
发布时间:2017-03-16 09:59

中文解释:碳捕获与封存(Carbon Capture andStorage,简称CCS)是指将大型发电厂、钢铁厂、化工厂等排放源产生的二氧化碳收集起来,并用各种方法储存以避免其排放到大气中的一种技术。CCS技术包括二氧化碳捕集、运输以及封存三个环节,它可以使单位发电碳排放减少85%-90%。那么你知道用英语应该怎么表达吗?

The United States and China agreed last Wednesday to tighten pollution standards on heavy trucks, boost energy efficiency in buildings and take a series of other steps to curb greenhouse-gas emissions in the world’s top two polluting countries.

Under Wednesday’s agreement, China and the United States consented to build “several large-scale” demonstration projects to try to “overcome barriers” to the wider use of carbon-capture technology.


The climate discussions were part of the Strategic and Economic Dialogue between the two countries. The sessions are taking place against the backdrop of an economic slowdown in China that U.S. officials hope will spur the new government there to quicken the pace of financial reform.





文中的carbon capture就是“碳捕获”的意思。carbon的意思是“碳”,常用的表达还有:carbon emission 碳排放,carbon dioxide 二氧化碳,carbon trade 碳交易。capture的意思是“捕获”。

文中第一段的energy efficiency是“能源效率”,第二段的demonstration project是“示范项目”,第三段的Strategic and Economic Dialogue是“战略经济对话”,economic slowdown是“经济增速放缓”。
