
发布时间:2017-06-17 19:09


关于启蒙英语故事:Allen’s Fear


Allen does not like high places.


Allen would never climb a ladder.


“No way!”


Allen would never even try to slide.


“Too scary!”


Allen would never jump off a diving board.


“Not me!”


Allen would never climb a tall tree.


“Oh,wait a minute!What’s that?”


Allen’s kitty is up in the tree!


It is not a very tall tree,but it looks tall to Allen.


“I cannot leave my kitty in the tree!”


But how will Allen get his kitty down?


Allen calls for someone to help get his kitty.


“Help!Please get my kitty down!”


No one answers.


There is no one around to help.


Allen begins to cry.


Then,his dad comes outside.


“Why are you crying?”


“Dad,my kitty is up in the tree.


But I cannot get him down.”


“Let me help you get it down.”


Slowly and carefully,he helps Allen climb onto his shoulder.


“Are you still scared?”




Allen reaches for his kitty.


Allen grabs the kitty and holds him close.


“Don’t worry,I will get you down.


Now you are safe again.”


“Thank you,Dad!”


Allen looks up at the tall tree again.


“Hmm.That tree is not as tall now.”



Who is it ? A kangaroo nurse. She works all day.

What is the nurse doing? She is giving a shot to the giraffe who has a hurt neck. She is putting an ice pack on the ostrich’s head and taking his temperature. Then, she is applying a bandage to the wolf’s hurt ears and feeding medicine to the koala.

She should make the naughty baby rabbit lie on the bed seven times. I think the baby rabbit will escape from the bed just after the nurse goes out. The kangaroo nurse is going somewhere hurriedly . Where is she going?

Oh! In the newborn infant room she is giving milk bottles to the baby bears. All the baby bears looks happy. Oh, there is a milk bottle left. Whose bottle is it?

It’s the baby kangaroo’s. “Eat a lot and grow up strongly and healthily.” The kangaroonurse is whispering to the baby kangaroo and looking at him proudly. The kangaroo nurse was very busy but she looks so happy.

关于启蒙英语故事:Annie the Detective

1.Annie and her family were enjoying dessert. Everyone loved Mother’s chocolate almond cake. But Annie was not feeling well. “Mom, can I save my piece for tomorrow?” she asked.

2.Annie, are you sure want to save your cake? asked Dad. “What if it spoils?” asked her sister Molly. “It won’t taste good tomorrow,” said Jesse, one of the twins. “What if you’re still sick tomorrow?” said Jake, the other twin. “Please do not touch my cake!” she said.

3.“Good morning! How are you feeling?” asked Mother. “I feel great!” answered Annie. Annie opened the refrigerator door. “Oh, no!” she shouted. “My cake is gone!”

4.Who ate my cake?” she asked. “Not me,” said Molly. “It wasn’t me,” said Jesse. “Don’t look at me,” said Jake. Annie’s parents shrugged their shoulders.

5.“One of you is not telling the truth,” she said. “Someone in this room ate my cake! I am going to find out who did it!”

6.Annie asked her family to leave the kitchen. She wanted to search the area for clues.

7.There were no dishes or cups in the sink. It was very clean. Annie opened the cupboard. One of the cups was missing.

8.Annie opened the lid to the garbage can. She found the wrapper from her cake. There was also a banana peel.

9.“I would like to ask you some questions,” announced Annie. “Let’s start with you, Dad. What time did you go to sleep last night?” she asked.” “About eleven.” He answered. “Did you wake up during the night?” “Yes, I did. I went to the bathroom,” he said.

10.“Did you wake up during the night?” Annie asked her mother. “I woke up twice,” she answered. “Once when your father got up, and the other time was about six o’clock,” “What woke you up then? Annie asked.” I thought I heard a sound from the kitchen.”

11.“I got up about twelve because I was thirsty. I drank some milk,” Molly said. “Where is your cup?” Annie asked her sister.

12.I went to sleep at ten and woke up at eight this morning, so I couldn’t have eaten your cake, unless I was sleepwalking.” Molly gave the cup to Annie. It was the missing cup from the cupboard.

13.“Did you get up during the night?” she asked Jake. “No, uh, wait, yes, I did.” “What time was that?” “Uh, I think it was about one or two.” “Why did you get up?” “I was hungry. So, uh, I ate a banana.”

14.Annie looked at her notebook. “I know who ate my cake,” she announced. Annie looked at each person. Then her eyes rested on Jake. “It was Jake.” “H…How did you know?” he asked.

15.Mom said she heard a noise around six in the morning. Someone must have been up at that time. But my biggest clue was the banana peel. If you ate the banana around one or two, the peel would already be dark. But when I saw it, it was still white.”

16.Jake admitted he ate Annie’s cake. He apologized to Annie. No one knew Annie was such a good detective!
