
发布时间:2017-01-12 17:19




Ⅰ、选择填空 (每小题1分,共25分)

( ) 1. —How was your trip?

—_______. I hope I can go there again.

A. Just so-so(一般) B. Not very good

C. Nothing special D. Wonderful

( ) 2. —I watched TV and listened to music on Saturday.

—Sounds like a weekend.

A. busy B. boring C. relaxing D. tiring

( ) 3. —Why didn’t you answer my telephone last night?

—Oh, . I went to the hospital to look after my friends.

A. I wasn’t at home B. I am not at home

C. I am reading D. I fall asleep

( ) 4.—Where you yesterday, Monica?

—I at home.

A. do…go; stay B. did…went; stayed

C. did…go; stayed D. did…go; stay

( ) 5.—Do you think a snake is ?

—Yes. If I see a snake, I will be too to move.

A. scared;scared B. scary;scary

C. scared;scary D. scary;scared

( ) 6. —Peter has changed a lot(已经改变了很多), hasn’t he?

—Yes. He the guitar last year, but now he is more in playing soccer.

A. plays; interested B. played; interested

C. play; interesting D. playing; interest

( ) 7. -Do you need a new dictionary, Susan?

-No, Mum. My uncle bought me ______ yesterday.

A. one B. it C. the one D. another

( ) 8. —Did you your weekend?

—Yes, I had fun with my friends.

A. enjoy B. have C. spend D. visit

( ) 9. —Hi, Jack. Would you please_________the picture on the wall(墙)?

—OK, I’ll do it right now.

A. pick up B. look up C. get up D. put up

( )10. —Hello, mum. Are you still on Lushan Mountain?

—Oh, no. we are back home. We ________ a really good journey(旅行).

A. have B. had C. are having D. will have

( )11. —I hear Mr. Zhang has gone to(已经去了)Beijing for a meeting.

—Really? Do you know when he ______?

A. leaves B. was leaving C. has left D. left

( )12. —Hey, Tony. You look tired today.

—I until 12 o’clock last night for the math test.

A. woke up B. stayed up C. grew up D. got up

( )13. — I hear your friend is visiting San Ya again. Is it the second time for him?

—Yes, and he will come(将要来) for time next spring.

A. a third B. a second C. the third D. the second

( )14— Why didn’t Sandy tell her parents that she was going home ?

—Because she wanted to give them a _______.

A. gift B. call C. surprise D. note

( )15. There ____ some money in my pocket(口袋) yesterday, but now there is nothing.

A. is B. are C. was D. were

( )16. I can see two _______ and three _______ in the picture.

A. cows; sheeps B. cows; sheep C. cow; sheep D. cow; sheeps

( )17. Many ________ come to _________ the Great Wall every year.

A. visits; visit B. visitors; visits C. visitors; visit D. visits; visits

( )18. The girl was ________ scared that she cried.

A. very B. too C. so D. much

( )19. We don’t know ________ next.

A. how to do B. what to do C. what to do it D. where to do

( )20. We watch the students ________ soccer every afternoon.

A. to play B. play C. played D. plays

( )21 ---_________? ---Very boring.

A. When did you go there B. What did you do yesterday

C. How was your weekend D. Where did you go this morning

( )22. _______a hot morning, he went to the pool with his uncle.

A. On B. In C. At D. Of

( )23. How can you make the snake ________ away?

A. go B. to go C. going D. went

( )24 ---_____ you ______ sports yesterday ? ---Yes , I did.

A. Were , do B. Was; do C. Did , do D. Did /

( )25.---Who cleaned the blackboard? --- I ______

A. did B. does C. was D. am

Ⅱ、完形填空 (每小题1分, 共15分)

Gina’s mother found that her daughter never shared(分享) anything with her friends. She also found children didn’t 26 to play with her daughter. They said Gina always made them27 .

Then Gina’s mother told her the 28 of an ant(蚂蚁) and a dove(鸽子). “One day an ant fell into(掉进)a 29 and tried to save herself. A dove got a leaf and let it fall into the river close to the ant. The ant 30 onto it and went to the bank(岸). Later,a man came and wanted to catch the dove. The ant stung(蜇) 31 on the foot. The man 32 and the sound made the dove fly away. It means(意味着)that if you are kind _33_others. you will be treated well(将被对待得很好). ”

Gina remembered the story from then on(从那时起). Later,she helped her classmate Rita with math 34 Rita was not very good at it. Rita also 35 Gina in some ways.

One day,Gina was asked(被叫) to 36 the waste paper in the classroom. It was 37 for her to finish the work herself. Rita helped Gina 38 the classroom,which made Gina 39 of the story of the ant and the dove. From that day on,Gina realized(认识到) the 40 of friendship, and she began to enjoy helping others.

