
发布时间:2017-03-16 10:27


There may be as many as 16 million women on the Chinese mainland who are married to homosexual men, a leading expert has estimated.

Professor Zhang Bei-chuan at Qingdao University, an authority on AIDS and HIV, says that due to traditional family values in China, about 90 percent of homosexual men get married because of pressure to conform.

"But their wives are struggling to cope and their plight should be recognized," he said on Thursday.


Xiao Yao, a 29-year-old magazine editor in Xi'an, Shaanxi province, divorced her gay husband in 2008. "Most gay men's wives I've known are silently suffering at the hands of husbands who could never love them, and like me, some even got abused by husbands who were also under great pressure," she said.





文中的gay men's wives就是“同妻”的意思,“同妻”也可以说成gays' wives。英语中,gay多指“男同性恋者”,lesbian指“女同性恋者”,homosexual指“同性恋者”,与此相关的英语词汇还有,异性恋heterosexual,双性恋bisexual。口语中常用straight这个词表示“异性恋的”,与gay意思相反。“出柜”指同性恋公开自己的性取向,英文可以表示为come out of the closet。
