
发布时间:2017-06-12 17:39





Over 6,00 years ago,

God seated majestically on His throne,

Became thoughtful,

T’ was a feeling of inadequacy,

‘I must have an heir to who can enjoy his own domain,

(Of course with my privileges at his disposal,

His continuous praise will be my delight)’,

God thought of man becoming the

Focus of their attention from heaven,

Like the first child of a young couple,

‘What’s my glory without man’, he wondered,

Then a casual walk he took,

Throughout the universe he had created,

Then at planet earth he made up his mind,

To transform the shapeless and void dark earth,

Into a place of life and light,

Then at last God spoke,

‘Let there be light’,

His man will be a product of light,

God paused, and named at work done,

The first day.

First days followed

God’s preparation for man continued,

Each day speaking the WORD to create,

The earth, He made,

The sun for day, season and yearly count,

The seas, rivers, sky and earth he filled,

With creatures, fishes birds and beasts,

Every creation capable of reproducing itself,

All for the comfort of man and to dominate,

Then came the 6th and most glamorous day,

The reason for all the works and expedition,

The day for God to reproduce Himself onto the earth,

And God spokes, this time to His son and spirit as well,

‘Let us make man in our image,

To commune with us daily’,

For this venture in particular,

They employed the use of their hands

Thus on the 6th day man came into being,

The 1st father entered the world to rule,

He named everything that was made,

‘Noun’ thus becoming synonymous to man,

Indeed all was very good

And on the seventh He rested.

O the depth of the riches both the wisdom and knowledge of

How unsearchable are His judgments and His

Manifestations beyond discovery

We give all the glory to our Almighty Father in Heaven,

He has made man heroes and we are proud to be His.

FOR crowned man with glory and honor,

As we celebrate all fathers today,

We dedicate today,

To the father of all fathers, Jehovah is His name.

Today thus also becomes ‘Happy our Heavenly father’s day!!!


Fathers young, fathers old

Fathers young, fathers old

Remembering good times are our gold.

Value earned through guidance given

Helping us go forth in living'.

Each father adding to our trove

A treasure chest of love untold.

Remembering father in our lives

Taking time to realize.

Fatherly love brings wealth to living

Remembering this we go forth in giving.

Fathers young, fathers old

We remember you all

As life unfolds.



Grandfathers Are Fathers Who Are Grand

Grandfathers are fathers who are grand,

Restoring the sense that our most precious things

Are those that do not change much over time.

No love of childhood is more sublime,

Demanding little, giving on demand,

Far more inclined than most to grant the wings

Allowing us to reach enchanted lands.

Though grandfathers must serve as second fathers,

Helping out with young and restless hearts,

Each has all the patience wisdom brings,

Remembering our passions more than others,

Soothing us with old and well-honed arts.
