:2016-11-16 15:14



Recently, I caught myself wasting time dealing with a negative person.

I’m not talking about a web troll or the like. It was actually a business associate who was caught making negative comments behind others’ backs.

Do you have to deal with a negative person that takes up too much of your day?




You don’t have time for negative people in your life.


Negative People are a Negative Impact


And the worst part of the episode was the individual in question got what they wanted… a reaction.


Don’t Let the Critics Steal Your Time


They don’t have anything positive to contribute. They just want to complain. In fact, their greatest pleasure is not in their accomplishments, but in minimizing those of others.


Negative people don’t have anything positive to contribute. Don’t let them waste your time.


“The best way to deal with negative people is not to deal with them.”


It’s best to let them go on their way.


Don’t let them have your time, attention, or energy.


Here are just a few of the Negative People You Don’t Have Time For:


·Naysayers – The naysayers are a dangerous lot because they want to destroy your dreams before they even begin. They will tell you what you can’t do and what can’t be done. The truth is that they can’t or won’t do, so they don’t want you to succeed either.


·Complainers – The complainers spend more time complaining than?doing. They aren’t where they should be because of someone else. The rules aren’t fair. There is always an excuse.


·Bullies – If you think bullying ends in school, you are mistaken. Some people in the workplace enjoy nothing more than abusing others. Of course, just as on the playground, bullies fold when someone finally stands up to them.


·Critics – Critics just love to tear down others and their efforts. They sit on the sidelines pointing out all the flaws they can see… real or not.


·Caustic People – These are some of the most toxic people you will encounter. They never have anything nice to say, but always manage to say something negative.


No Time for Negative People


Don’t let negative people tell you what you can’t do. (Ignore them.)


Don’t let negative people bring down your mood. (Don’t listen to them.)


And definitely, don’t let them waste your time.

