
发布时间:2017-06-11 21:03



It was the first day of school and a new student,the son of a Japanese businessman,entered the fourth grade.The teacher greeted the class and said,“Let’begin by reviewing some American history. Who said 'Give me liberty,or give me death'?"


She saw only a sea of blank faces except for that of Toshiba,who had his hand up. "Patrick Henry,1775,"said the boy.“Now,”said the teacher,“Who said 'Government of the people,by the people,for the people shall not perish from the earth'?”


Again, no response except from Toshiba:”Abraharn Lincoln,1863. "


The teacher snapped at the class,"You should be ashamed. Toshiba,who is new to our country,knows more about it than you do."


As she turned to write something on the blackboard,she heard a loud whisper:"Damned Japanese.”

“林肯, 1863年。”

"Who said that?"she demanded.


Toshiba put his hand up. "Lee Jacocca,1982. "he said.




Not long after my sister's wedding,one of my father's colleagues and his wife dropped in to see Mom and Dad.The guests had not been invited to the wedding, so when

the woman said,”I'm sorry I didn't get over to the church the other day,”Mom assumed she meant the church's Good Cheer Club Tea and Bazaar.


"I'rn glad you didn't.”Mom replied.”You never saw such a mob scene!"


"I thought I'd like to see how everyone was dressed,"the guest said."What did you wear?"


"Just my old navy print and my oxfords,“said Mom,"and a good thing,too,as we cleared almost a thousand dollars. "


"Did you take a collection?"the woman gasped.


"Oh, no,“said Mom,"you know how it is,a lot of people come just to look and you don't make a thing out of them,so we decided to charge admission at the door.”


At this point Dad realized signals were crossed,and he suggested to Mom that she explain that my sister's wedding had been neither a mob scene nor a profit-making venture.



A man dirning with a friend explained the peculiarities of the restaurant they were in:"The waiters never admit they don't have something. They'll take your order. for a slice of sun and too away as if they mean to get it...then they'll come back and say they just ran out.”


To prove his point,he said to the waiter,“The dinosaur,please.”


“Yes,sir,“answered the waiter.”And how would you like it cooked?"


"Well done!"


The waiter left and returned quickly.“I'm sorry, sir,but we've just run out of a dinosaur.”


" What?" said the diner with feigned disappointment."No dinosaur?"


The waiter lowered his voice. "Well,we do have some left,“he whispered confidentially,"...but it's not very fresh and I won't serve it!”
