
发布时间:2017-05-12 08:02




This is Gary Mills calling. Please call me as soon as possible.


This is Gary Mills of ABC. Please call me when you get home. My number is 1234-1234.


This is a recording. *录音带中的固定说法。



Please speak a little more slowly.

Would you slow down, please?


I can't hear you very well.

Are you free tomorrow? (明天有空吗?)

I can't hear you very well. (我听不清楚。)

I can barely hear you. (我一点儿都听不见。)

I'm having trouble hearing you. (我听不太清楚。)


We have a bad connection.

This is a really bad line.


Could you speak up, please?

Please speak a little louder.

Would you speak up a little, please?


The lines are crossed. *line 是指telephone line “电话线”,cross “交叉”、“干扰”。

The lines must be crossed. (肯定是串线了。)


I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.

I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. (对不起,让您久等了。)

That's okay. (没关系。)

I'm sorry for the delay. (对不起,我来晚了。)

Sorry to have kept you waiting. (抱歉,让您久等了。)


Thank you for waiting.




Oh, hello. Is Mark there?

Speaking. 我就是

This is me/he/she.是我

This is Mr. Sato speaking. 对,我是佐藤

It's me. *常用于关系非常亲密的场合

ABC Business College, may I help you? ABC商务学院,你有什么事?

Thank you for calling ABC Business College. Can I help you?

Who's calling, please? 您是哪位?

Who's speaking, please?

Who is this, please?

May I ask who's calling?

Who should I say is calling?

Who in particular would you like to talk to?


He's been expecting your call. 他一直在等您的电话* He's是He has的省略

Which Suzuki do you want to talk to?


There are three Suzukis here. 有三位姓铃木的。

Would you mind calling back later?


Could you call back later?

Extension 103, please. 请转分机103

May I have extension 103?

Could I have extension number 103?

Please connect me with extension 103.

Would you transfer this call to extension 103?

I'll connect you to extension 103.我给您接103分机.

I'm transferring your call to extension 103.

May I speak to Mr. Smith?

Hold on, please. 请稍等。

One moment, please.

Just a moment, please.

Hold the line, please.

Just a second, please.

I'll put him on. 我让他接电话

I'll connect you. 把电话转接给你。

I'll transfer your call.我把电话给您接过去

I'll put you through.


Let me transfer this call for you.

I'm transferring ur call to the person in charge.我把你的电话接到营业部去。

I'm transferring ur call to the sales department.

Mr. Peck is on line one. 是贝克打来的,请接一号线.

Mr. Peck for you. He's on line one.

Pick up line one. It's Mr. Peck.

You have a call from Mr. Miller of ABC.


There's a call from Mr. Miller of ABC.

Mr. Miller of ABC is on the line.

Your party is on the line. 您要找的人在线了/来接电话了


Sorry, her line is busy now. 她正在打电话

Alright. I'll try again later.

She's on another line now.

Ms. Kane is talking to someone else now.

I'm afraid she's on the other line now.

I'm sorry, she's tied up at the moment.


I'm sorry, she has company at this time. *company 表示朋友、来客


Would you like to hold? 您等会儿行吗

No, I'll call back later. Thanks.

Would you like to stay on the line?

Can you hold the line, please?

Would you like to hold on?

Wanna hold? 能等会儿吗? *只用于熟人 Wanna...=Do you want to

He's away from his desk now.

He's in but he's not at his desk right now. 他现在在公司但不在座位上.

Is John there, please?

I'm sorry, he's not in right now. 对不起,他刚刚出去了.

He's not in.

He's out now. /He's not here now.
