
发布时间:2016-12-01 22:49


经典名人故事:I am illiterate too

Once Albert Einstein, the world-famous scientist, was traveling by train. At dinner time he went to the dining car.

Menu in hand, he suddenly readlized that he had forgotten his glasses in his compartment. Heshrugged. Unwilling to go back, he tried his best to indentify, the fine letters. However, his effort was in vain. He returned the menu to the waiter near him, "Would you please read this menu for me?" The waiter shrugged. Then murmured to Mr Einstein, "Sir, I'm terribly sorry. I am illiterate too."



经典名人故事:The secret of success

A young man once asked Albert Einstein what the secret of success was. The great scientist told him that the secret of success was hard work.

A few days later the young man asked him the same question again. Einstein was very annoyed.

He did not say anything but wrote a few words on a piece of paper and handed it to the young man. The young man looked at the piece of paper. On it was written:


"What does this mean?" asked the young man.

"A means success," explained the old scientist. "X stands for hard work, Y stands for good methods, and Y means that you should stop talking and get down to work."







经典名人故事:Picasso portrayed the thief

One day, a thief broke into Picasso's home.

The housekeeper caught sight of the thief the moment he ran away. She picked up the pencil and paper to scrabble(乱涂) a portrait of him.

At the same time, Picasso who was sitting at the balcony saw the sneaker(卑鄙者) running, drew a picture of him too. When the police came, they both handed their sketches in.

The police caught the thief according to the housekeeper's picture, while lots of persons were taken to the station by mistake in the spirit of the painter's work.




