
发布时间:2016-11-19 11:42

名词解释:安全检查是口岸检查(包括边防检查、海关检查、卫生检疫、动、植物检疫和安全检查等)的内容之一, 是出入境人员必须履行的检查手续, 是保障旅客人身安全的重要预防措施。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?

Beijing is tightening security checks in subway stations during the annual two sessions held in the capital.

Six key stations on Line 1 have conducted compulsory security checks of subway passengers and their belongings, Beijing Mass Transit Railway Operation Corp said in a statement on Monday.

Of the six stations, Tian'anmen East and Tian'anmen West initiated a pilot program in December to check passengers. The other four stations were Xidan, Wangfujing, Dongdan and Jianguomen.






文中的###security checks就是“安检”的意思,其中security用作名词,解释为“安全、安全感”,比如security forces(保安部队)。The Security Council是指联合国的安全理事会(安理会)。

