
发布时间:2016-12-24 13:16




1) when you are gone, who with me from south to north.

2) 你走之后,谁与我从天南聊到地北.

3) I want someone to understand me even I don't say a word.

4) 我想有一个人明白我,即使我什么都没说。

5) Think you know everything, so do not say the pain.

6) 以为你都懂,所以不说痛。

7) Everytime you come to my mind, I realize I'm smiling.

8) 每次想到你,我就发现自己是微笑着的。

9) I don't have the strenghth to stay away from you anymore.

10) 我再也没有离开你的力气了

11) I'm afraid I can not catch you, just leave me alone.

12) 我怕我抓不住你,留下我一个人孤独。

13) smile is the shortest distance between two people.

14) 微笑是两个人之间最短的距离。

15) If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me.

16) 如果没有相等的爱,那就让我爱多一些吧。


1) -Eternity is not a distance but a decision.

2) 永远不是一种距离,而是一种决定...

3) Love the life you live, live the life you love.

4) 喜欢自己过的生活,过自己喜欢的生活。

5) Be defeated by pursuit.Marry happiness.

6) 要输就输给追求,要嫁就嫁给幸福。

7) I desire to grow old with you without paying.

8) 多想一个不小心,就跟你白头到老。

9) You promised is too pale let I how to believe

10) 你给的诺言太苍白让我怎么相信.

11) I don't want to be the first one. I want to be the only one.

12) 我不想做第一个,我只想做唯一。

13) Time orbit we just one solitude of the subway.

14) 时间的轨道里我们只是一班孤寂的地铁。

15) It is because of heart bottom touch that empty, so he just so painful.

16) 就是因为触碰到心底的那一点空,所以才会那么痛。


1) A ray of sunshine, outline for you my all memory.

2) 一缕阳光,勾勒出我对你所有的记忆。

3) I would rather just hate, I would remember how you first to me.

4) 我宁愿剩下的只是厌恶,我宁愿记得最初你是怎么对我的

5) Learn not, what happened to all gradually indifferent.

6) 学着没心没肺。对什么事都渐渐无所谓。

7) Don't look back, just haven't found leave your reasons

8) 不回头,只是还没找到留下的理由。

9) The wind blows away the thoughts, rolled up unruly time.

10) 被风吹散的思念,卷起不羁的时间。

11) I hate when people bring up things from the past just to hurt you...

12) 我讨厌有些人提起往事只是为了伤害你。

13) Sometimes it’s better to be alone. Nobody can hurt you.

14) 有时候,一个人更好,这样就没有人能伤你了。

15) Who gives us meet but not concurrently give us forever.

16) 是谁赐我们遇见 却不一并赠我们永远.

17) Your heart is too crowded but is no more room for me

18) 你的心太拥挤只怕是不能再多容下我这个人

19) The colour of a sad, sad haunted, sadness and me company.

20) 泛着忧伤的色彩,悲伤萦绕,忧伤和我作伴。

21) Oneof my biggest fears is watching the person I love, love someone else.

22) 我最害怕的一件事情是,看着我心爱的人爱上另外一个人

23) I tell you hopeless grief is passionless.

24) 我告诉你,没有希望的悲伤是没有感情的

25) Just for once I want someone to be afraid of losing Me.

26) 我也想有个人会害怕失去我,哪怕只有一次

27) I don’t want to be in tears, but I am still in grief

28) 我不想流泪,并非我不哀伤

29) behind the ornate.Not the vicissitudes of life.But dirty.

30) 华丽的背后。不是沧桑。而是肮脏。

31) Slowly that really care for another often hurt myself.

32) 慢慢的才知道,太在乎别人了往往会伤害自己。

33) Passionate love is a quenchless thirst.

34) 热烈的爱情是不可抑制的渴望。

35) Every day without you is like a book without pages.

36) 没有你的日子就像一本没有书页的书。

37) Love is hard to get into, but harder to get out of.

38) 爱很难投入,但一旦投入,便更难走出。

39) May your love soar on the wings of a dove in flight.

40) 愿你的爱乘着飞翔的白鸽,展翅高飞。