( ) 26. A. remember B. promise C. like D. stop

( ) 27. A. unhappy(不高兴) B. easy C. excited D. patient

( ) 28. A. film B. story C. photo D. cage

( ) 29. A. hole B. forest C. mountain D. river

( ) 30. A. jumped B. ran C. climbed D. flew

( ) 31. A. her B. it C. him D. them

( ) 32. A. stood up B. rushed out C. laughed at D. cried out

( ) 33. A. of B.on C. to D. at

( ) 34. A. because B. and C. though D. so

( ) 35. A. handed B. studied C. helped D. agreed

( ) 36. A. hand out B. pick up C. put on D. give up

( ) 37. A. hard B. happy C. easy D. sad

( ) 38. A. check B. leave C. clean D. close

( ) 39. A. use B. look C. think D. put

( ) 40. A. importance(重要性) B. trouble C. fact D. reason

Ⅲ、阅读理解 (每小题1.5分, 共30分)

( A ) 阅读Tony的旅行日记,判断正(T)误(F)

Friday, August 2nd Fine

We had some bread for breakfast today. It was delicious. We went to Tian’anmen Square(天安门广场) in the morning. How beautiful! In the afternoon, we went swimming. It was very hot. I enjoyed teaching some kids to swim.

Saturday, August 3rd Cool

Today it was cool. We went to the Great Wall(长城). It was very long and great. We were very tired and hungry in the evening. We ate a lot for dinner. I ate a large bowl of noodles, chicken, salad, and ice cream. The food was delicious.

Sunday, August 4th Rainy

It was rainy today, so we stayed in the camp. I wrote letters to my family and friends. At noon we ate hamburgers and salad for lunch. After lunch, we watched an action movie(动作片). It was exciting.

( ) 41. Tony stayed in Tianjin for three days with his friends.

( ) 42. Tony couldn’t(不能)swim, so he didn’t go swimming on Friday afternoon.

( ) 43. Tony and his friends ate a lot because they were hungry after they came back from the Great Wall.

( ) 44. Although(尽管)it was fine on Sunday, they stayed in the camp.

( ) 45. Tony watched an exciting movie on Sunday evening.

( B ) 根据短文内容,选择正确答案

Love, sometimes we can’t see it!

This is an old story. One day, a man was not happy when his 7-year-old daughter made a box with some paper. The family didn’t have much money. So the father thought his daughter wasted(浪费)the paper. The next day, the little girl gave the box to her father and said,“Dad, today is your birthday. This box is for you.”

The man was happy. But he was not happy again when he found there was nothing in the box. “Why didn’t you put anything for me in the box?” He asked his daughter. The little girl looked at him and cried, “Dad, I put my love in the box. It’s all for you!”

The man felt sad and said sorry to his daughter. Sometimes, we can’t see love with our eyes.

( ) 46. How old was the daughter?

A. Six years old. B. Seven years old. C. Eight years old.

( ) 47. What did the daughter do the next day?

A. She gave the box to her father. B. She put some money in the box.

C. She gave some paper to her father.

( ) 48. Why was the father was not happy again when he opened the box?

A. Because he didn’t like the box. B. Because there was nothing in the box.

C. Because he thought his daughter wasted paper.

( ) 49. How did the father feel at last?

A. Happy. B. Sorry. C. Bored.

( ) 50. Which of the following is true?

A. The family had lots of money. B. The daughter loved her father.

C. The father didn’t like his daughter.

( C ) 根据短文内容,选择正确答案

Blue Ocean Aquarium(蓝色海洋水族馆) is a great place for families to take a holiday. Children love to see the sea animals and watch movies about sharks (鲨鱼)in it.

Last Saturday morning, Mr Jackson took his wife and two little sons to the aquarium. At the ticket office, he asked, “How much shall I pay to get in?” The woman at the ticket office answered, “The price is 20 dollars for each adult(成年人) or any kid older than five(大于5岁的小孩). We let kids in free(免费的) if they are five or younger(更小). How old are your kids?” Mr Jackson said, “The older one is six and the younger one is three. I think I must buy three t ickets.” The woman was surprised. She said, “Sir, don’t you want to save 20 dollars? If you tell me your older son is five, I won’t know the difference(不同).” Mr Jackson said with a smile, “Yes, that sounds right, but my kids will know the difference.”

From Mr Jackson’s story, we know honesty is very important in the modern society(当今社会). We should tell the truth(说实话) to the people around us, especially(尤其) to the kids.

( )51. There are people in this story.

A.3 B. 5 C. 4 D. 6

( )52. Mr Jackson paid for their tickets to the aquarium at last.

A. 20 dollars B. 40 dollars C. 60 dollars D. 80 dollars

( )53. Children can see_____ in Blue Ocean Aquarium.

A. dolphins(海豚) B. pandas C. koalas D. tigers

( )54. The underlined word “honesty” means_______

A. 激情 B. 友谊 C. 乐观 D. 诚实

( )55. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Mr Jackson was very rich.

