
发布时间:2017-03-14 15:53


the other,可以作主语:其他的,另一个,也可以做定语放在名词前,意思一样,但是这几个词中凡是前面加定冠词the的都是有范围的,比如那群人中等等.主要词组:one...the other 就是:一个……另一个……的意思,举个例子:

One of them is blue,the other ones are purple. 它们的其中一个是蓝色的,其他的是紫色的.

这里the other作的是定语修饰后面的ones,如果把ones去掉也成立,the other作这个分句的主语,表示前句them中除了前面的one以外其他的那些

用the others就是省略了后面的名词复数,the other则后面还需要加名词,用法方面除了这一点和the other是一样的例如: One of the children likes reading,the others like singing. 后句可替换为the other students like singing.


some……,other(s)……the other(s)是个固定搭配,意思是有的……有的……还有的……

是泛指,属于没有范围,比如:Some children likeXX,others/other students likeXX,the others/the other students likeXX.有的学生喜欢XX,有的学生喜欢XX,还有的学生喜欢XX.

some之类的词也可以特指也就是有范围,如果不做固定搭配用,又有范围,一般就用some……,the other(s)…… 比如 Some of them is red,the others are black.不翻译了

其实other跟others之间,the other和the others之间区别是一样的,加S的都是省略了后面的名词复数,完全可以通过加不加名词复数替换,除非the other是之一指的是一个单数.

但是要注意的是如果the前面有形容词性物主代词(my,your,his,her,its,ours,theirs就是"某某的"的意思,形容词,同上作定语修饰名词)就要略去the因为形容词性物主代词已经限定了一个范围了不用再特指,这一点在所有句中都一样,比如:One of my friends likes singing and my other friends all like dancing.我的朋友其中一个喜欢唱歌,我其他的朋友都喜欢跳舞.

不过other和others与加the的两个区别是用在没有特指范围也就是泛指的句子里,就是因为没有范围不是特指所以other一定后加名词复数,关于具体什么是泛指前面解释过,the other是特指就单复数都有可能了,但the others省略的肯定是名词复数.other和others形容词性作定语时含义都是一样的,就是加s的省略了个名词复数.另外others可以作名词表示他人.例如:

We should respect others.我们应该尊重他人.


例如:He drank another glass of beer. 他又喝了一杯啤酒.

That's another matter. 那是另外一回事.

当代词例如:I don't like this one, please show me another. 我不喜欢这个,请给我另一个.


any other性质同上也是形容词作定语,但后只能加名词单数,意思是“任何其他的”

He is taller than any other boy of the class.他比班上任何一个男生都高.

这个情况下也就是比较级+than+any other+可数名词单数可以表示最高级的意思,这个词组是用于主语和与之比较的名词是在同一范围内所以才能说是任何其他的,比如说:

Chongqing is bigger than any other city in China.重庆比中国任何其他的城市都大.


Chongqing is bigger than any city/cities in Japan.重庆比日本的任何城市都大.

some other加复数,表示“一些其他的……”,例如:

There are some other things in the shop.


each other ≈one another 互相,彼此

约等于的原因是one another是特别用于三者或以上之间的互相,例如:

Jerry and Sally often help each other. J和S经常互相帮助.


1 She has two sons, ___is a teacher, _____is an engineer

A one, the other Bone, another C another, another Done, other

2You have seen one of the photos of my sisters, now I’ll show you___

A another B other C others D the others

3__went to the great wall, ___visited the Miyun

A Any, other B One, other C Some others D Some the others

4 Have you any ____ novels?

A another B other C others D the other

5 Would you like to have___ cup of tea?

A another B other C others D the other

6The t-shirt is too long, please show me___

A another B other C others D the other

7He is able to do the work without _____help

A the other’s B others’ C any others’ D other

8We can do it __time

A another B other C others D the other

9There are four dictionaries on the bookshelf. one is French, ___are English

A another B other C others D the others

10The children don’t like this story, please tell them___

A another Bthe other Cothers D the others

11These cups are ours. those are___

A others B others’ C other’s D the others’

12china is larger than _____countries in Europe

13The Beijing library is larger than _____ library in china

14 have you finished your____ report?

15jimmy is the oldest boy and is taller than__ boy in his class

16If you want to change a double room, you’ll have to pay ___$15.

A another B other C others D the other


1.practise 的用法详解

2.rather than用法小结



