
发布时间:2016-11-19 13:17

名词解释:过失杀人是指非故意或预谋的杀人、由于疏忽造成的杀人、是指由于普通过失致使他人死亡的行为。客体是他人的生命权利。客观方面表现为过失致人死亡的行为。只有发生了过失致人死亡的结果才构成本罪。主观方面,是过失,包括疏忽大意的过失和过于自信的过失。 主体是已满16周岁的自然人。对过失重伤进而引起被害人死亡的,应直接定过失致人死亡罪,不能定过失致人重伤罪,即使过失致人重伤中不包括致人死亡的情况。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?

Michael Jackson's personal physician, Dr Conrad Murray, has been found guilty of the involuntary manslaughter of the star by a jury in Los Angeles.

A panel of seven men and five women took two days of deliberation to reach a verdict.

Michael Jackson died on 25 June 2009 from an overdose of the powerful anaesthetic propofol.

Murray, 58, could now receive a maximum prison term of four years and lose his licence to practise medicine.



文中的involuntary manslaughter即指过失杀人,还可以说成negligent homicide,involuntary指无意的,非故意的,manslaughter指过失杀人(罪),驾车过失杀人可以说成vehicular manslaughter或vehicular homicide。Propofol是指异丙酚。是一种快速强效的全身麻醉剂。
