
发布时间:2016-11-10 11:11



In ancient times, the people of Yongzhou liked to live by the river. They were all very good at swimming.


One day, the water in the rivers suddenly rose. Five or six people were crossing the Xiang River in a small boat. When the boat reached the middle of the river, it leaked and sank. All the people on the boat swam for their lives.


At this moment, a man was seen paddling like crazy in the water, but with little progress. One of his companions asked in surprise:


"You used to be the best swimmer among us. Why are you lagging behind today?"


The man panted heavily and replied:


"I've got 1,000 copper coins wrapped around my waist. They are very heavy, so I can't swim fast."


His companions advised him anxiously:


"Throw away the copper coins at once!"


The man only shook his head and gave no answer.


After a short while, he became weaker and weaker. At this moment, those who had got on the bank shouted to him desperately:


"You are such a headstrong fool. You are about to drown, so what do you want the money for?"


But the man shook his head again, sank rapidly and drowned.



As the legend goes, in the area of Qian (now Guizhou Province) there were no donkeys. Later, a meddlesome man transported one by boat from somewhere else, but he found it of no use. So he left the donkey at the foot of a mountain and let it do as it pleased.


A tiger in the mountain, which had never seen a donkey before, thought this huge monster was a divine beast and was rather scared. Hence, the tiger hid itself in the woods and observed the donkey covertly. After a while, seeing the donkey stand there without movement, the tiger came out of the woods slowly, approached it cautiously, but couldn't figure out yet what monster it was.


One day, while the tiger was observing, the donkey suddenly gave a loud cry, which frightened the tiger so much that it took to its heels, for fear that the donkey would devour it. Yet when turning its head, it discovered that the donkey was still at the same place, without stirring a bit. The tiger again slowly approached the donkey, gradually got used to its neighs and felt it wasn't frightful at all.


The tiger came nearer and nearer, and even tried to tease the donkey at times with its paws. Being very much annoyed, the donkey gave the tiger a good kick. Thus, the tiger felt very pleased and said to itself:


"So that's all the tricks it has."


The tiger gave a big roar, jumped up and pounced ferociously upon the donkey, bit into its throat, devoured its flesh, and went away satisfied.



Liu Zongyuan was ill. He called a famous doctor for diagnosis and treatment. The doctor said:


"Your spleen is swollen. You will get well by taking good quality fining (poris cocos)."


Liu Zongyuan sent someone to buy fining from a herbal medicine shop, boiled it and drank the decoction. However, his illness was not relieved, but turned worse instead.


Thinking that the doctor had prescribed the wrong medicine, he called and reproved him, asking what was the matter.


The doctor didn't believe this. He poured out the dregs of the decoction from the pot and examined them. To his surprise, they were not}}ling, but just dried sweet potatoes, dyed and processed.


The doctor sighed and said:


"The medicine seller is a swindler. The medicine taker does not know head or tail of it. Illness cannot be cured by the doctor alone."

