
发布时间:2016-11-19 13:20


China orders cutback on TV entertainment.China will limit the number of entertainment programs allowed to air on television, from match-making game shows to dance broadcasts, and push to replace them with morality-building programing, Chinese media reported on Tuesday.

China's State Administration of Radio, Film and Television starting next year will restrict shows that "record the dark and gloomy side of society," the Southern Metropolis Daily said.

"For every satellite TV station, no more than two entertainment programs can be aired during prime time from 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. every night," the paper said, citing a directive from the national broadcasting watchdog.





文中的“cutback on TV entertainment”即我们所说的“限娱令”,cutback是“减少、削减”的意思,类似的表达还有“limit the number of entertainment programs/cap the amount of entertainment programs/curb TV shows”。颁布“限娱令”的机构是“China's State Administration of Radio, Film and Television”,即“广电总局”。在黄金时段“prime time”受限播出的有“matchmaker programs”婚恋交友节目、“talent contests”才艺竞秀、 “variety shows”综艺娱乐节目、“talk shows”脱口秀 、“reality shows”真人秀等,这些节目可统称为“entertainment programs”娱乐节目。
