雅思考试大作文范文 工作与事业类

发布时间:2016-12-01 20:47



Nowadays, people are facing more and morework-related stress. Analyze the possible causes ofthis phenomenon and give suggestions as to howto reduce the stress.

It is generally realized that white-collar workersas well as blue-collars are suffering from increasingstress in their work. The cumulating stress isdisastrous in that it reduces work efficiency anddoes harm to one's mental and physical health. Theissue, though having caught much attention fromsociologists, defies any solution unless its causesare thoroughly investigated.

Apparently, the ever-growing stress comes from the fierce competition in the world ofwork. In my country, where the market economy has been established, people have to face anunimaginable amount of competiton. Thus many employees live and work in a constantanxiety, worried that they may be replaced by those who are better qualified if they lose in thecompetition.

The stress may be intensified by the nature of the specific job one does. For example, themoney-related work, where any slip can result in a great financial loss for the related staffmember as well as for the organization he serves, demands extraordinary precision and care.Thus, a cashier has to be always highly alert against any slight negligence in his work. Thelong-term, high-level strain naturally adds to the stress resulting from the competition inwork.

To reduce the stress, one is advised to learn to relax himself in his leisure time. Only whenhe realizes that entertainment and relaxation contribute to his refreshment, which is anecessary condition for his high efficiency and ultimate success in the competition, will he beable to rid himself of the stress. In addition, recreational activities regularly organized foremployees by the company may help solve the problem. The engagement of workers insports, parties and tours can be an effective means of relieving them of the stress.

雅思考试大作文范文 工作与事业类


Few people claim to be able to maintain the work-lifeharmony due to the competing pressures at workand demands at home. In this age of moderntechnology, one of the consequences of theimbalance is stress, a chronic problem commonamong working men and women alike. It is possible that the root of the problem is anundesirable and yet inevitable conflict between career ambition and personal as well as familylife.

Some people have begun to think that working gets in the way of living, particularly when theyare struggling for professional achievements. A reduction of official working hours does littleto relieve the stress that affects one's life because of one's ambition for financial gains andsocial recognition. To illustrate, typical workaholics continue working at home, ortelecommuting, in front of a computer screen. Since one hopes to stand out of the crowd,there is little time left for leisure, pleasure and spiritual development. This being the case, homeis no longer a heavenly place for rest as it used to be. Accordingly, one may feel out of thework-life equilibrium in the presence of increasingly keen competition, as if from alldirections.

More often than not, there is no clear line between work and family life, home becoming almostan extension of the workplace. Thus, the greater is the stress of trying to become successful,the less likely is the work-life balance, considering there is a price to be paid for taking pride inworking, usually at the cost of a variety of family responsibilities and personal enjoyment. Ofcourse, one can manage the work-life harmony skillfully to some extent, but not for long. Infact, this situation is so much like a teeter-totter, one end being work and the other being life.The metaphor refers to a rarely steady state, now moving from balance and now moving backtowards it. That is why many people find it difficult to perform a balancing act between workand life.

The conflict of work and life may be the cause of the problem, but the solution must dependon one's attitude about money and time. Tackling the problem of the imbalance is nothingeasy because the stress of work is invading home. To be realistic, it makes sense that peoplework because they need money to make ends meet at home, and that time for personal lifemust sometimes be limited only to uneasy sleep after a hard day.


Progressions in telecommunications technology haveenabled the practice of telecommuting,which meansworkers can conduct their assigned tasks withouthaving to commute back and forth to workregularly.This emerging working pattern hasprofound implications on our work and life.Someassert that only workers,not the employers,can bebeneficiaries of telecommuting.Personally,I cannot go along with their view.

Granted,telecommuting can bestow numerous benefits upon the employees123 beginwith,employees do not have to live with the constant fear that their boss may look over theirshoulders,as their work is supervised from far away and in more laissez faire fashions.There isno need for them to get super well-groomed and they can "slack off" a bit when the work-induced stress is too intense to bear.They can even do aerobics or take showers to refreshthemselves provided they can meet the deadline set by theirbosses.Furthermore,telecommuting can spare workers the everyday chore of traveling back andforth to work.And this,in turn,helps them to cut down on costs of bus fare,fuel orextravagant work clothes.Lastly,telecommuters can dedicate far more time to their spouseand offspring than office-bound workers.This can,doubtless,strengthen their family ties ormay even salvage dysfunctional households.

Yet it would be erroneous if we fail to ackowledge the advantages telecommuting can conferon the employers.In the first place,less constraints,less peer pressure at work,no office politicsand more flexible schedules can boost employee morale and enhance productivity.Empiricalevidence abounds in this respect that more occupational freedom can,more often thannot,lead to stronger vocational motivation and more innovative ideas.Hence,employers maywell be better off not keeping tabs on their workers nine to five every weekday.In the secondplace telecommuting work force can help business-owners substantially curtail the overheadcosts,such as the costs of rent and utilities.Thirdly,the fact that workers can telecommute viathe worldwide communications network allows employers to recruit people from remotelocations or even half way around the globe,thereby markedly augmenting the labor pool ofbusinesses.Last but not least,employers will not be plagued by petty concerns such asabsenteeism and excessive sick leaves anymore if workers telecommute.

To conclude,I concede that telecommuting can bring about a variety of boons toemployees.However,it would be unjustifiable if we overlooked the advantages telecommutingcan spawn on the employers' side.And we should strive to seek out the most effectiveapproach to exploit this win-win situation.

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