
发布时间:2017-03-15 04:55


中文: 历史悠久

历史悠久的英语: time - honored



The old universities of Oxford and Cambridge still have a lot of prestige.


With a long history, the city has many historical and scenic spots.


Anchoret ethos has a long history in China, with varieties in each historic period.




The near century-old temple at Port Klang is one of the oldest temples and was built in 1950.


Humanism is a long-established human thought and is one of the main clues that run through Chinese culture and history.


As a famous historical and cultural city with long history, Guangzhou has distinctive rich and varied historical cultural heritages.


They explored Ming-Qing vernacular novels and ancient vernacular writings in order to look for a vernacular Chinese-language model and its historical origin.


Built like its neighbors, over a century ago and part of a continuous network of buildings in a historical district, this town house has been completely renovated.


Biology is now in the early stages of a historic transition to an information science, while also gaining the tools to reprogram the ancient information systems of life.


Because Luoyang is "an ancient capital city of thirteen dynasties", its features of historical cultural resources are very sharp, and its advantages are outstanding

1. Texas has a long history of trade with Mexico. 得克萨斯州与墨西哥的贸易往来历史 悠久 。

2. Columbia was a young city compared to venerable Charleston. 与历史 悠久 的查尔斯顿相比,哥伦比亚是个年轻的城市。

3. The castle is steeped in history and legend. 这座城堡历史 悠久 ,充满了传奇。

4. It grew on a venerable and venerated family tree. 它长在一棵历史 悠久 、受人尊敬的“家族树”上.

5. China's past is distinguished by more than longevity, reciliency, and culture. 中国的过去不仅以历史 悠久 , 富有韧性和文化灿烂而著称.

6. His family is as old as the hills, and infinitely more respectable. 他那古老的门阀世家, 历史 悠久 ,名望却比山岳还要高得多.

7. It is an ancient center of culture, scholarship, and poetry. 这是一个历史 悠久 的文化 、 学术和诗歌的发祥地.

8. China's past is distinguished by more than longevity, resiliencey, and culture. 中国的过去不仅仅以历史 悠久 , 富有韧性和文化灿烂而著称.

9. The ancient provinces of France, Normandy, Burgundy, and the like gaveplace to eighty departments. 法国一些历史 悠久 的外省, 例如诺曼底 、 勃艮第等等, 被80个新省所替代.

10. Islam has enjoyed a long and rich intellectual tradition. 伊斯兰教拥有历史 悠久 而丰富的理性传统.

11. Disk - loaded waveguide is a kind of slow - wave structure with long history. 盘荷波导是一种历史 悠久 的慢波结构.

12. Akagi has a long history, splendid culture, folk customs are simple,outstanding. 赤城历史 悠久 , 文化灿烂, 民风纯朴, 人杰地灵.

13. Ssangyong has a long history, rich in ancient cultural relics. 双龙历史 悠久 , 古文化遗存丰富.

14. China is a large country with a long history. 中国是一个幅员辽阔历史 悠久 的国家.

15. Agricultural economy history is long, agrarian civilization is accumulateddeep. 农业经济历史 悠久 , 农耕文明积淀深厚.

16. Yes, there's lots of history and it's modern at the same time. 是的, 它历史 悠久 ,同时又很现代.

17. Germany has long had a progressive social security system that benefitsparents. 德国造福双亲的进步社会安全系统历史 悠久 .

18. History of industry of building materials ofof Fang Shan area is long. 房山区建筑建材产业历史 悠久 .

19. Grainger was established in 1927 with long history and experience. 固安捷成立于1927年,历史 悠久 .

20. It is also home to some of the world's first roller coasters. 是历史 悠久 的海滩,著名的游乐场,是世界最早的过山车的诞生地.
