Jack Johnson:I Got You 歌词
杰克·约翰逊是美国冲浪手,民谣歌手,导演。从小在夏威夷长大,Jack Johnson会走路的时候也会冲浪,17岁的时候他已经是冲浪界的天才,以最年轻的年纪扬名于世界级冲浪大赛(Pipeline Masters),正当体坛将他锁定成海滩明日之星,比赛后一个月,Jack Johnson在冲浪时发生严重意外,脸上缝了150针,让他整整三个月无法出门,却也给了他三个月抱着吉他、创作音乐的时光;但是Jack Johnson并没有一鼓作气成为创作歌手,18岁的他选择到加州大学念电影,99年导演并且担任电影配乐完成了冲浪电影《Thicker Than Water》,初执导演筒的他,赢得各影展最佳导演等大奖,眼见着Jack Johnson就要加入电影界,新的一波浪潮却迎面来袭;杰克自弹自唱的歌曲,早期就被冲浪巨星们作成卡带复制流传,2005年的今天,Jack Johnson,这个海滩男孩,不只是冲浪天才、不只是得奖导演、他是全球销量300万张的创作才子。
Jack Johnson:I Got You 歌词
Back when all my little goals seemed so important
Every pot of gold fill and full of distortion
Heaven was a place still in space not in motion
But soon
I got you
I got everything
I’ve got you
I don’t need nothing
More than you
I got everything
I’ve got you
We went walking through the hills
Tryin’ to pretend that we both know
Maybe if we save up
We can build a little home
But then the hell storm came and yelled,
“You need to let go, you’ve got no control. No.”
I got you
I got everything
I’ve got you
I don’t need nothing
More than you
I got everything
I’ve got you
This weight’s too much alone
Some days I can't hold it at all
You take it on for me
When tomorrow’s too much
I’ll carry it all
I’ve got you
And when tomorrow’s too much
I’ll carry it all
I got you
I got you
I got everything
I’ve got you
I don’t need nothing
More than you
I got everything
I’ve got you
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