
发布时间:2017-01-12 11:59



curriculum vitae di baoyun liu

dati personali

nome: baoyun liu

sesso : femminile

altezza: 161cm

livello di studi: dottore della lingua italianamsn:liubaoyunsisu@live.cn

qq: 351226846

indirizzo: (201600)shanghai,citta'universitaria di songjiang.via wenhui,palazzo33,int3014

stage per il complemento di studi

con una ottima conoscenza della lingua italiana,ogni semestre ricevo una bella borsa di studio.comincio a usare questa lingua per fare pratica sociale dall’estate dell’anno 2014.i lavori che ho fatto sono:

l’insegnante,dal luglio all’agosto nell’anno 2014,a qingtian,vicino alla citta’ di wenzhou nella provincia di zhejiang.gli studenti studiano l’italiano per andare all’italia a lavorare e studiare.

l’interprete,dal settempre all’ottobre dell’anno 2014 quando a shanghai tenevano gli giochi olimpici speciali,aiutando gli allenatori e gli atleti , organizzando le loro attivita’ turistiche a shanggai.

l’assistente,a luglio dell’anno 2014 nell’ufficio di rappresentanza di banco popolare a shanggai,responsabile della communicazione e i contatti tra il staff e quello della parte italiana.anche ho tradotto i materiali relativi agli affari bancari.

il traduttore ,all’agosto dell’anno 2014, per la settimanale sportiva .la grande parte di quello che ho tradotto e’ le critiche della gazzetta.

fin’ora,i materiali che ho tradotto sono di decennie mila parole,da quello meccanico e chimico a quello commerciale e economico .ci sono anche le presentazioni delle diverse ditte e societa’.

istruzione universitaria

2014 /9 - / l’universita’ degli studi internazionali di shanggai

facolta’ delle lingue occidentali:la lingua italina

per possedere la lingua italiana,gli studenti qui devono studiare la storia e la cultura oltre alle parole e la grammatica che rimangono imprescindibili.l’economia e’ un’altra parte importantissimo.

esperienze di lavoro

2014 /7 - 2014 /8 l’ufficio di rappresentanza di banco popolare a shanggai. l'indirizzo:shanghai,via lujiazui,no.1000 hsbc tower.


responsabile della communicazione e i contatti tra il staff e quello della parte italiana.tradotto i materiali relativi agli affari bancari.

conoscenze linguistiche

conoscenza lingua italiana

scritta: ottima


conoscenza lingua inglese




name li liwei



date of birth

1989.3.13 school

bohai university




international economics and trademarital status


job to be taken on immediately

type of employment full-time

desired position trade/marketing/sales

major courses

computer application,english,international trade theory,international trade practice,international trade business simulation,marketing,international ma- rketing,company financial,logistics management,intermational trade,commodity, accouning,options and futures,international freight and insurance risk,contr- act law,international trade oral english,microeconomics,macroeconomics,monet- ary banking,securities investment,international financial,international trade law.

experience i have been in charge of the party organizations planning,program review and the rehearsal, field equipment work, and for the whole show gala pulled to a ¥7000 to get sponsorship gold, and at the same time for the successful businessman publicity to get its approval.i have been responsible for planning and organizing the competition, the collection of audit work of the issue and awards activities.to plan and organize the competition,review and rehearse performances.


unions competition of bohai university

for the 129 clubs year-end score comparison and activity summarized, voted top ten and demonstration club to show and exchange experience.

2014.4--2014.5 the sixth anniversary celebration party of of the students’ associations union of bohai university

i have served as the host.

work experience to analyse the product sales, sales proportion of each area,the crowd of retail stores.to contact the school radio station, student union and the web site and through the campus activities for enterprises publicity.


sales promotion tjoy cosmetics company

help customers understand the efficacy of each product and choose to buy the products suitable for individuals.


salesperson fushun electronic stores

certifications 2014.3

national computer rank examination level 3a

2014.12 cet4

honors and awards


excellent leader of bohai university

2014.10 the best debator on bohai university debate

2014.11 the third prize winner at the activity of the college students' favorite article in liaoning


cholarship winner of excellent class leader

self assessment

i have worked as the network department minister of the students' associations union of bohai university,learning represent of the class.

☆ i have a strong ability of linguistic expression, interpersonal skills and communication ability.

☆ i have good appearance and temperament.

☆ i have strong self-confidence, with excellent leadership skills and the advantage of coordination.

☆ i have professional konwledge, can withstand working pressure.

☆ i have a diligent spirit, strong sense of responsibility.

the man who has made up his mind to win will never say impossible.business makes a man as well as tries him.i hope i can contribute to your company.


name: jianli-sky nationality: china

current residence: guangzhou, china: han

domicile: guangzhou stature: 160 cm kg

marital status: single age: 26

job search intention and work experience

personnel types: ordinary job

position: procurement, trade with the single / with a single assistant

job type: full-time arrived to date: one week

salary requirements :3500 - 5000 hope working area: guangzhou

work experience

company name: guangzhou garment co., ltd.

beginning and ending date :xx-09 ~ xx-05

company type: private industry: trading / import & export

ren position: business with a single

job description: --- responsible cowboy series model, the production of goods, shipment follow-up.

--- deal with guests daily incoming and outgoing mail, confirm the order details.

--- new model costing and pricing.

--- material procurement.

educational background

graduated: guangdong provincial economic and trade school

highest level of education: college

graduation date :xx -07-01

by major: business english


i am confident and optimistic, have the right and upward values of life. the enthusiasm and enterprising, industrious and pragmatic, the courage to challenge and exploration, has the responsibility of doing things carefully, in harmony with people, good coordination and cooperation. work, has accumulated a certain amount of work and the experience of doing things, while good at summing up experience and analysis, to make themselves continue to grow and mature.