B. Mr Jackson wanted to save some money.

C. Mr Jackson paid for his two sons' tickets in the end(最后).

D. Mr Jackson thought honesty was more important than money.

( D ) 根据图板内容,选择正确答案

Beijing Travel Company(北京旅游公司)

Beijing-Singapore(新加坡): four days in Singapore

Website; www. beijingtour. com

Telephone: 010一62617788

Miramber Hotel

Restaurant & Cafe, Swimming pool, KTV, Clothing store, Reading room

Travel Plans

▲ Day 1:

Morning: land(着陆) at Singapore Changi Airport

Afternoon: take a bus tour of the island(海岛)

Evening: have a party in the KTV

▲ Day 2:

Morning: visit the Handicraft Center and the National Museum

Afternoon: take the car to Sentosa Island (圣淘沙岛)

▲ Day 3:

Morning: take a walking tour of old Singapore, including(包括) Chinatown

Afternoon: take a boat trip around the island

▲ Day 4:

Morning: free time for shopping

Evening: return by air(坐飞机返回)

Date of Departure(出发) Price

August 16, 2013 ¥3,220

August 17. 2013 ¥3,100

August 18, 2013 ¥2, 950

Au gust 19, 2013 ¥3,150

( ) 56. What’s the telephone number of Beijing Travel Company?

A. 010一62618877. B.010一62617788.

C. 010一61627788. D.010一61628877.

( ) 57. Travelers in this tour group(团,群) will go to Singapore______.

A. by air B. by train C. by bus D. by sea

( ) 58. On the second day,travelers in this group can______.

A. visit Sentosa Island B. B. travel around by boat

C. go to Chinatown D. have a party in the KTV

( ) 59. When can travelers shop freely during the tour?

A. On the fast day. B. On the second day.

C. On the third day. D. On the last day.

( ) 60. If you only want to spend less than(少于) 3, 000 yuan,you can choose(选择)______ as your departure date(出发日期).

A. August 16 B. August 17 C. August 18 D. August 19

Ⅵ、词与短语 (每小题1分, 共10分)

( A )阅读短文,用方框中的所给的单词或短语填空,使全文在逻辑上正确。(提示:选项中有一个是多余的)

dangerous / camping / put up / put on / shouted to / sleeping

61.When I saw a snake ______ nearby,I was really scared.

62.They went ______ in a small village last weekend.

63. After they got to the small village,they ______ the tents.

64. Playing with fire is very ______ .

65. Bill ______ me to let me know about the danger.

( B ) 根据首字母或汉语提示完成下列句子

66. --Do you know how many ________(语言) there are in he world? --Sorry, I don’t know.

67. A family of _______(老鼠) were in the kitchen on Saturday morning when they saw a big cat.

68. There are quite a lot of old trees in Daxinganling natural f________.

69. –How high can the player j_________? --Over two meters(米).

70. Do you like listening to the song “ Two ___________(蝴蝶)”?

Ⅴ. 任务型阅读 读短文,回答问题 (每小题2分,共10分)

One weekend , a wife and a husband(丈夫)went to visit a shop in Tokyo(东京). After they got back home , they couldn’t find their camera(照相机).They thought the camera must be in the shop . After a few weeks(几个星期), they went to that shop again and the boss of the shop gave their camera back to them.

When their pictures of the camera came out , the husband saw two pictures he did not take . One is a man standing at the door of the shop. In his hand there is a piece of paper(一张纸)with some words on it “I find your camera .” The other is a boy with a piece of paper in his hand . There are some words on the paper too “I take the pictures”.

71. What did the wife and her husband do one weekend ?

72. When did they find their camera was lost?

73. Did they find their camera after a few weeks?

74. Who found the camera and who took the pictures

75. came out 在此的汉语意思是


76. 他去年在自然历史博物馆当一个导游。

He_________ ________ a guide in the Natural History Museum last year.

77. ----你的周末过得怎样?---非常悠闲。

--_______ _______ your weekend? --I __________ a very _________ weekend.

78. 不要对老人大喊大叫,这不礼貌。

Don’t__________ ________ old people, it isn’t polite.

79. 我妈妈叫我不要熬夜太晚。

My mother asked me not to_________ __________ too late.

80. 很多小朋友喜欢在春天放飞筝。

Many little children like _________ __________ in spring.

81. 这个故事太短,我一个小时就看完了。

The story is _________ short ________ I finished reading it in one hour.

82. 不要叫醒那些装睡的人。

Don’t ________ _________ the one who is pretending to sleep.

83. 安静地坐在椅子上,不要上上下下地跑动。

Don’t run _________ ______ __________, sit on the chair quietly.

84. 王月帮我把桌子搬进了房间。

Wang Yue helped me move the table __________ the room.

85. 上课的时候不能看窗户外面。

Don’t look _________ ________ the window when you are in class.

86. 老人们都喜欢看小孩做游戏。

Old people like ________ the children __________ games.

87. 刚才他们生起火让我们取暖。

They ________ ________ ________ to _________ us warm.

88. 这对我来说真是一个教训。 It is a _________ _______ me.

Ⅶ、 书面表达 (本大题15分)

假设你是李华,上周末你参加了一次郊游(outing)。请根据下面表格中的提示信息写一篇题为“A pleasant outing”的英语短文,参加某英文报纸的征文比赛。词数60个左右。

A pleasant outing

时间 上周末

参加者 你和……

地点 北山公园(the North Hill Park)

活动 骑自行车、爬山、野餐、做游戏……

感受 ……

A pleasant outing
