
发布时间:2017-03-31 14:44



P: have you adapted to the lifestyle in China?


K: yeah,almost. But there is one thing.


P: what?


K: I still wonder what privacy meant for Chinese people. I don't mean to say that there's no privacy in China, but...


P: what is it?


K: some of my Chinese colleagues just share their personal stories in front of others.


P: that makes you feel uncomfortable?


K: yeah. we never do that in a public office.


P: perhaps that's because we hold different ideas about privacy.


K: i have felt that. One day when i was in a queue, reading a newspaper story, the man behind me peered through my shoulder and stared at the newspaper I was holding.


P: well, that's not rare. I've seen people reading at others' newspaper while takng a metro or a bus.


K: just stare at the newspaper holding in the hands of the one next to him?


P: yeah.


K: Oh, I'm shocked.



Drinking 杯洒人生

dialogue 1

Yang: Bob! Your eyes look bloodshot. Did you not sleep well?


Bob: I had a drop too much last night. I attended a banquet given by a Chinese colleague of mine. And it was startling for me to find that people are forced to drink against their will on a Chinese table.


Y: you have it right. Alcohol is a medium for communicating emotion in China. Drinking with business partners or would-be friends is a way of solidifying friendship, especially in Northern China.


B: I just felt embarrassed if I refused to drink when people toasted to me. But if I keep gulping down one cup after another, I'm afraid I would feel unfit or sick.


Y: you lose face by refusing to drink, and the host might think you refuse to give him face. The right thing to do seems to be drinking yourself into incoherence until you throw up. This will endear you to your friends.


B: a few guys even threw a drunken fit last night, crying hoarsely and bawling whole heaps of nonsense that I never understood.


Y: then he must be opening his heart to the friends. In a word, as long as you demonstrate a rediness to drink more in spite of already suffering extreme discomfort, no one will jeer at you.


B: I got you. Next time. I'll perface a toast with a statement like 'I can't drink any more' and then drink anyway.



Y: What reasons do westerners drink for?


B: I don't think drinking requires any special purposes. For us people in the West, the purpose is generally quite simplc-to savor the wine.

其实,我认为喝酒应该就是喝酒,不为别的.对于我们 西方人来说,目的是很明确的——品酒。

Y: I know what you mean there. In many circumstances, people kiss the baby for the nurse's sake. And that's what we do wh朋 drinking at a banquct. Even though wc do have a rich variety of brand-name wines,likc Maotai and Shaoxing Yellow Rice Wine, alcohol is usually served not for the enjoyment itsclf. We just be its Dionysus effect to cnliven the atmosphere, improve personal association with each other and solidify friendship.

我明白你的意思。许多情况都是醉翁之意不在洒.我们 中国人酒宴上就是这样.尽管我们名酒不少,如茅台,绍兴黄酒,我们喝酒并不是为了享受酒本身,我们是利用洒神效应,活跃活跃气氛,彼此之间增进交情。

B: And to make matters worse, you're urged to drink "one more cup time and again.Thcrc is too much etiquette to obscrvc. You'II be set frcc at a Western banquet It seems we are keen to it asconver =nt as possible to savor the wine, its color, its tuoma and its delicate taste.


Y: Yeah. It's of supreme importance that the goblet, tablc-cloth, and plates should be madeshiningly clean, so that the color of the winc is clearly VisibIc and the delicate aroma and taste are fully appreciable.

