
发布时间:2016-11-10 10:25




More than 3,500 years ago, there was a very kind and wise emperor called Cheng Tang. Every year he traveled around his empire to visit all of his people and see if there was anything the government could do for them.


One beautiful day, the birds were singing and the beasts were enjoying the nice weather. The Emperor smiled as he heard their pleasant calls. Then he saw huge nets spread where all those animals would get caught. He heard a trapper praying in a loud voice. This is what the trapper prayed:


May all the birds in the sky,


May all the beasts on the ground,


May all the animals from north, east, west and south,


Come into my net,


Let not one of them escape!


Emperor Cheng Tang was upset to find such a greedy, heartless trapper, but he was also a very wise monarch. He did not command the trapper to stop hunting. Instead, with his own imperial hands, he took down three sides of the nets, leaving only one side.


The trapper wondered what was going on, but he couldn't just go up and punch the Emperor. Then he heard Cheng Tang praying out loud. This is what the Emperor prayed:


May all who wish to dodge to the left, dodge to the left;


May all who wish to dodge to right, dodge to the right;


May all who wish to go over the nets, go over the nets;


May all who wish to duck under the nets, duck under the nets;


Only those who do not wish to live any more may enter my nets.


The trapper realized that he had been greedy and mean. He told every one how kind their Emperor was, so all the people trusted Cheng Tang. The dynasty Cheng Tang founded, the Shang, ruled China for over 600 years.



During the Chin dynasty of the fourth century, there was a middle-aged man in Shanyin called K'ung Yu. He was an official for the government, but he had practically the lowest official position in the whole dynasty. His position was low, and so was his pay. Times were hard for him.


Once he saw a turtle someone was getting ready to eat. He felt sorry for it, so he bought the turtle and took it to the river. There he let it go.


The turtle seemed to understand that Yu had saved it from the soup. As it swam away, it kept looking back at him. Yu watched it until he couldn't see it any more.


Years later, Yu had reached a better position. Leading troops, he quelled a rebellion. For his great deeds, the Emperor raised him to the rank of Lord, a high and powerful position.


The official insignia for the rank of Lord is a metal seal, or chop. When K'ung Yu was promoted, the royal artisans cast a seal for him, but for some reason, it came out with a turtle on top, and the turtle was looking back over its shoulder. They thought that was strange, so they melted the seal down, made a new mold, and cast it again, but it still came out with a turtle looking back over its shoulder! The artisans tried over and over again. Every time they made the mold very carefully, and everybody inspected the mold. Every time, the mold was fine, but every time they cast the seal, it came out with a turtle on top of it, and every time, the turtle's head was looking back over its shoulder!


The artisans thought this was uncanny. They decided to go to the new Lord and see what he thought about it. They knelt in front of him, and said, "My Lord, as directed by our Emperor of Ten Thousand Years, we have tried to make a seal for you as sign of your new rank, but every time we cast the mold, the seal comes out with a turtle on top, and the turtle is always looking back over its shoulder."

“继续做吧,” 孔玉吩咐说,“再重新铸一遍。”

"Carry on," K'ung Yu directed. "Do it over again."


The artisans followed his command, but once again, the seal appeared with a turtle on top, looking back over its shoulder. K'ung Yu was perplexed. The news of this strange occurrence spread, and eventually reached the royal ears of the Emperor.


The Emperor called K'ung Yu in to explain why his seal always came with a turtle, but K'ung Yu was at a loss to explain.


On his way home, K'ung Yu suddenly remembered something. The next day in court, he reported, "Your Highness's loyal minister has considered the manner of the seal and the unexplainable turtles, and perhaps has found a reason."


"Many years ago, this minister happened to see a fisherman preparing to cook and eat a turtle he had caught. This minister felt sorry for the turtle, and so purchased said turtle from the fisherman and released it by the river. The turtle seemed to understand, for it swam along the surface of the water and looked back as if in gratitude."


"Your Highness has currently granted me the rank of Lord; the official seal has a turtle on it; this must be a sign that I have had the opportunity to win such favor from Your Highness due to the gratitude of that turtle, which must have moved Heaven on my behalf."


The Emperor told the court, " Those who do good will reap good rewards. The Lord K'ung is an excellent example."
